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Hacking Kia: Remotely Controlling Cars With Just a License Plate.
  • Both of those functions have been available via key fob for at least a decade, no internet required. Though yes the range on that can be limited.

  • Self study; Changing my own Biology Successfully
  • I think one major difference is feathers - we have not had feathers show up in any mammalian mutations or evolutions that I know of. We went a different direction, with the fur and all. So even if fast tracking wings were possible I think that would involve some kind of fur covering and different adaptation for flight more akin to bats.

    Another major hiccup is - fast tracked uncontrolled evolution, aka genetic mutation, without the controls/failsafes (such as non-viable mutated animals dying out and failing to breed) just equates to cancer…

  • Self study; Changing my own Biology Successfully
  • We mammals are pretty far (~65 million years) diverged from birds, so you’d probably be looking at more of a bat style wing or flying squirrel gliding skin mechanism than anything feathered.

  • What's the dumbest Reddit ban you've heard of?
  • In the last few decades yes probably

  • I mean, he's not wrong.
  • I’m sure the conservatives will continue trying to figure out a way to push it to withering and crumbling… they definitely tried to sell off/privatize chunks of them in the past but the level of outrage they were met with has put those ideas to bed for the time being

  • Efficient distribution of labour my ass
  • Then subsidize the farmers by the amount you were paying them to not harvest the food ? They don’t make any money when they aren’t selling it at all either, without this intervention…

  • What is a good safe way to wash pine sap from an animal's fur?
  • Is there no SPCA or other dog rescue in your area? Research them a bit and then notify one

  • Time comes for us all. [OC]
  • They probably did that to try to learn more about their longevity and habits

  • The weight of different breeds of chicken over their lifespan
  • Also pugs, or Scottish fold cats… and those are creatures we love and keep as pets, not even livestock, and we still do it

  • Removed
    Deadliest predators invade popular tourist spot weeks before summer
  • Invade, really?

    “Apex predator that rarely approaches humans spends time in its natural habitat which it occupied for millions of years prior to the existence of humans”

  • Dunes vs Star Wars
  • Yeah

  • Any idea what happened to the second strawberry pot?
  • How cold does it get over winter? The smaller, shallower container with less leaf cover may have been winter killed. Alternatively, with the dark plastic, it may be heating up and drying out faster now that it is spring. Does the soil feel dryer in it quicker or anything?

  • Uuhhh... help with new cat meeting old cat, or soothe me please
  • Yeah you really did not introduce them the right way. You should start over and do it properly, but first you should take him to the vet to get checked for contagious diseases that can be fatal to cats as you would not want to spread it to yours. They can also check for a microchip in case he is a lost pet.

    After that, you need to set aside a room that is not important or favoured by your cat Anya, and designate that as his room. You should also give Anya a space where he is not allowed to go at all so she feels she has a safe space from the intruder. Here is some instructions how to do this properly, it may take weeks or longer for them both to be comfortable:

    There are lots of similar instructions available. But you always start with them separate, then bring them something with the scent of the other one like a blanket (not pee or litterbox), then allow brief visual contact with a barrier, allow them to explore eachothers space when the other one is confined somewhere else, and then allow them to meet and interact while supervised, then allow them to interact unsupervised. Each stage can take anywhere from hours to weeks, but you cannot proceed to the next step until they are both completely comfortable. Cats are easily stressed at times and can stop eating or peeing and this can cause serious harm to their health or even be fatal.

  • What was made beautiful?
  • I have not thought that I may be the only one to notice intentional human made instances of forgotten beauty, though it is an interesting idea. I do often think the beauty of certain aspects of nature is frequently overlooked, though… not your basic flowers or classically beautiful things, but the beauty of death and resilience and futility.

  • Locked
    gotta do it
  • The liberal party in Canada campaigned on election reform and then when they got elected said ah actually nah that doesn’t really benefit us sorry

  • Am I the only person who doesn't like memes?
  • So you don’t like anything new? Yea that’s weird, there are objectively beneficial new things like technological and medical advancements, social things like being accepting of gay people, etc..

  • Not as expected
  • But captive axolotls are not really true axolotls, they are different from the near extinct wild ones (they have a bit of tiger salamander mixed in). And this really only holds true if people breed their wild-caught aquatic animals - otherwise you are just grabbing a living being from its home and putting it in a tiny cage. There is a place for wild caught fish, but it doesn’t seem very kind to remove them from their habitat to languish in an aquarium for a fraction of their normal lifespan, which is undoubtedly what happens a lot..

  • How do you find motivation when it's not there?
  • I often just fail until it gets embarrassingly or super inconveniently bad. My only strategy that was ever even a little helpful was breaking the task into tiny micro 5 minute tasks and writing them all down, and doing a few of those at a time. I had adhd though, and am hoping medication will help with that (so far it has a bit).

  • Removed
    We should have an "Elon is a gaping asshole" community.
  • It’s called enoughmuskspam

  • catfish'd
  • I live for your memes

  • Requesting community !fossils

    The community !fossils was created over a month ago, no activity since. The creator/mod has had no activity on their account for the last month as well. I messaged them over a week ago to request to mod the community and got no response.

    This user is also parking several other empty communities which I am not personally interested in moderating, but may be nice to free them up for someone who is?


    Male raccoon 🦝

    He is missing the nice canines and a few other teeth, but the nasal turbinates are intact :)


    Slowy Slowy
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    Comments 213