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Joe sniffing hair tho
  • Still the best onion article of all time

  • OpenAI and Anthropic are ignoring an established rule that prevents bots scraping online content
  • On the one hand the genie is out of the bottle. On the other hand this doesn't stop the moral debate of "is this the right path even?".

    My gut tells me those making these choices driving "AI" forward right now are on the wrong side of history. Only time will tell.

  • Barcelona will eliminate ALL tourist apartments in 2028 following local backlash: 10,000-plus licences will expire in huge blow for platforms like Airbnb
  • People need to understand that when a tech company is "disrupting" it means they're exploiting legal loopholes.

  • Non-negotiable
  • 😏

  • 376 boys in blue sat around and let 19 kids and 2 teachers die
  • From all my internet lurking I discovered that America is a country almost beyond redemption, or at least some states

    If America is a sum of its states, they are beyond redemption.

    If the world is a sum of its countries, we are all beyond redemption.

    Imho the whole system is broken and until everyone (worldwide) starts aligning then the world is lost. We aren't there yet.

  • Finger licking rule
  • would you do this?
  • I appreciate people may have differing opinions regardless of how wrong they may be. Lol

    Jokes aside, Tenant is so good. I just grew up with Tom Baker so that's where my heart is.

  • would you do this?
  • It starts and ends with Tom Baker.

  • Wells Fargo fires more than a dozen employees for faking work using mouse jigglers and keyboard activity simulation
  • The amount of times I've logged off work with a coding problem only to stew on it for 4 hrs including when I'm laying in bed. I'm not billing work for any minute of that nor would I be able to if I tried. Game is fucking rigged in favour of the employer.

  • Migrants dying in unprecedented numbers on Canary Islands route, NGO says
  • 11 years old at this point

    It's gonna get real scary. Military is watching climate change like a hawk. It's real and what you said is going to lead to insane destabilizing factors we aren't prepared for.

  • Even if god exists religion can't possibly be the way to god
  • The question back is what harm is it to you that I attribute the creation of the universe to a giant spaghetti Monster? What harm is it to you that I attribute the vast unknowns of the ocean to Cthulhu?

    The flaws you mention come from organization which I am very clearly distancing from. Faith can exist without religion and organization. Religion cannot exist without faith.

    The sooner we decouple these two things the quicker we can move forward as a species IMHO

  • Even if god exists religion can't possibly be the way to god
  • There will always be that which we can't explain. It doesn't matter how advanced we get. We will never know what is upstream from the most recent discovery. Evidence will never exist for everything and I personally am at peace with that. The problem as I see it is you are attributing "god" to that gap when it's far more nebulous than that.

  • Apple refuses to call Apple Intelligence 'AI'
  • So I've been at a corporate offsite all week. I'm sick of hearing about "alpha" and "genai". Business and leadership are so up their own asses. I've been holding back so long on asking a question around the general morality of the bed they're making. I'm so curious where the future is going to go. We are in an arms race when it comes to LLMs

  • All hail.
  • Beatrix potter based

  • Even if god exists religion can't possibly be the way to god
  • The world needs more faith.

    Upvoted just on this and you're right. I have faith but fuck religion. Religion is man made and flawed AF. I have a deep relationship with "God" and talk to them regularly. People need to drop their inhibitions and expand their minds.

  • Anon interviews for a job
  • Anon is a retard. Also why did that word go out of style? I know damn well it's because it was abused but by definition:

    to delay or impede the development or progress of : to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or accomplishment

    It's a fair critique. We need to stop this PC bullshit. I'm saying this as a father of two children in the spectrum and neither of them are retards.

  • Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are surging "faster than ever" to beyond anything humans ever experienced, officials say
  • If you're FN you're fucked. Can I interest you in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Lol

    Edit: oh shit wait what are residential schools? Almost like we done fucked up!

  • Liurnia Tower Bridge you can see the DLC veil

    Anyone else notice this? Also if you look out into the water where the DLC supposedly is to be you'll notice everything is "pulled in" and closer than it should be. Caelid tower is way too close.

    This all fits because you need to invert the tower and there's so much reference to the DLC in the Carian Study Hall

    Am I alone loving this?

    There's something I just love about big cities that have little pockets where the bones are exposed a bit more.

    How many KM/Miles you run this week?

    I'm up to 19km. Going to push it over 20km tomorrow morning I think.

    Game Threads and possible integration with Swish App?

    For any android users like myself you may have been using Swish which was made by a reddit user but since the API bullshit the app still works for games but there's no live/post game thread access. I just submitted a request to see if we can get it integrated with Lemmy :)

    Anyone got any m3u8 streams?

    Looking to watch some raptors or anyone else

    Industrial Music whoisearth
    Dance with the Dead - Kiss of the Creature [Official Video]
    ysk - your account doesn't exist on other instances and communities don't overlap

    User accounts are fragmented and just because you signed on at doesn't mean your account exists on

    Communities are fragmented and /c/games on is completely different than the one on with its own users, set of posts, etc.

    Lemmy does not currently allow for instance or user migration.

    Nor does it allow for shared communities (ie the aforementioned /c/games is unified across multiple instances)

    We are in the early days. If you're eager feel free to join in the development on these any many other core issues. There's real potential here.
