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They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • At least literally nobody in the Democratic party is to the right of Biden on Israel...


    Oh god they're gonna throw the fourth guy with severe brain damage into the race aren't they, they're going 4 for 4

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • Likely no but keep an eye on this for the next day. If it fizzles out it will fizzle out like tomorrow morning. I'm gonna find out what Morning Joe says, its Biden's fox & friends.

    It's in the realm of like a 1/20 likelihood but god it would be good

  • If they replace Biden... 1 Who replaces him? 2 What happens from now until election day? 3 What happens on election day?
  • Newsom fuckin pounced lmao, he was right on there after the debate closed, almost blatantly auditioning

  • NSFW
    Instagram Interaction I Had
  • Reminds me of my Xbox live days, I'm a guy and whenever anyone started to say something about my mother I'd start going on about how I fucked their dad

    Good god was it effective

  • Teenagers could lose bank accounts and driving licences for snubbing national service, Rishi Sunak says
  • It's the intersection of peak material wealth and minimum emotional wealth. An incredible formula for boomer brain. Boomer children were on the forefront of multi-room and multi-bedroom homes being available to nearly everyone, and their parents were like oh cool I never ever have to see my kids

  • mUh HiStOrIcAl aCcUrAcY
  • can't say he's not committed to the bit

  • mUh HiStOrIcAl aCcUrAcY
  • Ubisoft, hit these people with an account wide ban so I can have a pleasant game of Rainbow Six

  • calling out from work tips for someone bad at lying
  • There are TWO and only TWO options.

    One is not explaining. Just say "I'm feeling sick and won't be making it in" Most will not pry.

    If they're the type of people to pry, just say "I can't make it in, I think I caught a stomach bug"

    That's it. There is no "mental health day", you don't have that chronic disease, you don't have a bad headache, you aren't staying home for your own comfort. You, my friend, are shidding out your doo doo ass. That is the only thing you will EVER imply to your work. Vomiting and farding and shidding. No one will ask. No one will try to get you to come in.

  • Florida jury finds Chiquita Brands liable for Colombia deaths, must pay $38.3M to family members
  • I heard this before and was worried this was like 38 million for the whole thing. It's for only 16 families. I'm just a simple country non-lawyer, but to my knowledge a limited ruling like this could be used by other families and other courts to make it easier to sue Chiquita for a lot more money. Sort of opening the floodgates.

  • After literally 100 fucking applications, I finally got an offer.
  • Yeah I used Word for one and Google Docs for the other, with a couple horizontal lines, no tables etc. No text aligned right etc. Just new lines, bullets, letters and numbers

  • After literally 100 fucking applications, I finally got an offer.
  • Just got a great job after applying maybe 500 times, and that was the first offer I got.

    I had a good resume but hardly any interviews for like 6 months. Then I realized some of the experience autofill things were fucking up, and if they fuck up, then the resume scanning system is probably not able to read that shit properly either.

    I changed my resume, it looks just a little worse, but it's got no tables and no weird formatting. It looks decent in NOTEPAD now. This new resume got me like 6 interviews in a month, and I was applying a lot more slowly. I literally have an interview I still need to go turn down. My SO went through the same experience with the old and new resume. Look up ATS testers. Make the stupid robot understand

    The place I just got hired at was super, super excited to find me. Guess what? I applied to the same job on the old resume a couple months ago and THEY NEVER SAW IT BECAUSE IT GOT AUTO FILTERED. Literally these fucking things will do a half assed attempt at scanning the resume, try to collect information like employment gaps, fill a field like "Date of Employment" with the words "Attention to detail" and then conclude that you have NaN years of experience, and reject you.

  • When Palestine is liberated, would you accept Israeli "refugees" in your country?
  • Theres a town in England called Scun-thorpe with no hyphen and it often gets profanity filtered in online forms making it impossible for residents to sign up for certain things

  • Valorant on PS5 won’t support gyro aiming, to ensure Xbox players aren’t at a disadvantage
  • yeah it's night and day for a lot of shooters, and especially when you're sniping

  • Nuremberg PART DEUX

    Independent union leader leading Republican in 2024 Nebraska Senate polls - (what not being a Democrat does to a mf) Shock Poll Shows Independent Nebraska Union Leader Beating Republican Senator

    With Senate control hanging in the balance, Nebraska Democrats are considering backing Dan Osborn in his challenge against Sen. Deb Fischer.

    Shock Poll Shows Independent Nebraska Union Leader Beating Republican Senator

    President of BCTGM Local 50G


    • PRO Act
    • 15 dollar minimum wage
    • Rail industry safety reform
    • Lower tax on overtime wages
    • Pro choice
    • Right to repair
    • Anti pharma subsidy
    • Legal weed

    >Osborn’s slight edge in the poll — 40 percent to Fischer’s 38 percent — comes despite 59 percent of respondents saying they had never heard of him before.

    Uh, I'm pretty sure this means literally only 1 out of 41 people who actually know the guy don't like him.

    Also 41% name recognition already??

    [VIDEO] My tribute to Henry Kissinger being FUCKEN DEAD SerLava on TikTok

    #henrykissinger #henrykissingeresteemedwarcriminal #rip #w #henrykissingerdead #nowayhenrykissingerisstillalive #leftpolitics #johnbrown #november29th

    Feat. Alicia Keys

    AHAHAH Former Obama Advisor Staurt Seldowitz arrested for hate crimes Former Obama adviser in custody, faces hate crime charges after halal cart confrontation

    The owners of the cart say there have been several ugly confrontations at the cart over the last two weeks amid conflict in the Mideast.

    Former Obama adviser in custody, faces hate crime charges after halal cart confrontation

    !point-and-laugh-1!point-and-laugh-2 !obama


    [VIDEO] TikTok is pushing IDF thirst trap hasbara but have manually prevented searches containing "hamas" SerLava on TikTok

    Searching IDF vs. H@/\/\@$ on TikTok #FreePalestine #freepalestine🇵🇸❤️ #Gaza #GazaUnderAttack #Propaganda #MilitaryThirstTrap #JohnBrown #censorship

    [VIDEO] The second I saw Hezbollah's double rocket launcher SerLava on TikTok

    Halo: CE M41 SSR MAV/AW (SPNKr) features TWO disposable rocket tubes #Halo #HaloCE #IGetIt #FrankReynolds #SPNKr #leftmeme #johnbrowndidnothingwrong

    [short video] The Galactic Empire has a RIGHT to DEFEND itself. SerLava on TikTok

    Title. #leftmemes #leftist #johnbrown #johnbrowndidnothingwrong #fucktheempire #leftpolitics #everlong #foofightersedit

    Me pouring salt on a Zionist who just got demolished by one of the Chapo boys


    EDIT: He went on and on and on replying nearly immediately until this specific reply, then he fell silent:

    !thinky-felix I wonder why
