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  • Please for the love of god make sure you don't accidentally arrange any of the "three courses" in an appealing way. Just shotgun them randomly at the plate.

  • This prototype turns your car’s windshield into a giant AR display
  • This should be great. People don't even k ow how to drive with a completely clear windshield, and don't even get me started on the likelihood of AR ads superimposed over your view in "unintrusive areas"

  • NSFW
    Am I lesser of a man if I have been with one woman for my entire life?
  • Finding the right one on the first try is great! Whatever anyone else says, don't feel like a lesser man. If you ask me, I think they're just jealous.

  • doot doot
  • thank mr skeltal

  • Connecting With Wilderness
  • That bear definitely gets bitches

  • How would you describe Bloodborne lore to a new player in one sentence?
  • Brb gonna fight some monsters, maybe go crazy.

  • We all know it's true
  • Fr this dude carries multiple subs like atlas

  • I piss in your general direction
  • Now the flowers will growwwww

  • fruit
  • "What's up everybody it's critical, today I bought the 1.2 million dollar fuckable grapefruit"

  • I hurt people all the time. How do I deal with this?
  • 1.) Someone is always the weakest link, it is what it is and it's not necessarily a bad thing (just because you're possibly not as experienced as your coworkers, doesn't mean you're doing a bad job)

    2.) It sounds to me like you have a good work ethic (working over to help your team etc, and being concerned about it to begin with)

    3.) It also sounds like your company may actually just be understaffed or over working your team. As other people have said a ton of companies like to tun skeleton crews. I've been victim to this phenomenon in the past and boy did it suck.

    4.) Complaining is definitely something you can work on. Everybody complains sometimes, and people who pretend like they don't are liars. Keep it minimal, and don't let it be such a pattern that everyone just hears it and goes "oh that's so-and-so bitching again". Relax, things happen all the time. You can still talk about negative things, you just don't also have to always be negative about it.

  • my job has medicine that wakes you up if you've fainted
  • Smelling salts are pretty strong, an alcohol swab can jave the same effect but is much less unpleasant.

  • my job has medicine that wakes you up if you've fainted
  • I work in medicine and I have used these on people (and tried it once to see how it was) they're very fucking strong. It's like inhaling cat piss that's on fire.

  • Anon gets a nickname
  • Nice cock bro

  • Can you read the ancient glyphs
  • A dog walks into a bar and says, ‘I cannot see a thing. I’ll open this one.’

  • Uppies? (Art by kaioker)
  • Clearence for liftoff granted: commencing uppies

  • Snail.
    China says US provoking arms race in moves into South China Sea
  • China: draws 9 dot line claiming massive chunk of other people's territory

    World: hey that seems pretty criminal, i think you should stop that


  • A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back
  • Yeah, exactly they created it for the purpose of data mining, any possible benefit to the user is purely incidental

  • Removed
    A what bath?