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What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • Too many angry people calling to eat (read murder) the rich. These pussies wouldn't so much as be found outside at a protest let alone speak a disparaging word to a millionaire.

    They need to grow the fuck up. I'm as anti-capitalist as one could be but I'm not naive enough to think violence will solve the problem.

    Unfortunately, their hate filled rhetoric is expanding and I don't see cooler heads prevailing. I fear for my kids.

  • Gen X is in charge now, and boomers are being shown the door
  • Once they hit our age they're be equally shit. The only thing that makes us endearing is that we are a forgotten generation for the most part. No power. No numbers. But fuck me have we got influence.

  • World's richest 1% gained $40 tn in a decade: Oxfam
  • The top 10% includes the majority of people in the western world. We have been lied to by the select few above us that we have more in common with them than we do with the bottom 90% in the rest of the world.

  • Extreme wealth has a deadening effect on the super-rich – and that threatens us all
  • I have two children on the spectrum one of which needs heavy assistance. Both are medicated and have been through numerous therapies. I'll tell you the same thing I tell them. Autism does not entitle you to be an asshole.

    I have more than intimate experience helping people like you navigating your challenges. My oldest son has severe anger issues related to Asperger's and ODD. Neither of those things entitle him to be an asshole.

    Get over yourself.

  • Extreme wealth has a deadening effect on the super-rich – and that threatens us all
  • Touch grass my dude. Anger will leave you with nothing.

  • CrowdStrike offers a $10 apology gift card to say sorry for outage
  • Oh Captain Haddock we love you

  • Drink the concoction boy
  • Sheesh dude is doing ketamine and still can't stay away?! /s

  • This would get me to actually watch a remake
  • Cage playing Gonzo would be magical

  • Trump campaign files election complaint to block Harris from Biden’s $90 million war chest
  • Picture this.

    I'm a bag of dicks. Put me to your lips.


  • Trump campaign files election complaint to block Harris from Biden’s $90 million war chest
  • El-P with the goat line "quicker than Trump fucks his youngest"

  • What is your niche knowledge?
  • Alt + 0232 to 0234 for my French fam.

  • Trump says he is willing to debate Harris multiple times
  • N word with the hard R

  • Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • Regardless of context from the onset the dialogue was between someone in a position of power and someone who wasn't. Regardless of the reaction of the woman the cop was in the position of power. Any failing was on him and him alone. Men (yes I'm generalizing The Internet and that you are a man) need to understand this. White men (yes I'm generalizing The Internet and that you are a white man) need to understand this.

    Regardless of the context this was about power. Shit needs to change.

  • Let's blame the dev who pressed "Deploy"
  • Definition of removed- a person affected with intellectual disability

    I stand by what I said. Sorry I ruffled your jimmies. Not sorry I used the word. You imply my insulting mentally disabled people. I'm not.

  • Let's blame the dev who pressed "Deploy"
  • Apparently a snowflake deleted my comment too lol

    I'm going to guess it was a libertarian who took exception to my calling them out hahaha

  • Let's blame the dev who pressed "Deploy"
  • IT needs unionizing. Unfortunately it pays too well and is filled with retarded libertarians.

  • Liurnia Tower Bridge you can see the DLC veil

    Anyone else notice this? Also if you look out into the water where the DLC supposedly is to be you'll notice everything is "pulled in" and closer than it should be. Caelid tower is way too close.

    This all fits because you need to invert the tower and there's so much reference to the DLC in the Carian Study Hall

    Am I alone loving this?

    There's something I just love about big cities that have little pockets where the bones are exposed a bit more.

    How many KM/Miles you run this week?

    I'm up to 19km. Going to push it over 20km tomorrow morning I think.

    Game Threads and possible integration with Swish App?

    For any android users like myself you may have been using Swish which was made by a reddit user but since the API bullshit the app still works for games but there's no live/post game thread access. I just submitted a request to see if we can get it integrated with Lemmy :)

    Anyone got any m3u8 streams?

    Looking to watch some raptors or anyone else

    Industrial Music whoisearth
    Dance with the Dead - Kiss of the Creature [Official Video]
    ysk - your account doesn't exist on other instances and communities don't overlap

    User accounts are fragmented and just because you signed on at doesn't mean your account exists on

    Communities are fragmented and /c/games on is completely different than the one on with its own users, set of posts, etc.

    Lemmy does not currently allow for instance or user migration.

    Nor does it allow for shared communities (ie the aforementioned /c/games is unified across multiple instances)

    We are in the early days. If you're eager feel free to join in the development on these any many other core issues. There's real potential here.
