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Oklahoma orders schools to teach the Bible 'immediately'
  • She looked back and in just one half of a split fucking second she was turned into a pillar of salt

  • Oklahoma orders schools to teach the Bible 'immediately'
  • Like just off the top of my head, I could stunlock a teacher for an entire class by asking why God created the aspects of the universe in a different order every time its written in Genesis (in a hypothetical situation where I wouldn't just get detention immediately for being annoying)

  • Oklahoma orders schools to teach the Bible 'immediately'
  • Uhhhhhh there's no better way to turn a generation into adamant atheists than to critically read the Bible in chronological order lol. What's the dealio here? Do the teachers have to teach in a hyperspecific way designed to deceive the children? Because it's pretty fucking immediately stupid as hell from page 1.

  • This AI generated meme cooked



  • Holy fuck, r/neoliberal just destroyed communism, shut this site down
  • Aha, but we decided that World War II arbitrarily started when Germany invaded Poland after the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, and didn't start because of any conflicts before or after that. Checkmate, tankie smuglord

  • Chinese Sichuan-type submachine guns, Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution
  • Something seems so wrong to me about an automatic without a pistol grip. I know it's because you're supposed to fire these types in controlled bursts rather than spraying a trench or something but it looks so goofy

  • Just met Donald Trump Guys. He looks as fit as ever.
  • The transitional period was swarm of bees

  • Looks like someone hit a nerve
  • This is so fucking stupid lmao. Criticizing America's politics without saying capitalism bad is exactly what the state wants. To the people living in America, neoliberalism is an invisible ideology. Not pointing it out is flailing in the dark, not pointing it out on purpose makes you their tool.

  • nuclear russian roulette
  • That can't be, they pump so much money into that department and it would irresponsible to misappropriate that blob-no-thoughts

  • If DPRK was as irrelevant as they told us, then what's all the panic about?
  • What makes you say this? Not doubting I'm just unsure how that would go either way tbh. I don't have the confidence to say that.

  • Someone mentioned that Hexbear shows up high in search results on Yandex and holy shit
  • Well as you can see, this heatwave trend will continue all the way west across the Divided Snakkkes until it reaches Nevada and temperatures are expected to reach record breaking highs over the weekend. Over the next two weeks we predict that there is a 80% chance of everything under Heaven being in chaos. Our meteorologists say the situation is excellent. Back to you, Kkkrackkker.

  • 79°F "Heat Wave"
  • I thought you were exaggerating for comedic effect agony-turbo

  • Historically accurate
  • I've been saying this. Assassinating two cops to start a brawl where you dance through 15 other guys cutting them all down like an Italian John Wick is so much more fun than slamming a sword into a guy's face 8 times because "oouuugh he's 3 levels higher than meeee"

  • 79°F "Heat Wave"
  • They eat what

  • US navy being comprehensively defeated by Ansar Allah who don't even have a navy will never stop being hilarious
  • God I still see that regularly. Like every single usual suspect subreddit has at least one person doing the "Day 943 of the 3 day Special Military Operation smuglord "

  • Lanyards at r/neolib have to cope with the realization that the US Deep State does evil shit
  • I think that may very well be somebody taking the piss.

    It better be

  • Lanyards at r/neolib have to cope with the realization that the US Deep State does evil shit
  • Being a communist on Reddit is like being on the outside of a dumb-fuck-ant farm looking in but being completely unable to change their behavior in any meaningful way

  • Lanyards at r/neolib have to cope with the realization that the US Deep State does evil shit
  • lmao I found this deep in the comments at the end of a wall of text

    I dunno why but america has such extreme democratic input on shit that doesnt matter like the election of the local comptroller, and barely any actual democratic input on the shit that actually does matter.

    10 upvotes michael-laugh

  • Street Fighter 6 M. Bison Character Trailer

    Capcom has pulled from Hokuto no Ken's Raoh in their redesign of M. Bison and I'm going to FUCKING BLOW buy this shit like a dumb paypiggy

    If I have to see one more article like this

    I'm gonna go Postal. And not just 2. I'm gonna go Postal 3.

    Sephitard9001 Sephitard9001 [he/him]

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