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Never before have such true words been spoken!
  • He doesn't need money because the peraon that goes to work spends all their money with toys, beds, snacks and prime food so they don't get fat. Spoiled fuckers

  • Too powerful for their Euro arteries
  • I remember buying a coke in america for the first time and the whole family sharing it lol. The crazy shit we ate in america became our family inside joke.

  • What's your most favorite place you've ever been to?
  • Look people are going to come at me for this, but I'm not american and for me disney world was literally the most magical place I've ever been. I went there about 4 or 5 times during my life and everytime I was amazed. By the perfection of everything, the power to make you forget your problems, how every tiny detail is thought about.. also how everything is incredibly expensive. Idk, maybe americans have access to a lot of theme parks but I don't and I love the rides and how sometimes we have to stop and look 2 or 3 times to understand how they did something.

    ... also call me dumb but paris is soooooo boring

  • TIL norway has a homocide map with exact locations of murders.
  • We have that too, it's called google maps

  • What is your favorite kid friendly book made just for traumatizing children?
  • I would say almost all of them. At least the classics

  • Being one with the natural world
  • Oh no I use the spray one. They die in 2 seconds dont have time to say goodbuy to their kids

  • Being one with the natural world
  • the only animal/insect I kill are Cockroaches because they are nasty and ugly and come out of the sewer, but even the roaches I don't like to kill with the shoe. I poison them with spray. Idk why. I do feel sorry for the roach but can't have it walking around my house

  • I love her but I gotta get to work
  • Walks are like tv/internet for you dog. He is mostly stimulated / entertained by smells, which he can get many different ones even on the same walk (like different chanels on the tv). He spend his whole day in the same place (same tv channel) and the walk is the one time he has to be happy. Please take your dogs out and take your time, it's not only about poop and exercise it's also about mental health for the dog

  • "Gluten Free" has officially gone too far.
  • yes. Celiac disease is usually the one thing we hear people talk about when they can't eat gluten, so I never thought about alergies with shock response

  • its crime time
  • Shinjo-kun and Chijohn going for a night out

  • "Gluten Free" has officially gone too far.
  • Yeah that was 100% a stupid question, but one of those things I never thought about before

  • "Gluten Free" has officially gone too far.
  • I'm sorry for my Ignorance I have milk alergy (more severe than simple "intolerance") and that will happened to me too. For some reason I never though gluten alergies worked that way. but now I know and will take extra care

  • Responsible guidance is a choice
  • or just put flour on it. Corn Flour works best

  • "Gluten Free" has officially gone too far.
  • wait is gluten alergy on the skin too? I thought the person had to eat it

  • Deleted
    How long would it take to travel 80 miles in a car travelling 80 miles per hour?
  • The best part is "the wheels must turn 400 times per mile" hauahauhahah

  • Boring Werewolves
  • yes, better than ever

  • What is something creative that you do but don't get paid for?
  • Cook, bake, crochet, cross-stitch, oil paint, watercolor, party planning etc I hoard hobbies but don't do any of them professionally since I already have a job. They are all hobbies I enjoy

  • When was the last time you bought a paper map and why ?
  • NY 2014. I bought one of those books with paper maps because I was going to visit and my phone would not work. It was great because it explained their subway system but my phone did work at the end lol

  • tech support
  • Tbf IT specialist could mean a lot of things and many of them knows shit about tech support. Also big companies have robust endpoint security that many "IT specialists" know nothings about. I would say IT is like Legal, you may know a lot about 1 thing and nothing about something else

  • TIL Shrek is based on a very weird book What happened to Shrek’s laser-eyes?

    The original Shrek is weird, random — and typical for its author

    What happened to Shrek’s laser-eyes?

    Didn't even knew there was a shrek book, much less that he had laser-eyes. wtf the book looks better than the movie

    "Original Shrek smells so bad that trees lean away from him as he goes by, and he’s so ugly that he can cook food just by glaring at it, with an eye-laser effect that looks exactly like a colored-pencil version of Superman’s heat vision. Shrek also breathes fire and blows smoke out of his ears for fun."

    A spoiled princess pretending she is homeless

    She has 3 different huge cat trees, a cat donut, 2 comfy beds and can sleep anywhere she wants, from couches to our own beds....and I found her sleeping in the dirtiest place in the whole property on top of a cardboard box.

    How to meet people

    I'm 41F. I was married but separated 8 years ago. I was still young but was very traumatized and never really wanted another relationship. Lately I've been feeling a little lonely and would like to meet some new people but I moved and don't have many friends here and the ones I have are younger and do younger people things (like going out at night. I'm too old for that lol). I wanted to meet some people my age, friends or dates, but almost everyone is married. I do cooking and French classes but again, only young people do that and I'm the "odd old lady". I think people past 40 don't really have hobbies or money to spend on them. I'm overweight so I can't really use apps, and to be honest don't really want. So how a single woman without kids (can't have it) meet people?! Or do I just give up?! lol

    30 UV led circuit

    Hello! I bought 30 simple UV leds (those with a big and a small leg, not a single strip). I'm trying to build a UV station to dry my resin but idk how to proceed. I tryed watching some videos but there is a lot of math to build that and I can't do it. I have 30 led lights, 5 resistors of 100 and 5 of 300. I wanted to use AA batteries. Do I need 8 of them?? Its not going to be turned on for long, just some 30 seconds at a time.

    Can someone help me?

    MissJinx MissJinx
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