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Unrealistic Body Standards
  • Head scritches and foot massage at the same time

  • It was worth it
  • /r/SubredditDrama moment

  • Sorry, Matilda.
  • Daniel Radcliffe got nickel allergy based on Matilda?!?

  • Hope this is Suffice Mr. BoardMan
  • Best we can do is fresh out of college IT guy.

  • "Genocide is good if an Anti-Imperialist Country(tm) is doing it!"
  • Tankiesb are authoritarians with anti-USA/anti-west coating.

  • Mom Burn
  • Single straight guys šŸ¤ Single lesbian girls

    Parents asking them when are they going to find a girl.

  • Le Murca
  • There are things that are labelled as ice cream in Europe which cannot be labelled as such here because they don't conform to the above standards

    What are the standards for labeling something 'Ice-cream' in Europe?

  • Boeing sales tumble as the company gets no orders for the 737 Max for the second straight month
  • They're still working for US Government and have military contracts. They're fine.

  • Pathetic.
  • Stfu lanky or I'll steal your kneecaps.

  • This is a real threat :(
  • Which ceiling light? White one or yellow one? I've got both.

  • Next he summoned a lemon
  • According to anime, yes.

  • Rainbow results rule
  • That's my state. Fuck Modi.

  • Removed
    TBH 6 was kind of a downgrade from 5
  • civ5 without any DLC

    Utterly insane. šŸ˜³

  • Is Canada Finally Taking Far-Right Extremism Seriously?
  • Is Trudeau really unpopular or is it just on the internet?

  • Political Memes This is finešŸ”„šŸ¶ā˜•šŸ”„
    Can't wait for movie adaptation of this.
    Political Memes This is finešŸ”„šŸ¶ā˜•šŸ”„
    bOtH SiDeS!!1!
    (Archived Link) Trump 2028 Trump 2028

    The Twenty-second Amendment is an arbitrary restraint on presidents who serve nonconsecutive termsā€”and on democracy itself.

    Trump 2028
    Texas GOP meets group suggesting death penalty for women who seek abortions Texas GOP meets group suggesting death penalty for women who seek abortions

    A leaked video appears to show Republican officials at a meeting held by an anti-abortion group pushing for women to be prosecuted for having abortions.

    Texas GOP meets group suggesting death penalty for women who seek abortions
    Mob targets Gujarat Universityā€™s foreign students during namaz, 5 injured Mob targets Gujarat Universityā€™s foreign students during namaz, 5 injured

    According to the police, the two foreign students who had to be hospitalised are from Sri Lanka and Turkmenistan. While one of them is still in hospital, the other has been discharged, they said. Of the other students who sustained injuries, two are from African nations and one from Afghanistan.

    Mob targets Gujarat Universityā€™s foreign students during namaz, 5 injured
    The Oceans We Knew Are Already Gone The Oceans We Knew Are Already Gone

    As far as humanity is concerned, the transformation of our seas is ā€œeffectively permanent.ā€

    The Oceans We Knew Are Already Gone

    cross-posted from:

    > The Oceans We Knew Are Already Gone
