Am I alone loving this?
Am I alone loving this?
There's something I just love about big cities that have little pockets where the bones are exposed a bit more.
Am I alone loving this?
There's something I just love about big cities that have little pockets where the bones are exposed a bit more.
I find it cool to see a street which isn't lined with parking cars. It's a rare sight here and always feels rather depressing, because I don't even know where kinds could play ball around here...
I can smell this image and it isn't plesent.
It's a sort of "hunch up your shoulders and pull in your coat so you don't touch the walls" kind of smell.
I love walking through the alleyways (during the day) in cities. It reminds me of in the service or entertainment industries where you have "front of the house" - the nice part that customers see - and the "back of the house" - the functional area that only staff see. The alleyways feel like the back of the house - less cosmetic, more revealing of their history. I agree it's neat :)
Got to Fan Tan Alley in Victotia BC. It is a neat experience.
Looks nice to me, except that the street pavement visibly needs some work. Is it a view of the back of some (possibly mixed-use) walk-ups with some form of business in the foreground, or is it something else?
It's downtown TO behind PJ O'Brien's I'll be honest I have no idea what is up those ladders lol
Ah, thanks. The ladders look to me like classic fire escapes to the kind of old walk-up apartments that (when well-maintained) typically have nice character, with steam radiators for heat and hardwood floors... but I obviously haven't been there so I wouldn't know.