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So like, it was definitely Trotsky right?
  • He did some genuinely intelligent things during the revolution. It's a shame the power struggle and his theories turned out the way it did, the movement he left behind, as you say, is incredibly annoying.

  • Pretty sure I alienated everyone in my local furry Discord by saying I'm refusing to vote for Genocide Joe lmao
  • Fascists think Palestinians aren't human, while libs think we shouldn't care because they're not Western™.

    It's a distinction without a difference.

  • Yes, his campaign is still selling this with that description.
  • Maybe have one can as a collectors item, idk? Put it in a case

  • Why doesn't Biden go 100% on the electoral blackmail?
  • Their evil social credit score

    Our freedom loving death squads

  • Imagine being a Warren stan in 2024. Even more pathetic than still being a Bernie supporter
  • America can't even have someone who barely counts as a socdem in power.

    Awful country.

  • The terror against homeless will continue as scheduled
  • Nah, we make them money. What they want is a working class that is subservient and afraid to rise up against them.

    They've already succeeded in that and now they're just adding assurances.

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • Do you think he'd dismantle NATO to make SEATO 2.0 against china?

  • President of the United States
  • I was hoping they'd both die on stage

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • I'm voting Xi this election

    (I'm not even in America but I'll do it anyway)

  • "I’m just focusing on the present because the future is depressing"
  • "But the youngin's have it easy!" :smuglord: - average boomer capitalist

  • Thoughts on selling trump/biden merch to cash in on the democracy grift?
  • You can sell online? Shipping can be a pain and expensive but if you price it right it might be worthwhile

  • Huawei, other Chinese devices: how can I make sure only Xi sees my porn?
  • It's true, I did this and Xi used Juche necromancy (which he learned from the evil Kim Jong un) to resurrect Mao, who then proceeded to make me endure a struggle session and then sent me to the countryside to chop trees.

  • Why the hell is Victoria 3 DLC so expensive

    Paradox really fell off wtf

    Also they add like, zero worthwhile features for the price? Does every paradox game now have EUIV's DLC policy? It seems like they're really trying to rope people into their shitty DLC subscriptions.

    White men bad games? I've found two more

    RAINBOWS??? I can't believe the industry has been woke for 20 years, SMH my head !pronounjak-rage

    Does anyone have any good sources on how the PRC's whole-process people's democracy works?

    There's this article I found and this other one that does go into some interesting cases etc., but I'm looking for something that actually goes into more details about how it actually works. Like a book or a good explainer? Or maybe one of y'all more knowledgeable comrades can make a good effortpost or something !rat-salute . Thanks.

    Re: the White Hous reccomending Rust and other "memory safe" languages, the fascists think this is why Rust is "woke"

    Lmao these shitheads have on braincell and it's dedicated to obsessing over "woke." Chuds are truly captured by the liberal propaganda machine !michael-laugh

    Seen on Primeagean's channel

    Hard hitting liberal jounalism from The Economist tackling the important issues

    > Nonetheless, the phenomenon is undoubtedly global. Wherever you go, it is hard to escape social-justice warriors. World police, indeed.


    Like all The Economist articles, this has such little substance to it.

    Lmao at their recent anti-China headlines on their main page !xi :


    Elmo is the best debatelord

    Recommendation for games made in the PRC?

    I feel like there's a whole world of games I'm missing out on. Does anyone have an recomendations?

    Elon Musk: "Windows is WOKE!"


    The replies are hilarious !michael-laugh, so many blue checks saying "abandon big tech!" while they pay for Twitter from the richest fascist in the world.

    ZelensKKKy Betrayed - Aid Package worth US$60 billion to Ukraine and Isn'treal appears to be stalled 49-51 in the US Senate

    Nitter link

    !zelensky-pain in a predictable turn of events it looks like the fascists in Ukraine will probably not get more money because the fascists in the USA are too racist and want more border restrictions and war with China.

    ! ! link to the funny WaPo article here.

    A new phrase for the liberal imperialist: "Bombenomics"

    Link: Bombenomics: Biden admin circulates map showing states that benefit from Ukraine aid

    Bombenomics. !michael-laugh

    They're admitting in this article that this just to get rid of old inventory to— you guessed it, go to war with China! !

    ! "Line go up! More war means more treats!" !porky-point

    Something something highest stage !lenin-tea

    Latest China bad propaganda: Xi is forcing women to have children

    ! It's hilarious that capitalist rags like the economist want their lib readers to fear Xi by making him out to be some authoritarian conservative.

    Also funny: central government wants local governments to invest in good toilets, the gall! How dare they support improving public services! !wojak-nooo


    Zionists: "Nazism is when Palestine"

    I can't stand these talking points anymore, it's just all brainworms !brainworms

    There is a Battlefield-style Russia-Ukraine War game coming out next year Glory to the Heroes on Steam

    Glory to the Heroes set in the Russian-Ukrainian war is a tactical single-player and multiplayer first-person shooter with an immersive experience involving many kinds of different military units and vehicles, where the action is happening in the real-world locations of actual battles.

    Glory to the Heroes on Steam

    I was under the impression we have to wait at least a few years after a war ends to consume media about it. They also advertise "real world military regiments" as a feature. I wonder if this will include certain fascist regiments? !

    Just browsing their Discussion forums reveals some reallly questionable comments from the devs (CW: violence): !

    The anti-China propaganda is so hysterical

    It's embrassing what people believe about the PRC. And when you criticise the propaganda the libs just call you a 50 cent army bot, they can't comprehend that real people disagree with their worldview.

    SkingradGuard SkingradGuard [he/him, comrade/them]

    You're new here in Hexbear? Fine. I'll make sure the captain knows we have a stranger in town. Please keep your weapons sheathed, and use your best manners. We're a bit suspicious of libs here. Don't give us anything to be suspicious about, will you, please?

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