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Dutch woman, 29, granted euthanasia approval on grounds of mental suffering
  • I read somewhere that we have way more suicides in general than before. That seemed plausiblevso I didn't look it up proper. Also, whatever her problem is, that's not what assisted suicide is for , she is abusing the system. The backlash from this improper use will impede access for the people who really need it.

  • Me BTW I use arch
  • I used to be a gentoo user in the 00s. Recently came bsck to linux and I find tge popularity of gentoo died down as fast as arch became popular.

    Why does arch exist ? Is it like, gentoo but with a binary cache ? Can you automatically build everything from source still ? Is there something equivalent to use flags .

  • Firefox to collect your (anonymized) search data
  • I mean, I would prefer a data set that's properly open, "the pile" laion, open assistant and a pirate copy is every word, song, video ever written and spoken by man.

    But for now I'd be happy to fully control my browser with an offline copy of mixtral or llama

  • Firefox to collect your (anonymized) search data
  • I think the model can be modified with LoRa without tge source data ? In any case, if the inference software is actually open source and all the necessary data is free of any intellectual property encumberances, it runs without internet access or non commodity hardware.

    Then it's open source enough to live in my browser.

  • Firefox to collect your (anonymized) search data
  • I just want a command line interface to my browser, then I'll tell my local mixtral 8x7B instance to "look in all my tabs and place all tabs about 'magnetic loop antennas' in a new window, order them with the most concrete build instructions first" 100% open source model. I'm looking into the marionette protocol to accomplish this. It would be nice if it came with that out of the box.

  • What open-source software would you like more people to know about?
  • That's why I have a moonlight client that remotes into an isolated immutable linux VM. And I'm working on a vanilla android VM so I coild basically do any android thing but in a high security, off device sandbox.

    My phone basically is just a wireless touchscreen with kick ass speakers and a slow mo camera

  • how do you search lemmy comments ?

    I just tried the search button, got no result. Turns out the search button only searches community names not comments or posts ?!?!??

    Can I control my firefox browser externally (from CLI or make an app) ?

    I would like to be able to perform the following actions from outside the browser, for example from a script

    ''' Obtain a list of all tabs, and which URL is open Obtain a list of all firefox windows and which tab is in each and in what order Obtain a list of firefox running instances Actions on tabs Close a tab Open a new tab and enter URL move a tab in a window's tab order move a tab to another window mute/unmute a tab make a tab hidden or unhide pin/unpin a tab select/unselect a tab discard a tab reload a tab copy tab body or a specific xpath run a javascript cmdlet, (bookmarklet ? ) Run a function of a script in somethingmonkey bookmarks list all bookmarks folder and bookmarks move a bookmark to another folder delete a bookmark create a bookmark get/change position of a firefox window close a window/ open a new window list installed addons turn an addon on or off '''

    I would love to be able to write script, from outside firefox, and do these actions

    I have found about the remote debugger, but I can't figure out if it's only for debugging firefox on android via adb ? Or can I use that directly from a script ?

    devtools.debugger.remote-enabled -start-debugger-server ?

    Is any of this possible ?

    thanks !

    Is there an addon to move selected tabs to a bookmark folder

    And I really mean move, not copy.

    The difference between copy and move is that copy... copies, but move dies copy->verify->delete original, in a single operation of the user.

    Preferably, that is reliable. Meaning it checks the bookmarks have been successfully created before closing the related tab.

    Also it should be clear what bookmark folder it is going to put the tabs in.

    Because the current bookmark manager, it is easy to end up dumping all your tabs in the parent folder of tge destination you indented.

    Or end up creating an extra child folder inside your intended destination bookmark folder

    Would also be nice to have quality of life features, such as a default bookmark folder.

    The option to put the bookmarks in a folder named with today's date.

    Maybe an option to specify a default destination bookmarks folder on a per site domain basis

    are there dedicated thin client linux distro, I mean moonlight, SPICE, waypipe, vnc, rdp, remmina, X.

    Either pxe netboot or usb or installable. Immuttable or not. Ramfs. With a host selector or fully auto login ?

    Ultra light 16 to 128mb storage 64-128mb ram. Or "full sized"

    And lastly, something like that, but that would run on a proxmox host.

    Is it possible for an addon to tell if a tab was closed, or pulled out ? (github issue, feature request) Feature Request : Distinct behaviour between tab close and tab pullout · Issue #37 · jingyu9575/select-after-closing-current

    Hi, I like this addon for the functionality of pulling out a tab. Example of pulling out a tab explorer_y0Kw2ILFTt.mp4 As you can see in this example, I was able to pullout a random, not selected t...

    Feature Request : Distinct behaviour between tab close and tab pullout · Issue #37 · jingyu9575/select-after-closing-current

    The select-after-closing-current addon is a way to pullout a random tab out of a window, which will not change the tab that was visible in that window.

    However, what it does is any closed tab, it will select the previously seen tab no matter what.

    The reason for my question, I would like to know if it is possible for the add-on to have a different behaviour for closed tabs from pulled out tabs.

    I wish, when I close a tab, to always select the tab to the right. But when I pullout a tab, I wish to always see the tab that was visible before the pullout.

    Which addon, will open multiple tabs, from the multiple URLs in my clipboard ?

    There used to be an addon, "Open tabs from clipboard URLs" but I can't seem to find it anymore.

    The best I find now is, an addon that opens a box, then you paste your URLs in it, then you press a button.

    That's not what I want. I want a toolbar button, I press it, the tabs open.

    So that I can opens large blocks of URLs.

    Also, I would like another addon which opens large blocks of URLs but does not load them immediately.

    I have LoadOnSelect3 for this, but the problem with that one, is that it opens special moz:// pages until you load the tab. And that breaks searching and filtering tabs because the tab title and URL are not the real ones.

    The ability to re-bind any keyboard or mouse shortcuts is major accessibility issue that I think needs more attention Customizable hotkeys

    It would be great if there was a way to customize hotkeys. Here's how I see it:  * Have a about:hotkeys panel, with all actions listed, and already mapped shortcuts shown.  * Whether these should be modifiable or not is up to the dev community, ideally they'd be.  * When clicking on a hotkey field, ...

    Customizable hotkeys
    You should try Tab Manager Plus, it's the best Tab Manager IF you change the default settings ! (video demonstration)

    Tab Manager Plus Set to "Open in own tab by default" Set to "Dark mode" Set to "Vertical view" -- very important

    You can live search your tab titles to select them

    You can open all selected tabs in their own window

    You can close selected tabs

    You can "discard" tab contents (different from close, the tab is there but content is gone)

    You can highlight/select duplicate tabs

    You can hide not selected tabs

    You can pin selected tabs (unfortunately, they still only appear on the one window they are pinned to, they just get pinned to the left of the tab bar)

    You can drag and drop selected tabs to another window of your choice, both the representation of that window in the TMP tab, but also into the other firefox window itself. That means, drag and drop from here, is the same as pulling out a tab out of a normal firefox window !

    Cannot search text inside of tabs, especially not sleeping tabs

    Sometimes I press the TMP button and I just get a bluegreen screen, doesn't work until I close many windows and tabs

    I would prefer real dark mode with my preferred colours

    I would like to easily drop&close tabs into bookmark folders reliably !

    Reddit interdimensionalmeme
    When I realized, achtually, I don't really need other people

    However, I will keep you guys around, for now ...

    What are the best trackers (and other sources) for pirating 3D objects ?

    Finally got a 3d printer, but the first thing I wanted to print... the model is 400$usd. It's a piece of machinery I repair at work. I just wanted to print it as a decoration for my toolbox but that is almost week's wages after taxes for me so :( Maybe I can find it on the high seas ?

    I tried to discuss the use of steam hardware security keys on google's top steam forum threads about the subject and all my posts were deleted and the threads closed. And I got a community warning

    Is there a way to automatically and inteligently manage session token cookies in firefox ?

    Hi, So, I wipe all cookies on every restart of firefox by default.

    However, there are a very very few cookies I would like to restore. And only to certain multi-account containers

    They are the session cookie to the few websites I login to. Because I'm annoyed to have to login again on every reboot.

    But I still want to wipe every other cookies they store.

    I tried to make a bookmarklet that can save the session cookie

    Example this

    javascript:(function() { function getCookie(name) { var value = "; " + document.cookie; var parts = value.split("; " + name + "="); if (parts.length == 2) return parts.pop().split(";").shift(); } var cookieValue = getCookie('session_id'); if (cookieValue) { var data = new Blob([session_id=${cookieValue}], {type: 'text/plain'}); var a = document.createElement('a'); = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(a); var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(data); a.href = url; = 'session_id.txt';; window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); } else { alert('Cookie "session_id" does not exist.'); } })();

    Unfortunately, unlike regular cookies, this doesn't work and it returns the cookie doesn't exist.

    I would have made another bookmarklet which create a cookie from the file.

    What I really need is an addon that lets me specify which cookies to save and restory, in which multi-account container

    This is going to sound weird but, how can I pirate the games that I own ?

    So, I have a pretty big games collection on steam and the majority of these games are offline single player games.

    And sometimes I fear just losing access to all of them !

    I had quit piracy entirely in the 2010s during the golden age of streaming, but now I'm increasingly alienated from it all.

    I could hunt down the crack for each and every single game I own but I would like to know, is there a better way ?

    Could I just crack my offline steam library and play my games offline forever ?

    How can you whitelist individual cookie@website from "Delete cookies and site data when Firefox is closed" instead of having to whitelist the entire website ?

    For example, let's take the website

    If you don't want to have to log in everytime you restart the browser, you have to whitelist the entire website as follows


    But you would only need to whitelist the following cookies to do so.

    ``` on logged_in

    on _device_id user_session __Host-user_session_same_site _gh_sess ```

    I found an add-on called "Cookie Quick Manager" which is a great way to consult your cookies on a per-site basis, is container aware, it's great.

    In that add-on there was a "protect cookie" function


    Unfortunately, it would only only protect cookies from getting deleted by "Cookie Quick Manager" and not firefox's "delete data when Firefox is closed" but that would have been a fantastically convenient way to handle this

    I think what would make sense would be the ability to append cookie name and container names to the "delete data when Firefox is closed" exception list

    So instead of just

    You might be able to specify containername!cookiename@

    With both the containername part and the cookiename part being optional limits to the whitelisting

    Here is a mockup of what that might look like


    I found a major communication problem with public perception of Lemmy. they seem to think a community is tied to a particular instance

    This is a big problem. It creates the illusion that /c/cats on one particular instance is the real /c/cats.

    This is the root of re-centralization and it must be pulled out.

    Dismissing already seen content ? A proposal (put user back in control of algorithmic content discovery and more)


    If you're like me, your probably seeing a lot of stuff you've already seen in jerboa

    On Reddit this didn't happen because the site takes into account how many times a post was printed and the more you've seen it, the quicker it would disappear from your version of the front page.

    Now of course jerboa could and should do this, But I think there's two opportunities to make this better than Reddit. On one part, putting the squarely in control of the content discovery algorithm, next, solicit user input and ask him to lend a hand in the social sorting algorithm that is voting.

    So, a user voting sounds be a way to tell jerboa that "I've seen this" and it shouldn't show it anymore on my feed. To prevent bias, the neutral vote should be added.

    Next is giving the user more explicit control of the algorithm. When you vote up or down, you're sorting for the community but also for yourself. Jerboa should take into account user's voting pattern and recommend current based on what the user likes.

    These voting patterns should be publicly exchanged in "out of band" communication. Jerboa could then use these voting patterns to further help with content discovery in the following way.

    "My user likes X,Y,Z, after consulting public voting patterns, we can see that most users who like X,Y,Z often also like A,B,C and dislike I,J,K"

    This is how Netflix, YouTube and other algorithms find stuff you like.

    The difference is now, this runs on your computer. You can see your algorithm weights and edit them. Place extra filters on them and most important, swap , export, import algorithm sorting weights and exchange them with others users, craft them for specific usage and etc.

    Plus of course, basic function like chronological view that doesn't cheat or insert ads.

    Algorithmic content discovery under user control is going to be the biggest user benefit of switching to Lemmy versus a private commercial centralized platform. Our data will finally serve us !

    Ask Women interdimensionalmeme
    I keep hearing that it is "prosperity" that made fertility drop, but hasn't the expectation that women have to work also make having children difficult ?
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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