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Israel To Pursue Genocide Case Against Iran At ICJ
  • Nice, too bad that "peace" was leaving Palestinians to their fate, and would have done nothing to bring peace or end the occupation or the apartheid.

    But you dont care, do you? You dont want peace, you want to let Israel free to continue the ethnic cleansing, the genocide and the land grabbing.

    To call that peace is like calling the Warsaw ghetto peace.

  • Suggestion for a nice File manager?

    As title, I just need a simple file manager, open source and with minimal permissions.. anything good you think I should try?

    Edit: can someone ELI5 to me why almost every file manager needs full network access and to see wifi connections? There must a reason..

    MIT Economist Daron Acemoğlu Takes on Big Tech: "Our Future Will Be Very Dystopian" MIT Economist Daron Acemoğlu Takes on Big Tech: "Our Future Will Be Very Dystopian"

    The rich and powerful have hijacked progress throughout history, says Daron Acemoğlu. They did so back in the Middle Ages and also now in the age of artificial intelligence. In an interview, the MIT economist dives into the question of whether Silicon Valley is plunging humanity into destitution.

    MIT Economist Daron Acemoğlu Takes on Big Tech: "Our Future Will Be Very Dystopian"
    Where to buy a good second-hand Pixel phone in Europe?

    Basically the title. I would rather not get scammed.. :) The idea is to move to GrapheneOs as my next step, but I don't necessarily need the newest device.

    Edit: yeah I was being too generic, Austria is were I am.

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