Git good, son
Git good, son
Git good, son
While 100% in the don't fake it camp, please also remember us men are not mind readers and our equipment works different. Much like with cooking and cleaning, if you don't tell us what we are doing wrong or better yet show us the right way, we are going to assume we did our part cause we got the result we wanted and you didn't complain or ask for something different.
Also a woman's ability to cum varies HIGHLY from person to person.
I'd say day to day as well, depending on many factors (stress, energy level, hormones, etc.)
Just communicate and see what's working or not, or if anything works at all. It will make the sex better for everyone involved.
I've noticed a pretty direct correlation with a woman's habit of masturbating and her ability to orgasm during sex. The chick I was seeing just before I went back to college, I'd believe it if you told me that I've played with her clit more than she ever has TO THIS DAY, and guess what? She never once gave me any suggestion on what she wanted me to do, I'm sure because she genuinely didn't know.
Funnily enough, this is the case for men too. Hence all the "this has never happened to me before" memes on TV shows in the 90s and 00s.
Funnily enough, your wife said the same thing.
Yes! Also, tell your male friends to communicate and actively ask what feels good!
Edit: Also
Yes! This does wonders!
What I happened to notice with different girls as a guy is that for many, of not most, telling/showing the right way is a turn-off and having something the right way without showing first is a source of tremendous excitement.
With that said, we, men, are still not mind readers, and women really do have it very differently, so some common sex education, while useful, can only cover the basics, and even they are not universally applicable.
telling/showing the right way is a turn-off
I don't think OP is talking about a PowerPoint presentation (unless that's your kink, you do you), but more like some verbal cues "faster" "don't stop" "a little lower" etc. If the guy has a reasonable amount of attentiveness and experience, he should be able to get her 80% of the way there. Also, little cues like that can be hot as well because we know she's into it and stuff.
I dunno man, most women in my experience have all really appreciated (and as much said out loud) that there was communication. Sure, if it happens without any prompting or guidance, it’s mind blowing because it feels like there’s something naturally special going on, but that’s a pretty rare thing. Sexual compatibility can be tweaked and guided, for sure, but then again there are also people who just don’t have it together.
There are also just toxic people that want perfection with zero work. But that’s not how shit works, even if they can be a vocal group
Fake orgasm is very counter-productive, even when it's used as a feeling preservibg way of saying "I'm tired and bored, let's just finish you off and go back to watching tv"
I feel like as.a.woman I.have to.point out that, many times, a woman orgasming or not is not.your fuck's fault.
I would to point out that it is harder to orgasm in "normal" sex than is it with oral, so.if your girl didn't orgasm don't take it personally, pull your pants up and go down on her
I understand you are a woman but you really need to get control of your periods here.
Oh my god...
There’s also women who can not orgasm by in-and-out movements (like: the act of fucking) and it just hurts them after a while. Had to find that out the hard way.
I think people would be really surprised at the wide variety of shapes for women insides. Some shapes just don't get rubbed the same way.
Positions and angles of attack can matter. Something that feels good for one girl does nothing for or hurts another. And it's not necessarily a matter of "I like this position" because it's about how your two bodies interact. It's very possible you both like different things. I had a girlfriend fairly early on where we pretty quickly realized I liked this and she liked that, and we'd take turns doing the other's favorite. Dynamics of sexual relationships became a lot less adult after high school.
I'm surprised this is news to people but I guess sex education varies between countries maybe.
Sex ed is often about how babby formed and less about erotic technique.
No sex education in Pakistan ¯(ツ)_/¯
Or, first ask for directions, go down and stay down, keep listening and doing exactly what she says, until she gets there first. THEN bring your dick to the party. For many of us the second and successive orgasms are much quicker and easier to achieve, even from penetrative sex.
This is the way. First, second, third base and home.
Although doesn't have to be every time. Can skip bases, go backwards, etc.
Agree. Let me add that some women don't orgasm at all or do orgasm and don't like it - yes, the world is a diverse place.
Communication is key in any relationship.
Lies there like a dead fish
Barely participates
Expects pleasure beyond wildest dreams
"Why are men so bad at sex?"
Have you tried giving instructions? My experience is everyone is different and some people need to be told what to do. Is that a fit for you? Maybe not then move on.
Most men are a lot more receptive to input than many women give us credit for. For the mist part, men do not want to be known as a terrible lay. If your man doesn't think he needs pointers, get someone else to treat you right.
Wait, we're supposed to be involving mist? Women just get more and more complicated...
Some guys think of sex like a video game I'm sure XD
The problem is that the exceptions can actually be dangerous
People need to spread the word about good, safe partners better.
But jealousy exists, so everyone else has to gamble with their lives for a date/orgasm.
How is he supposed to get better if you don't give feedback?
Exactly. Leave a one star review for his address on Google Maps or something.
I think nowadays they just use Facebook groups to shame men they don't like. Are We Dating the Same Guy is the usual name for them.
I bet that used to be possible until they got a lot of complaints 😁
I know the tone of this is supposed to be "haha you suck" but if you fake it then you're only going to make the guy keep doing the thing that didn't work. Help them learn how to be better because they can't feel what you're feeling.
I don't like the overall message society gives that men need to be "good at sex" instead of people mutually enjoying the experience.
To me it's akin to someone calling you boring to talk with, while they contribute nothing to the conversation other than showing up.
they can't feel what you're feeling.
Well, the fun part is, if you're doing it right, you absolutely can... But if it's never happened before, you don't know what you're missing.
I mean in the literal sense.
I dumped a woman when she told me she faked her orgasms. Good sex requires honesty, trust, and communication. It's impossible to get better when either person is being dishonest.
Good, fuck her. Or not fuck her in this case. I've dated two or three guys that had honesty issues, and the relationship crumbled very quickly after I figured it out. Without trust there's no respect, no cooperation, no kindness.
Or you could teach him. Better for both of you.
Right? My immediate thought was just that is is awful communication and everyone would have a better time if they just said something in either scenario
Not everyone has the patience for that
Edit: this reaction has me weak as hell 😂🤣
If you aren't willing to learn and grow with your partner you should stick to masturbating
Oh and that is fine but then you have to ask yourself if you want to have a partnership with bad sex. If not, break up, or "teach" by communicating what you want, what is good and what is bad. There is no alternative, accept bad sex, break up, teach.
(Technically, you could let them have sex outside of the partnership to study, but... Well, not my cup of tea)
Skill issue
Yeah, please. Why be deceptive? It serves no one.
Better yet, take responsibility for your own pleasure. Play an active role in getting what you want out of the act. Communicate. Why wouldn't you?
I've heard from a lot of women that a portion of men take any attempt to provide suggestions as a direct attack on their masculinity
Well that's just two reasons not to date them since those guys all probably listen to Tate.
This happens when providing suggestions to anyone about anything when you're dealing with an insecure person.
Of ploughing?
Look at this champ!
I'm lucky my wife orgasms easily from PIV makes me feel like a champ but really it's just her body that makes it happen.
PIV (Pontoon Implantment Vehicle)
I'm in the "multiple orgasm" camp but it has happened a couple times where I'm not really in the mood (stress etc) or the sex has gone on too long (chafing, boredom) where there's not a specific thing my husband should start or stop doing long term and I don't want to impact his experience. It's only been like 3 or 4 times in the last 15 years.
Nobody tell him
Here's the psychic cure, actually fake orgasms don't exist, they are all real. If she tells you she faked it, it means she's lying to you, and now she's just trying to hurt you, probably because you didn't do the dishes last night.
There, the whole fake orgasm thing, solved forever.
Or rather: don't fake orgasms, make sure he knows if there's something he can do better.
Constrictive criticism and pointers is how we get better, especially at doing the things YOU specifically like.
If he can't roll with that, though, kick his ass to the curb. Maybe point and laugh at his weird penis first 😛
Was with you until you thought pointing and laughing would help make someone see the light
Constrictive criticism
Freudian slip? But hey if that's what you're into then good for you 😉
Otherwise? Yeah, come on, don't settle for shit sex, if you can teach your partner to be better then why not? Don't be too afraid to say something.
Freudian slip? But hey if that's what you're into then good for you 😉
Actually a happy autocomplete accident, but yeah, gonna leave it as is because you made it fun 😄
Otherwise? Yeah, come on, don't settle for shit sex, if you can teach your partner to be better then why not? Don't be too afraid to say something.
If he can't do it, flip him over and do it yourself.
Good advice!
Also, good save on the quality shitposting by including the body shaming.
Yeah, there was a distinct danger of being too wholesome and helpful for a shitpost community for sure! 😄
Constrictive criticism and pointers is how we get better
Would be nicer to know so you can actually get better tbh
I kissed a girl and I liked it, but as I'm a heterosexual man, that's not especially transgressive.
Let's be honest, two girls kissing, I have never seen anyone have an issue with that as long as they also kissed boys. Also kiss is a euphenism here. Yes lesbians were seen as wgtow and somewhat persecuted but bi-curious hetero girls? Absolutely never seen that even hinted at. In fact a lot of pop culture put that on a pedestal. Because it's hot.
Nice, and your partner(s)?
They just had sex, too.
How is your mum feeling about it?
I don't really talk to my mother, she's an alcoholic.
I don't give a damn if the hooker orgasms or not. I just want to bust a nut and dance with the hooker dressed up to look like my mom.
Honestly, yeah! If it's not going to happen, fine, that's life sometimes. If I'm doing something that doesn't work for you, or you want something different, how tf am I supposed to know that? I'm not psychic ffs. If you fake an orgasm, you get what you deserve.
Lol, you sound really angry. If you want to get better at this, you should probably remove your ego from the equation here and look at it objectively.
I see a lot of anger from both genders these days on social media. Take a step back from all of that and date people who are not into all that shit. It will turn your brain into mush. :)
Social media is harmful for you. It's become even worse than the news now, since it's actively targeting you with algorithms, trying to get you to be upset so you click around. It's going to serve you the worst of humanity fighting eachother.
Just touch grass.
Ya you just suck at communicating. It’s probably why most of your relationships fail.
As a femdom fan, I fully support this idea
As a chronic premature ejaculator, just get good with your tongue and pushing past the refactory period to go for round 2 (which lasts ages 👍)
I always think of Kramer saying he faked orgasms, LOL. 🤣
Sometimes you just want the fucking to end but he won't give up.
Have you heard about that wild thing you can do called “communication”
Tell him it's not going to happen. It's okay if it doesn't. The important part is he tried.
I keep a box of “You Tried!” stickers in my nightstand for this very reason
I feel badly for the lots of men that believe their life is to please women.
this group includes me
I am of the opinion that orgasming is one‘s responsibility. One orgasms with their partners. I see sex as a kind of shared masturbation.
That is a romantic way to say it
No, no, no. All things on the internet are 100% true.
She's referring to the orgasm
Well, let me practice.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I read this as a woman's response to Republicans.
Can't fuck? More like don't.
Because being a jerk is more fun than sex?
It's a shitpost youre not allowed to bring logic into this
I didn't even read the community title. Sorry. My mistake.
Imagine not being able to make a woman organism.
It’s like a Dark Souls SL 1 run for incel chuds irl.
Tbf most men don't have that much input in the process of making woman organisms. They're just expected to buy pickles and ice cream from time to time.
Hell yea, and when she STANK gift her some summers eve.
Let her know that shit stale.