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  • Die hatten das irgendwann auch mal geĂ€ndert, fand ich auch super komisch

  • Is there an app that can program audio configuration?
  • The app is called "carla" and is a plugin host for jack plugins that works with Pipewire

  • 1.000 Meter lange Feuerfront am Brocken im Harz
  • Absolut. Stehendes Totholz ist auch viel wichtiger als Liegendes. Und Fichten ziehen halt BorkenkĂ€fer an.

  • Is there an app that can program audio configuration?
  • So you dont know german, this changes some things.

    The person explains

    • Alsa
    • pulseaudio
    • jack
    • pipewire
    • audio hardware
    • jack plugins
    • common types of audio modulation (compression, limiting, amplifying, equalizing,...)
    • how pipewire combines all of those
  • Is there an app that can program audio configuration?
  • Hahaha wasnt meant like that

  • Series: What are your ADHD Tools of Thumb?
  • I love my phone for that.

    Write it down, now!

  • Do you use Fedora Flatpaks?
  • Ok good to know. Still possibly smaller and just an extension, not a whole duplicated runtime

  • How do you guys feel about DivestOS?
  • It supports more devices than GrapheneOS i.e. nonpixels. That is where I would totally use it.

    my Pixel 4a still gets GrapheneOS updates, so that is a tie.

    GrapheneOS is great at security, privacy but also reliability and good detection and de-hardening mechanisms. Like, if I want I can disable most of it and even run full Google Apps.

    DivestOS has sandboxed microG though, which sounds interesting. Would love to use UnifiedNLP, as an avid contributor to OpenCellID through "TowerCollector". I still just use A-GPS which sucks battery like hot chocolate. Like, 1h navigation and my device is empty.

    Stock Android and iOS have location always enabled and still manage over a day battery life!

    The real solution would be a UnifiedNLP app, running without user privileges. But that doesnt exist, and sounds a bit complex to me.

  • 1.000 Meter lange Feuerfront am Brocken im Harz
  • Daran ist halt auch Schuld, dass das kein natĂŒrlicher Mischwald ist. Aber ja, ist schon wirklich spĂ€t fĂŒr Neupflanzungen.

  • Do you use Fedora Flatpaks?
  • Biggest pro: they use a single runtime!

    The flatpak runtime system is a total mess... 3 variants, 3 supported versions, this is crazy!

    I will setup an 8GB Chromebook soon, and Flatpaks will be challenging.

  • ich_iel
  • Das geniesse ich immer

  • RustDesk: I Found This Open-Source TeamViewer Alternative Impressive!
  • you might want to add that warning to the post.

    They also tried to submit the app to Flathub, but had way too broad permissions with no explanation why. "Users expect filesystem access" etc. In the end it was rejected and they publish a .flatpak file themselves.

    The other points are far worse though.

  • ich🐾iel
  • Lecken bringt wohl nix, man muss das abschaben, umwandeln und dann rauchen

    Hab ich von nem Freund gehört ;)

  • zensus_iel
  • Joor ich hab das so bisl kopiert und ZeilenumbrĂŒche entfernt

  • How to show a diff of 2 kdbx Keepass Databases when a sync conflict happens?

    Should be a very common issue

    KeepassDX + KeepassXC, Android to Linux.

    Synced with Syncthing.

    I do a change on the password manager on one device and on another, Android killed Syncthing again so now I have 2 files, one called "sync conflict".

    Both files have some new change, I need to keep both.

    When using the import feature in KeepassXC, I think everything is duplicated. This would be the best place to do this.

    Any idea how to merge them or at least show the diffs?

    Displaying all entries, without folders, sorted by date, could also already help.


    In KeepassXC, bottom left, "all entries". Alternatively, search for "*".

    Then sort by date.

    This helps to compare the most recent changes, and copy them over to the want-to-keep version of the file.

    HowTo: Thunderbird Flatpak: Create a signature with formatting and a Picture

    This is a combo of 2 tricks.

    Based off this german guide, a bit outdated and not suited for the Flatpak


    a signature like

    Firstname Lastname Role _____ <fancy logo> Company name Contact info including website and mail

    This is probably really easy in Outlook, and kinda linux-y (bundling together parts that only make sense if you are a programmer) on Thunderbird.

    1. The Sandbox

    When attaching an image, Thunderbird Flatpak needs to have permanent access to that location.

    By default it uses portals, so if you use "attach image" it will use some /run/doc/... folder that is gone after restarting the app.

    For some reason, using the KDE Plasma Flatpak settings or Flatseal, granting the app access to a certain location, doesnt work, even if you use the real location of the image.

    So instead:

    1. Create a directory in the internal Flatpak's folder

    mkdir ~/.var/app/org.mozilla.thunderbird/SIGNATURE

    1. Copy the attachment image there (company logo etc.)
    2. Copy the path to the image (for example in KDE Dolphin, no idea about GNOME)

    2. The HTML Signature

    Just write a new mail (Ctrl+N) and write exactly your signature in there.

    You dont need the

    > > -- >

    As that is automatically inserted below the last line.

    Add the picture, but replace the path with the real path, not the /run/doc/... one of the portal.

    Then the image is inserted, you can resize it.

    Now instead of sending, in the menu under "File" use "Save to..." and instead of .eml use .html.

    If you want to add a clickable mail address, in the mail compose toolbar, behind the "picture icon" there is a menu, select the "link" icon.

    You can add a normal http/https link there. But using you can make it a clickable mail link!

    (Whoever needs that in a mail)

    3. Sandbox again.

    Save that file to the same ~/.var/app/org.mozilla.thunderbird/SIGNATURE folder.

    4. Account settings

    Navigate to these settings, in the first page of your account, instead of writing your signature, use "use HTML file".

    Select the file or paste the exact ~/.var/app/... location in there, again, dont use the portal.



    Once figured out it makes sense. That directory in the Flatpaks storage will not be deleted or interrupt anything. So this is a clean way.

    flatpak remove --delete-data thunderbird would purge that entire folder and all it's contents.

    â„čEmpfehlung, Gesundheit/Kosmetik: Rasierhobel und Zungenschaber!


    Die klassischen Rasierhobel bekommen ein Comeback, und sind mittlerweile "zero waste Klassiker".

    Ich habe 2 verschiedene, einen von Gilette, den schönen mit Bambusgriff gibts von verschiedenen Anbietern mit verschiedenen Namen.

    Die einfachen mit einer zentralen Schraube sind eventuell haltbarer als die mit einer komplexeren Aufklapp-Mechanik.

    Die Schraube sollte man evtl manchmal fetten, da hier ja oft Feuchtigkeit reinkommt. Hier kann man Fahrrad-Lagerfett benutzen, oder einfach irgendetwas.

    Die Klingen sind billig, und das Rasieren funktioniert top. Ab und zu tauschen.

    Flexible Köpfe und schmalere Rasierer etc sind eventuell bei konkaven FlÀchen wie Achseln oder Schambereich besser. Da sollte man sich aber oft sowieso nicht rasieren, wenn man Juckreiz vermeiden will ;)

    Zungenschaber / -reiniger

    Eine neuere Empfehlung sind Zungenschaber aus Edelstahl.

    Es gibt verschiedene Modelle, dieses hat einen rechteckigen Blechstreifen, der extrem gut alles von der Zunge schabt.

    Es ist krass, was man damit wegbekommt.

    Durch das Edelstahl bleibt es lange "scharf" (rechteckig) und lÀsst sich fast schon steril reinigen.

    Es gibt 3 gÀngige Modelle, aber nur eins taugt etwas.

    Die beiden rechten hier sind nur ca. 30% so effektiv, sehen hĂŒbsch aus aber sind komplett sinnlos. Man muss sehr viel mehr rumkratzen, absolut nervig!

    !Bild von 3 gÀngigen Edelstahl-Zungenschaber-Modellen, eins mit rechteckigem Blechstreifen und zwei runden Griffen, zwei die aus einem gebogenen Blech geformt sind und wesentlich schlechter funktionieren

    ❓Gesucht, Gesundheit/Technik: Smartwatch fĂŒr Schlaftracking und evtl. Sport

    Ich suche eine Uhr mit folgenden Eigenschaften

    • recht klein, angenehm zum schlafen (bin da sehr empfindlich, trage selbst Uhren deswegen kaum)
    • akkurate Herzfrequenz/Puls und evtl. Blutdruck
    • einfache Technik
    • Verbindung zu Smartphone ĂŒber Bluetooth oder USB-c
    • keine Internetfunktion, keine Sorgen
    • App sollte komplett ohne Internet gehen
    • App sollte ohne Play Services und auf GrapheneOS funktionieren


    • lange Akkulaufzeit (muss absolut nicht sein)
    • andere Features

    Verwendung: SchlafqualitĂ€t messen, anzeigen lassen. Sport und Puls bei Anstrengung ist glaube ich weniger relevant und anfĂ€lliger fĂŒr Fehler.


    Den Youtube-Kanal "The Quantified Scientist" habe ich gefunden. Ein deutscher Bio-Student, der Smartwatches testet.

    Er bewertet die Genauigkeit vieler Uhren sehr genau und wissenschaftlich, jedoch sind ihm die anderen Faktoren ziemlich egal.


    Das Xiaomi Mi Band 8 soll mittlerweile das beste der Serie fĂŒrs Sleep Tracking sein.

    Zudem scheint mindestens ein Gadgedbrige-Entwickler es zu haben, denn die Xiaomi-Band UnterstĂŒtzung wurde daran getestet. Gadgetbridge ist eine OpenSource App zur Verbindung mit Smartwatches, und hat sogar wirklich viele coole Funktionen, inklusive Schlaftracking.

    Man kann sie sehr gĂŒnstig kaufen. Die App wird wohl zur ersten Einrichtung benötigt, mal sehen wie invasiv das ist. Ab da geht Gadgetbridge alleine.


    Das Mi Band 8 funktioniert super mit Gadgetbridge. Auf der Website wird bald eine aktualisierte Anleitung sein.

    Es hat viele coole Funktionen, Schlaftracking ist beim Tiefschlaf okay, erkennt Schlaf aber schnell als zu leicht und damit zu viel REM Schlaf.

    Wetter-Synchronisation mit KleineWettervorschau geht auch top! Genauso wie Musik-Steuerung, Handy finden, intelligentes Wecken (wenn der Puls höher ist), stoppuhr, taschenlampe, schrittezÀhler usw.

    Ohne permanenten Druck ist Pulsmessung wohl immer eine Herausforderung, da es mit Licht geht, und das dann beim Verrutschen oft ganz falsche Ergebnisse bringt.

    How to Setup Affinity 2.5 | Photo | Designer| Publisher | on Linux |

    Using "rum" and a custom version by "ElementalWarrior" of WINE, compiled yourself.

    Should also work in a Distrobox container

    Anyone running Linux or ChromiumOS on a Chromebook ? / Looking for an efficient Laptop or Tablet Anyone using an (ARM) Chromebook with ChromiumOS or Linux? -

    ## A small, efficient laptop I am looking for a laptop which is as efficient as an android phone, small, fast, and cheap. I would prefer a stripped down Fedora Kinoite, but tbh ChromeOS is a masterpiece of efficient and secure OS design. Even on 4GB RAM it just works, boots in seconds, while still h...

    Anyone using an (ARM) Chromebook with ChromiumOS or Linux?

    A small, efficient laptop

    I am looking for a laptop which is as efficient as an android phone, small, fast, and cheap.

    I would prefer a stripped down Fedora Kinoite, but tbh ChromeOS is a masterpiece of efficient and secure OS design.

    Even on 4GB RAM it just works, boots in seconds, while still having encrypted storage.

    The issue is of course, that it is based on Google Chrome, and even Chromium is completely full of Google (use googerteller with e.g. Fedora Chromium and you see it pings Google all the time).


    ARM Laptops with Linux support

    The new Snapdragon laptops are extremely impressive, and will have real Linux support in a short time.

    But they are damn expensive, and I am looking for something for light tasks, with the focus on:

    • being light and small (11in or so?)
    • being inexpensive
    • long battery life (!)
      • very low standby battery use (like my GrapheneOS pixel, 1% over night)
      • reasonably big battery for use
    • okay specs for light tasks
    • open firmware

    I watched a talk on getting Coreboot working on Chromebooks (ccc website) and while elly also got Fedora working on an ARM Chromebook, that sounded like way above my skills.

    The x86 ones still have awesome batterylife (on ChromeOS), but using x86 in 2024 for an efficient machine... sounds like a waste of money.

    Docs for Linux on ARM Chromebooks?

    Neither chrultrabook nor mrchromebox touch ARM, at all. There are some small scripts and projects that do this, like this one.


    Chromebooks have often nice chassis' and displays, but kinda bad keyboards with missing keys.

    Also, too little RAM. Using Fedora with ZRAM in an aggressive mode (to compress all RAM) might be a workaround, but cause reasonable CPU overhead (it uses zstd for compression).

    And then, too little storage. I find this hard to discover, are there ARM / modern x86 Chromebooks with upgradeable NVME or at least eMMC?

    Using an SD card would be a workaround, which is btw. also not possible on Pixel Tablets (thanks Google).

    The Problems with Chromebooks

    Google uses a custom userspace, the boot (on ARM) is not really u-Boot anymore, they dont seem to test the mainline kernel and are slow with patches.

    Personally I think you can clearly see how they often just do the least amount of work possible to comply with the GPL. Like, visiting their code repo is already privacy invasive.

    Also a ton of firmware problems like broken audio, USB, sleep, input devices, which I couldn't fix.

    Alternative: Pixel Tablet & GrapheneOS

    Comment: I mean the new Pixel tablet, not the old "Pixel tablet C".

    The good

    A Google Pixel Tablet would be an alternative. It runs GrapheneOS, which (I know) has awesome battery life and efficiency.

    GrapheneOS is also fully degoogled and runs all my FOSS apps, as well as having support for banking and stuff I might want.

    GrapheneOS is extremely secure while also being extremely stable (in both ways). I know that I can rely on my phone when I managed to break my Laptop again.

    The bad

    The Tablet is the first edition, a MVP pretty much. For drawing, a standards-compliant pencil can be used, but it has quite some latency and no palm rejection (video source).

    It is also very expensive, considering that it has no SD card slot, and 128GB of storage go for 300+€ on the used market.

    There seem to be less people disappointed from it than I expected.


    You see, I also dont really know what I want XD

    • a small appliance device, just for travelling and watching stuff there?
    • Should it have a keyboard? I hope a 5-pin one, no garbage bluetooth
    • Pen I think yes, as it is probably awesome for sketching things (I am tired of not being able to do that, and a drawing tablet is not portable)

    It may be that a Pixel tablet is actually better here. But a ton of good Linux software is simply missing on Android. Like, a PDF editor that does it's job, Libreoffice, GIMP, Inkscape, a real Firefox (with addon support and sandboxing).

    There is some progress in virtualization, I might be able to use Termux with VNC to some extent, but it would suck for batterylife and probably also UX.


    I guess a modern AMD or Intel Chromebook with supported, tested firmware, would be the best option for a compact, opensource, efficient laptop.

    Meanwhile a Pixel Tablet would work 100%, be possibly way more energy efficient than a normal Linux distro could ever be, also more secure, mostly never have broken software.

    I would like to test this though, tuned, stripped down KDE Plasma, power profiles, ... but at the level of firmware issues, this could stop being fun. But, fun is relative, right?

    What do you do? Do you run ChromiumOS, or Linux on a Chromebook? Or do you use a Pixel Tablet as a Laptop replacement?



    I will get a Chromebook. It is just too tempting to hack with a corebooted device.

    Framework Chromebook

    The Framework Chromebook would be brilliant, poorly I guess there is no DIY edition (8GB of RAM and 256GB of storage are just too small) and I hope it could also remove the pain of the shitty keyboard on Chromebooks.

    This would be a really fun way to workaround 1. The lack of coreboot support on Framework Laptops 2. All the downsides of Chromebooks.

    Until then, I will get something with hopefully 8GB of RAM on Ebay.


    Honestly, this is pretty frustrating. A Thinkpad Yoga 11e sounds cool, upgradeable to 8GB (in theory, if the RAM you have works) and with an m.2 slot.

    Using a very lightweight desktop could work? But batterylife was bad even back then, so yeah.

    FydeTab + FydeOS

    I found a usable ChromiumOS fork!

    This may work on regular Chromebooks, opening some options. Open firmware but still an efficient but open OS?

    The FydeTab Duo is now released, a Tablet using FydeOS, so more a Chromebook than a Linux Tablet.

    I dont know what components of which OS they use, and expect something ChromeOS like

    ❓Gesucht: Haarschneidemaschine / Trimmer

    Verwendung: Bart auf eine LĂ€nge trimmen (3-7mm)

    Ich suche einen haltbaren elektrischen Haartrimmer, Akku oder nicht, ohne irgendwelche komischen Sachen eingebaut.

    Aufbau wie eine typische Heckenschere, keine drehenden Scheiben oder flexiblen Arme oder so.


    Sehr viele Empfehlungen von 150+€ GerĂ€ten kommen eher nicht infrage.

    Stattdessen scheint der Philips QC5115 ideal!

    Kein Akku (eventuell nicht mehr ohne erhÀltlich), kein abnehmbarer Kopf, einfach ein verstellbarer Abstandshalter.

    Ich bin ĂŒberrascht, dass sie so ein low-tech GerĂ€t noch verkaufen!

    Und es ist auch entsprechend gĂŒnstig, unter 25€.

    â„čEmpfehlung, Kleidung: Barfußschuhe von Wildling

    Es gibt viele Barfußschuhhersteller, die verschiedene Zwecke erfĂŒllen.

    !Bild von einem Tanuki Schuh, wie er beworben wurde als ich ihn gekauft habe


    Wildling sehe ich als geeignet fĂŒr trockenes, warmes Wetter.

    Ich habe die Tanuki, flache Schuhe fĂŒr den Sommer.

    Wildlinge eignen sich auch gut, wenn schönes Aussehen gewĂŒnscht ist. Sie sehen speziell aus, aber nicht nach "komischen Barfußschuhen"


    Pro: sie haben einen eigenen

    Contra: es ist eine Shopify-Hölle, mit einer NoScript Seite die so aussieht:


    Die Website ist auch schlechter geworden, hat mehr blog-artige Artikel, und scheinbar keine Filter wie "vegan", "Naturmaterialien" oder sogar nach Material mehr.


    Sie sind oft vegan, aus natĂŒrlichen Materialien hergestellt in Spanien.

    Die Tanukis sind sehr atmungsaktiv, besser als die Saguaro.


    Die Tanukis sind aus "Washi", ironischerweise Papier mit Plastik, da es sonst reißt.

    Andere aus Hanf wÀren vllt besser, jedoch machen sie vor allem mit den Washi-Schuhen viel Werbung, wÀhrend es aus Hanf nur noch ein Modell zu geben scheint.


    Die beigefĂŒgte ist gut, die "Hanflinge" halten ĂŒberhaupt nicht und reiben stark auf.


    Aus einer Mischung von neuem Gummi, recyceltem Gummi und Kork.

    Sie halten gut, vor allem fĂŒr ihre Dicke. KĂŒrzer als andere, zB meiner Saguaro, aber lĂ€nger als der Stoff.

    Die Sohlen haben eine komische Unterteilung, deren Sinn ich nach lÀngerem Tragen nicht sehe. Diese machen sie unnötig anfÀllig.

    Jedoch sind die Sohlen haltbarer als andere, zB der (mittlerweile insolventen) Firma EOD mit der Marke "Groundies".

    Zu VerfĂ€rbungen an der Sohle kann ich nichts sagen (schwarz), wĂ€re aber immer skeptisch bei weißen Sohlen.


    Die Schuhe sind recht fragil, nicht total, jedoch könnten sie dickere NÀhte haben.

    Die Außensohle löst sich ein wenig ab, und (ich weiß nicht woher) ist ein Loch im Oberstoff.

    Man sollte sich auf jeden Fall darauf einstellen, sie fĂŒr diese Fehler zur SchusterIn zu bringen, denn ansonsten gibt es keine Probleme.

    Die ökologische Farbe ist auch nach 2 (?) Sommern stark ausgeblichen, ich werde versuchen sie nachzufÀrben.


    Meine ersten Barfußschuhe waren "Saguaro" und deren GefĂŒhl ist nach wie vor komfortabel, schĂŒtzend und unĂŒbertroffen.

    "BarfußgefĂŒhl-Fetischisten" mĂŒssen kĂŒrzere Haltbarkeit in Kauf nehmen, was bei den Wildlingen der Fall ist.

    Anfangs sind sie recht steif, gerade das recht harte Papier-Plastik-Material. Sie passen sich jedoch sehr gut an, werden aber - gerade Barfuß - nie so weich wie Saguaro.

    Die Zehenbox ist sehr weit, und passt fĂŒr normal breite FĂŒĂŸe perfekt.

    Warum dann Wildling?

    Sie sind nicht extrem haltbar. DafĂŒr sind sie aber ökologisch hergestellt, und gerade die flachen Schuhe sind trotzdem gĂŒnstiger als zB Vivobarefoot.

    Das scheint sich mittlerweile geĂ€ndert zu haben, 100€ sind jedoch wohl immer noch recht normal.

    Ich kann empfehlen, auf Angebote zu warten, die es oft gibt.

    Und zur Nachhaltigkeit: Wildling hat 2023 den deutschen Nachhaltigkeitspreis gewonnen!. Das verspricht doch einiges.

    Von daher halten sie, mit Reparaturen und NachfĂ€rben, bei mir bestimmt ĂŒber 3 Jahre, was total okay ist.

    â„čEmpfehlung, Technik: Inateck m.2 zu USB-C Case Inateck Aluminium NVMe M.2 GehÀuse, mit USB A zu C und USB C zu C Kabel, 10 Gbps | eBay

    (B-Key M.2 SATA wird nicht unterstĂŒtzt). Fixieren Sie dann die Festplatte mit dem Fixator. Schieben Sie abschließend die Innenwanne in das FestplattengehĂ€use, um den Einbau abzuschließen. Leicht zu bedienen, einfach einstecken und loslegen.

    Inateck Aluminium NVMe M.2 GehÀuse, mit USB A zu C und USB C zu C Kabel, 10 Gbps  | eBay

    Ein sehr gutes GehÀuse, um eine m.2 NVME SSD extern zu verwenden.

    !Bild des auseinandergebauten GehÀuses

    !Bild: zusammengebaut, aber die Schublade fĂŒr die SSD ist draußen

    !Bild: auseinandergeschoben, von vorne, Blick auf den USB-C port

    Was mitkam:

    • kleiner chip, der zuverlĂ€ssig m.2 auf USB-C kann.
    • Plastikschublade, in die dieser Chip eingebaut ist, mit Klickverschluss zum Zusammenbauen
    • MetallhĂŒlle mit Rillen, was die WĂ€rmeabgabe verbessert
    • Silikonpad fĂŒr vollflĂ€chige WĂ€rmeĂŒbertragung
    • Metallplatte, irgendwie auch dafĂŒr, kommt auf das Silikon
    • USB-C zu USB-C Kabel, kurz, 3.0 mit schneller Übertragung
    • USB-C zu USB-A Kabel, kurz, auch sehr praktisch

    Preis: 18€

    Besser gehts nicht, Verwendung seit ca. einem Jahr.

    ❓Gesucht: SATA SSD auf USB-C GehĂ€use, evtl mehrfach

    Ich habe etliche SSDs rumliegen und bin mit meinen bisherigen Adaptern zufrieden:

    • Inatek NVME-USB-c HĂŒlle (super Kabel, KĂŒhlpad usw dabei, absolute Empfehlung)
    • fantec SATA-USB-A3.0 HĂŒlle

    Aber soweit ich weiß ist bei SATA-USB-A immer noch 3.0 der Bottleneck.

    • SATA Geschwindigkeit: 6Gb/s
    • USB 3.0 Geschwindigkeit: 5Gb/s

    Da ich sowieso ein paar mehr HĂŒllen brauche, könnt ihr welche empfehlen? Am besten mit einem kurzen Kabel dabei, evtl auch USB-A-C (da meine Hardware oft USB-A hat).

    Eventuell auch mehrfach, mit separaten Ports pro SSD, eher kein multi-controller Zeugs. Meine bisherigen Adapter gehen ohne Probleme, das wĂŒrde ich gerne beibehalten.


    Review: Turris Omnia, a FOSS wifi router, NAS and Server, based on a highly improved OpenWRT, with BTRFS! Episode Analysis | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x02 “Ad Astra Per Aspera” - SLRPNK

    This is the Daystrom Institute Episode Analysis thread for Strange New Worlds 2x02 Ad Astra Per Aspera. Now that we’ve had a few days to digest the content of the latest episode, this thread is a place to dig a little deeper.

    Review: Turris Omnia, a FOSS wifi router, NAS and Server, based on a highly improved OpenWRT, with BTRFS! Review: Turris Omnia, a FOSS wifi router, NAS and Server, based on a highly improved OpenWRT, with BTRFS! - SLRPNK

    I dont even know how to summarize that machine 😄 It is absolutely awesome. Turris [] is a company by the czech TLD registrar CZ.NIC [], which is ran as a nonprofit and invests a ton in open source network software. ## The Origin This talk summarizes it well:...

    Review: Turris Omnia, a FOSS wifi router, NAS and Server, based on a highly improved OpenWRT, with BTRFS! Turris - sĂ­Ć„ovĂĄ zaƙízenĂ­

    Pƙedstavujeme open source a bezpečnĂĄ sĂ­Ć„ovĂĄ zaƙízenĂ­ Turris. Ochraƈte celou svou sĂ­Ć„ vysoce vĂœkonnĂœm Turris Omnia nebo modulĂĄrnĂ­m Turris MOX.

    Turris - sĂ­Ć„ovĂĄ zaƙízenĂ­

    I dont even know how to summarize that machine 😄

    It is absolutely awesome.

    Turris is a company by the czech TLD registrar CZ.NIC, which is ran as a nonprofit and invests a ton in open source network software.

    The Origin

    This talk summarizes it well:

    They wanted to build a device to analyze hacking attacks on the people in Czechia.

    The device should be as close to the network as possible (i.e. a router) and have compelling and understandable hardware that could be upgraded over time.

    So... they made a router. Originally using PowerPC, now on ARMv7 (poorly only their mobile MOX already is on ARMv8).

    Where to get it

    Originally they gave the devices away for free, under the agreement that the users contributed the Sentinel analysis data.

    Then they opened an indiegogo campain, which far exceeded their expected amount of funding.

    Afterwards they had their own webshop, which is now discontinued.

    Instead, these stores are available:

    Note: they sent me an additional Tshirt, ethernet cable and tube scarf, which is... interesting, but could be considered waste.

    Tbh, I use the tube scarf daily :D

    Poorly they didnt add any stickers!

    Also, they dont have a good system to determine the recipient country, so I have an additional power supply cable for another country.

    They also included a wall mount, with a set of perfectly fitting, longer screws.

    All screws have regular phillips heads.


    They took OpenWRT, but extended it a ton. As they have 8GB of storage and 2GB of RAM, they can do stuff way above the minimum hardware requirements of OpenWRT.

    They have a graphical package manager in the WebUI, and use BTRFS snapshots for atomic updates. Which is totally cool!

    That was over 10 years ago and the first router they made is still supported with updates.


    The data sheet can be obtained here.

    The "Omnia Wifi6" I got uses a bit outdated hardware, similar to my Thinkpad T430. They will very likelybswitch to m.2 slots and ARMv8, so you may want to wait for such a revised model.

    The current Omnia has 3 mini-PCIe Slots, 2 USB-3 ports and a ton of pins accessible from the inside.

    !Picture of a disassembled Omnia Router

    • The left one supports USB, and below you can plug in a SIM card and use an 3G/4G/5G card. With an additional package, this can be used to automatically fallback to cell network, when the regular connection fails.
    • The middle one is just mini-PCIe
    • The right one supports mSATA so with a simple adapter you can use SATA SSDs for near-native speed. (I want to do that, but it may need an additional power supply)

    !Article picture of a mSATA to SATA adapter

    And, of couse in the front it has fancy RGB LEDs. They are used as indicators for the running state, and for the action you do by pressing the "Reset" button.

    In the back it has 4 ethernet sockets, 1 WAN ethernet socket to connect to the internet, one SFP socket for a fiber connection, a multi-purpose button and a power socket.

    The button in combo with the LEDs is used for various things like reboot, reset, update, update from local file, update from internet.


    To set it up, connect it to power and with one of the LAN (not WAN) sockets to a Laptop, using ethernet.

    Right, before setup it doesnt open a wireless connection! This was confusing for me but really make sense.

    In the browser enter and a very nice graphical WebUI guides you through the setup.

    If you use it over LAN, accept the self-signed TLS certificate in your browser, then HTTPS should work.


    It runs a highly extended variant of OpenWRT. There is a huge amount of software. It varies from preinstalled installable through packages, from Foris WebUI integrated to advanced, requiring the normal OpenWRT LuCI or requiring configuration through the terminal.

    An incomplete and chaotic overview:

    • file server: SMB, DLNA, encrypted storage, mdadm
    • Transmission bittorrent client
    • OpenVPN server & client
    • Wireguard (advanced)
    • Nextcloud, Syncthing (both have acessible login pages from the main WebUI)
    • Tor
    • Adblock
    • Dynamic firewall
    • haas: honeypot as a service (needs a public forwarded IPv4 address)
    • Turris Sentinel: security data collection service, analyze incoming threats (the use they originally intended)
    • Librespeed: lightweight network speed test
    • support for LXC containers to run your favourite Linux distro
    • schnapps to manipulate BTRFS snapshots
    • LAN monitoring with PaKon and Morce

    NOTE: the data collection service "Sentinel" is opt-in and disabled by default.


    The DNS Server is not set, I used with DNSSEC, other providers like Cloudflare and Quad9 are also available, just like manual setup.

    DNSSEC works with a single button press, without any issues!


    You can configure things with a config file, that you insert over a USB stick.


    You can plug in an external drive (USB of course, but I want to try mSATA to SATA) and it formats it and moves all data on there.

    It sets up different RAID systems, I dont know if encryption is supported.

    So, you have over 7 different ways to host a fileserver on there, up to a full instance of Nextcloud. This is crazy!

    Wifi Routing

    You can open 2 Wifis (no idea how that works) and each can also have a separated Guest network.


    • By default, WPA3 with WPA2 fallback is used. I changed it to WPA3-only, as WPA2 is vulnerable to attacks (see this video on how to sniff passwords with Kali Linux, which requires a custom kernel driver)
    • 2 Guest networks possible, I highly recommend to use those for everyone apart from Admins
    • VLANs are also supported, and need to be enabled.
    • Reminder: before first configuration, no Wifi is enabled. There is no initial password set.
    • you can have different passwords for the admin WebUI and ssh.

    The reach is great, but roughly equal to the modern Fritzbox we already have, which only has a single, hidden antenna.

    The time to connect to the Wifi is a bit longer than at the FritzBox.

    Community & Support

    Their code is all hosted on the CZ.NIC Gitlab.

    The Turris team can be contacted via email and they respond pretty quickly.

    The same contact is used for repairs.

    They also have a Discourse Forum for a long time, where people can exchange bugs, issues, software and hardware mods, adapters etc.

    Other fun stuff

    The founder of Turris has a Blog

    Spiral Linux: Debian with Flatpak, Backports, presets and no-CLI Tooling

    BTRFS, GUI Flatpak manager, Theming, nonfree codecs etc., printer support, timeshift preconfigured

    Their goal is to make vanilla debian usable, with only debian tech. It is just a config, no "small distro dies and users need to switch"

    Might not be the most secure (loose printer configs, preinstalled drivers for random stuff that is not normally a problem)

    Gesucht: Upgrade von 3x8 Shimano Acera MTB Schaltung - ❓Gesucht, Fahrrad: Upgrade von 3x8 Shimano Acera MTB Schaltung -

    Ich suche nach einem einfachen, haltbaren Ersatz fĂŒr meine bisherige Shimano Acera Schaltung. Sie ist sicher einige Jahre alt, 5+ mindestens. Das Rad ist sehr nice, simpel und gut, ein unspezifisches Trekking-Rad. Die Schaltung ist sicher noch gut, war aber nie Umwerfend (vor allem der Umwerfer 😉).


    ❓Gesucht, Fahrrad: Upgrade von 3x8 Shimano Acera MTB Schaltung

    Ich suche nach einem einfachen, haltbaren Ersatz fĂŒr meine bisherige Shimano Acera Schaltung.

    Sie ist sicher einige Jahre alt, 5+ mindestens. Das Rad ist sehr nice, simpel und gut, ein unspezifisches Trekking-Rad.

    Die Schaltung ist sicher noch gut, war aber nie Umwerfend (vor allem der Umwerfer 😉).

    boredsquirrel boredsquirrel

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