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Do people actually get upset if you forget their name?
  • That just seems petty. They both sound like generic German names to me. There even used to be a Kaiser named Fritz. Just recently I was asking someon "was your name James?" reply: "no, Jason". It was a non-issue

  • Israel and US have lost | The West Report
    Julian Assange Scores A Big Legal Win; He Can Petition To Appeal His Extradition To US [09:47 | May 20 24 | The Hill]
  • Read Craig Murray on this:

    Craig Murray: Something Changed in the Assange Case

    Mentioning “what is at stake here” was the first real acknowledgement of the major issues in this case from the judiciary in over a decade of proceedings. It did feel like something had changed.

    Also, the Hill headline is slightly wrong. He can appeal the extradition. Not he can petition to appeal. Full appeal hearing coming up, not sure if the date's been decided on yet. He won the right to appeal on the grounds that he has a case that he will be discriminated for his nationality and denied first amendment protections as a non-US citizen. This comes after the US failed to provide satisfactory assurances that this won't happen.

  • Israel and US have lost | The West Report
    What is the most unhinged conspiracy theory?
  • Russia stole the Presidential election by hacking DNC and Podesta emails for WikiLeaks to publish so Russian asset reality tv star Donald Trump would win? But also it was Russian bots and memes that did the trick? LMAO.

    In reality, Clinton stole the primaries from Bernie and made sure her opponent would be Trump who she believed would be a weak opponent, by getting her media mates to constantly talk about him. This 'pied-piper' strategy was a massive own-goal. So she blamed Russia for her own failures and of course everyone ran with it.

  • What is the most unhinged conspiracy theory?
  • 'Some liberals' - you mean all of blueanon? Democrats, Msnbc, cnn, etc.

    It's unhinged because this sort of Russophobia may very well lead to WW3 and nuclear armageddon. Also because it has no basis in fact whatsoever. It's every bit as unhinged as the 'The Jews rule the world' one.

  • Telegram founder and CEO alledges signal has backdoors, they don't provide reproduceible builds, etc.
  • Yes, XMPP, a long-standing protocol that's also not a walled garden, doesn't require a phone number or even a phone. For android I use the Conversations client combined with Dino on computers. Currently logged in to a handful of devices synchronously. You can choose what server to make an account on; I found to be reliable. Drawback is Signal doesn't let you bridge to it from anywhere outside of Signal. So I have accounts on both.

  • Telegram founder and CEO alledges signal has backdoors, they don't provide reproduceible builds, etc.
  • You still need a phone number to register an account as far as I could tell when I did the other day. You no longer need to share your number with any contacts and can set it so noone who has your number can look you up on signal. You can optionally set a unique alphanumeric 'username' instead to hand to people to look you up. But yea, Signal still requires you to give them and their authenticatian service (through sms code) your phone number.

  • Telegram founder and CEO alledges signal has backdoors, they don't provide reproduceible builds, etc.
  • Well if only those samsung & ios users that never get my messages until I see them and tell them to open their app had phones that didn't interfere with it running in the background / push notifications it would be working out for me even better, but that's not an issue with the protocol or client but with OS's being hostile to xmpp.

  • Telegram founder and CEO alledges signal has backdoors, they don't provide reproduceible builds, etc.
  • I use xmpp all the time. Biggest hurdle for certain fam/friends using xmpp has been certain android builds (samsung) and ios interfering with timely notifications. User knowlege is not a problem as I can recommend the apps that are compatible encryption protocols with mine.

  • Julian Assange 'will not survive' US extradition if last UK court appeal fails, lawyer warns Julian Assange 'will not survive' US extradition if last UK court appeal fails, lawyer warns

    Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is at risk of suicide if the UK High Court next month rejects his final appeal against extradition to the US, his lawyer warns.

    Julian Assange 'will not survive' US extradition if last UK court appeal fails, lawyer warns
    A Spanish company and the CIA found guilty of violating rights of Julian Assange’s visitors A Spanish company and the CIA found guilty of violating rights of Julian Assange’s visitors

    A New York court ruled that a former Spanish military officer illegally surveilled people visiting the activist at the Ecuadorian embassy in London

    A Spanish company and the CIA found guilty of violating rights of Julian Assange’s visitors


    More coverage on the case Kunstler vs CIA:

    CIA Loses Bid to Throw Out Lawsuit for Violating Rights of Julian Assange’s Visitors at Ecuadorean Embassy: Case Sets Stage for Exposing CIA Clandestine Surveillance of Attorneys and Journalists

    Judge Rules Assange Visitors May Sue CIA For Allegedly Violating Privacy

    I'm personally not convinced that el-pais got the headline right unfortunately, unless they know something other journalists covering the case don't...

    Australian military whistleblower David McBride on his guilty plea: We had a setback - again

    Some context:

    Australian military whistleblower David McBride on his guilty plea: We had a setback - again

    Some context:

    Hannah Arendt would not qualify for the Hannah Arendt prize in Germany today | Samantha Hill Hannah Arendt would not qualify for the Hannah Arendt prize in Germany today | Samantha Hill

    The irony of Masha Gessen almost not being awarded the prize because of their writings on Gaza is almost too thick to cut

    Hannah Arendt would not qualify for the Hannah Arendt prize in Germany today | Samantha Hill

    More coverage:

    Die Verleihung des Hannah-Arendt-Preises an Masha Gessen in Bremen musste im Hinterhof stattfinden (German language)

    Just Asking Questions - Stella Assange: Why isn't Julian Assange a free man? Why isn't Julian Assange a free man?

    Stella Assange discusses the imprisonment of her husband on the third episode of 'Just Asking Questions.'

    Why isn't Julian Assange a free man?

    Transcript included in link.

    Direct link to YouTube:

    > But even so, I mean, all of this is really irrelevant whether Julian’s a journalist or not. The question is, is Julian accused of journalism? And he is. It is the activity that has been criminalized. Not whether he falls into a category or not. It’s the category of the activity that is being criminalized. Receiving, obtaining, and communicating information to the public.

    United States | News & Politics SLfgb
    Just Asking Questions - Stella Assange: Why isn't Julian Assange a free man? Why isn't Julian Assange a free man?

    Stella Assange discusses the imprisonment of her husband on the third episode of 'Just Asking Questions.'

    Why isn't Julian Assange a free man?

    Transcript included in link.

    Direct link to YouTube:

    > But even so, I mean, all of this is really irrelevant whether Julian’s a journalist or not. The question is, is Julian accused of journalism? And he is. It is the activity that has been criminalized. Not whether he falls into a category or not. It’s the category of the activity that is being criminalized. Receiving, obtaining, and communicating information to the public.

    Resolution In US Congress To Back End To Assange Case First Resolution In US Congress To Back End To Assange Case

    A resolution introduced in the United States House of Representatives calls for an end to the prosecution of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange

    First Resolution In US Congress To Back End To Assange Case

    The url has changed since I posted this. The correct url is

    First Resolution In US Congress To Back End To Assange Case First Resolution In US Congress To Back End To Assange Case

    A resolution introduced in the United States House of Representatives calls for an end to the prosecution of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange

    First Resolution In US Congress To Back End To Assange Case

    The url has changed since I posted this. The correct url is

    ‘Show some backbone’: call for Albanese to help release Julian Assange

    More on this:

    John Shipton: “Julian Assange can be freed with a phone call.” Speech outside Prime Minister Albanese’s Office, 09-12-2023

    Albanese’s “Enough is Enough” Stance on Assange Is Pitiful. The People Demand More

    John Shipton: "Julian Assange can be freed with a phone call." Speech outside Prime Minister Albanese's Office, 09-12-2023

    cross-posted from:

    > John Shipton speaks outside Anthony Albanese's office on Saturday 9th December. > > "Julian Assange can be freed with a phone call." >

    John Shipton: "Julian Assange can be freed with a phone call." Speech outside Prime Minister Albanese's Office, 09-12-2023

    John Shipton speaks outside Anthony Albanese's office on Saturday 9th December.

    "Julian Assange can be freed with a phone call."

    Whistleblower David McBride pleads guilty - Michael West Whistleblower David McBride pleads guilty - Michael West

    Afghan war crimes whistleblower David McBride has pleaded guilty today. The people who committed the crimes remain at large

    Whistleblower David McBride pleads guilty - Michael West

    17 Nov 2023

    Afghan war crimes whistleblower David McBride has pleaded guilty today. The people who committed the crimes, and the officers who covered them up, remain without charge or investigation. Rex Patrick reports.

    I guess pleading guilty was the right thing for an honest person to do. After you’ve been denied whistleblower protection, after you’ve been told your jury would not be allowed to see all the evidence, after you’ve been told your duty to your country and public interest do not trump obedience with the strict letter of the law, and with the Attorney-General content on letting you face the gallows, what are you left to do?

    David McBride writes in his book The Nature of Honour that for the SAS in Afghanistan, ‘leadership encouraged dishonesty’ ‘The leadership rewarded and encouraged dishonesty’

    When, as an army lawyer, I was told the SAS had killed a suspected Talib, I found a military bureaucracy more interested in protecting itself than the truth.

    ‘The leadership rewarded and encouraged dishonesty’

    David's book is now available for purchase.

    Please support his cause for justice by buying and reading his book; display it wherever you go.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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