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Ubuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog), 2004
  • I’ll do the screenshots without the windows stuff then ^^;

  • Ubuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog), 2004
  • No, not really. I actually use Mint on a seperate machine for programs that don’t work on Windows ^^;

  • EvilEntity Linux, 2003
  • :0 Someone who actually wants more

  • Yggdrasil Linux working for once (Fall 1995 edition)
  • If you haven't gotten the iso files already, I got them here:

  • Yggdrasil Linux working for once (Fall 1995 edition)
  • I mean this place’s rules say anything related to Linux so…

  • Yggdrasil Linux working for once (Fall 1995 edition)
  • I should clarify this is a screenshot I uploaded to for the Yggdrasil Linux page

  • Sinclair-Speccy Sinclair-Speccy

    The mbin account for me, Sinclair-Speccy. I mainly post on Mastodon at so if you wish to contact me, it’s best to do there and not here.

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