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Game Introduces Easy Mode Called “I’m 35 and Have One Hour to Play This”
  • Main reason games like Deathloop, Outer Wilds, Gunfire Reborn, Slay the Spire, Vampire Survivors, etc. got their hooks in me so deep - something I can sit down, fire up to play solo (it's tough as hell to get friends together to squad in games when all your friends are also 35 and busy), knock out a 30min - 2hr play session, and put down without feeling like I'm in the middle of something.

    Love how many games there are these days who play like this. Seems like rogue-lites do it best, but it's nice to see other genres making it work, too.

  • Remote Work to Wipe Out $800 Billion From Office Values, McKinsey Says
  • There's an XKCD for everything

    Always loved the alt text on that one:

    I can't remember where I heard this, but someone once said that defending a position by citing free speech is sort of the ultimate concession; you're saying that the most compelling thing you can say for your position is that it's not literally illegal to express.

  • Steam Summer Sale: Hidden Gem/ Recommendations thread
  • It's wild how many people seem to have slept on Prey. It's an amazing game.

    Also +1 on Antichamber. Portal-like but with some very unusual and fun mechanics.

  • What are you self-hosting?
  • What's the reason for both Plex and Jellyfin?

  • What search engine do you use?
  • I've been using Kagi for a couple weeks. I've so far found it to be excellent. One thing to note is it supports DDG-style bangs, and those don't count against your search quota, so getting used to using them for wiki, youtube, IMDB, etc., is worth it. I also bumped up to the $10 plan, just to wash out any second-guessing on searches, although the price even if you exceed your quota is pretty cheap, and it seems like most people probably do far fewer searches than I do.

    I still find DDG to be pretty terrible, but I have very occasionally fallen back to google, mainly for specifically searches for businesses / services near me, that kind of thing, or for searches for very recent things - somebody had posted a screenshot of an article on IIRC Fortune Magazine's site. I wanted to read it, and it turned out the article was only a few hours old at that time. Google had it indexed, but Kagi didn't yet.

    For more general searches and technical searches I do for work, though, it's been very very good, and those are the most important searches, to me.

  • CD Projekt: "We need to fix the relationship with our players"
  • I hope it has more bug cleanup. I really want to like the game. I tried it at release and bugs made it miserable, tried it again last Autumn and got a decent ways into it before hitting a hard progress-blocking bug...meh.

    I'd love to be able to actually play through the game. Like I say I was having fun, but damn.

  • Protests broke Reddit hack for useful Google search results—and Google knows it
  • IIRC, they cited google as a reason not to work on their own search, since that's what most of their userbase had got used to searching reddit with anyway by that point.

  • AMD is Starfield’s Exclusive PC Partner
  • Agreed. The net effect of this kind of choice - what the person above you is saying - is exactly the intended effect. It lowers the value of Nvidia users' cards to them, but, critically, only because Nvidia plays these bullshit exclusivity games.

    Nvidia users can't get the most out of their cards on a big, popular new game and they're all mad about it? Well, there's an easy fix, Nvidia, to prevent these situations in the future: Just open DLSS up to everybody. Boom, done. AMD and Bethesda aren't the ones being assholes, here, and it's not their fault that Nvidia's customers aren't getting the most out of their cards.

  • SevYote Sev

    Colorful Colorado Coyote

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