Sabre363 @ Sabre363 Posts 4Comments 1,179Joined 2 yr. ago

Would honestly make a fuckin great t-shirt
She is not wrong, but I think all that means is that it's our duty as human beings to improve the world to a point where she is wrong
The Musky Cunt vs Al Gore is hardly a reasonable comparison, one of them at least has some semblance of a brain
Counter-cointer point, Stalin was a murderous peice of shit who should be condemned to eternity for his atrocities against humanity. Anyone that thinks otherwise for some inconceivable reason needs to step outside and snort some fuckin grass for being such a self-centered dumbass. Some of yall need to visit an active war zone or two, actually see with your own fucking eyes the violent destruction, visceral death, and utter despair that evil fucks like Stalin create.
Didn't Stalin murder a couple of people in the name of communism, maybe not the best image to associate with
Cyberpunk is an excellent choice. Outer Worlds goes on sale pretty often think, same with Cyberpunk, maybe keep an eye out.
It's not particularly hard to guess what image I'm referring to given the context of the thread, lol
Hint: It was taken in 1989
Did a little spelunking and investigating, kinda leaning towards them all being tankies. At least in the few things I glanced at, there wasn't anything extreme or over-the-top, but they also seemed quite happy to ban a user for very minor criticisms of the Orange Cunt and the instance mods also mod a looot of communism and CCP related communities, so ¯(ツ)_/¯
Toying with making an account and posting a certain controversial image just to see what happens
I'm not trans so I never had reason to go down this particular rabbithole, but I remember when I first I joined the platform there was some kind of commotion around Hexbear and nobody wanting to be federated with em because of their supposedly weird tankie politics. I've never seen any tangible evidence of this (insert lack of rabbithole following here), but reading the comments, there seems to be two stories and now I'm really curious what you find out here.
Isn't 60fps completely standard for video games these days, even indie games? Come on, Obsidian, you're better than this
Wasn't that also Rockstar, lol
That would be mildly terrifying
Cats must be autistic
I loved Outer Worlds. Bit slow and lacking in content at points, but it's got loads of charm and some fun, interesting characters. Solid 7-8/10
I personally cant give any less of flying fuck what your political beliefs are, and diverse opinions are the thing that makes human beings interesting to me. I have earned the same ire many a time by letting my own ideologies seep into my words, it doesn't take much to ruffle a couple hive-mind feathers.
I'm simply pointing out that, from the platforms perspective, considering all the evidence that the rest of us actually get to see from you, there really aren't any other reasonable conclusions to make about you. If you want people to treat the 'you' that you put on the internet with nuance, then you need to provide the internet with nuance to work with, especially in the echo chambers of social media. It's not that people don't read, it's that what they read doesn't fit their preconceived narrative and the easiest solution is to downvote.
I might jump back into Deathloop soon when I rediscover free time (aka. never gonna happen, lol). It lacks the Compulsively-Save-Every-Five-Steps button, but it's actually part of the gameplay and makes sense.
- Doom
- Cyberpunk 2077
- God of War
- Horizon Zero Dawn (gets grindy)
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Atomic Hearts
- Mass Effect (not ps5, just the best video game series ever created)