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Mike Lindell claims ignorance over neo-Nazi symbolism in MyPillow prices
  • Crazy thing is he has to give a 70.23% discount for people to even think about buying a pillow

    50 dollars for the world's best pillow is a steal

    Something you use every night that can actually help with sleep and health. You shouldn't be skimping on your pillow.

  • TIL it’s the right of women of all ages to go topless wherever men can in the states of Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas and Oklahoma, including all their cities.
  • Intent

    Was the picture taken for sexual intent?

    Security camera taking a video of a topless 15 year old intent was not produce a pornographic image.

    You as the security guard saving the picture of later...your intent is to make it sexual.

    Now if you saved the picture because you needed to figure out which store the topless 15 year old was by. Your intent is to not make it sexual so that would be fine.

  • You'd know instantly...
  • Oh I have lol

    It's funny that evolution would help solve some ark mysteries.

    Like how did Noah fit one of every animal on the ark?

    Well there weren't that many different types of animals when Noah existed and the ones he saved evolved to get all the animals we know today.

  • 'Deranged': Experts tear apart Trump's 'ludicrous' plan on grocery prices
  • Hey! USA Avocado industry would be thriving if Mexico wasn't shipping all theirs in without a tariff.

    But a sable genius once said. "What we have is a thing called the gasoline. We have gasoline. We have so much gasoline, we don’t know what to do. They don’t have gasoline. So why are we making a product that they dominate? They’re going to dominate."

    This was in reply to the question "How are you going to bring down the cost of food and groceries?".

    I think you can apply the same logic here. "What we have is a thing called the corn. We have corn. We have so much corn, we don’t know what to do. They don’t have corn. So why are we making a product [avocados] that they dominate? They’re [Mexico] going to dominate."

  • hmmm 😈
  • Depends on context.

    This is the same idea as answering the phone with "Talk to me" which is generally from a pompous arrogant character.

    Like "I'm here, what do you have to say?"

  • Density saves nature
  • but it's hard to then build the services that this many people need

    The idea is that there are the same amount of people on the island.

    Island 1 might need 2 small schools to serve the top and bottom of island.

    Island 2 could put one large school in walking distance of living building.

    One large school is much cheaper than multiple smaller ones.

    Same with things like fire stations. You only need one around the living building on island 2. One station on island 1 might not be in range of all the homes.

  • Density saves nature
  • You are not thinking about the large picture.

    Renting a tiller and throwing down some clover seeds is cheap compared to a lifetime of lawn people.

    Just like with your first comment. Yes things break and are expensive, but you're not throwing ~1500 a month out the window renting.

  • What's your stance on "donating" blood plasma?
  • You can donate blood in 20 minutes. It takes an hour plus to donate plasma

    Am I going to sit in a chair for an hour plus without any compensation? Maybe once or twice here and there. But you can donate plasma at least twice a week.

    It requires two donations for a single unit. If you donate once and don't donate the second, then your first donation is unusable. You have to get them to donate twice.

    When I was donating plasma, it paid about $75 for each donation. 50 first, 100 for second. The money is pretty good. $300 a month is a lot for a lot of people.

    If you didn't compensate people for plasma donations, a lot wouldn't do it. They currently need more people to donate.

    Plasma "donation" is a good thing.

  • Say the line
  • Fear of losing basic income is a great crime deterrent.

    Are you going to steal from that gas station if you could lose your basic monthly check for 20+ years?

    You think kids would drive drunk if you told them that if they were caught, they would lose their basic income for life? Most think it's a slap on the wrist, maybe some community service, IF they get caught.

  • "Now everyone will have an easy reference table at hand!"
  • I had to look up what the summoner's tale was. I can say this from memory.

    "Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote,

    The droghte of March hath perced to the roote,

    And bathed every veyne in swich licóur

    Of which vertú engendred is the flour;

    Whan Zephirus eek with his swete breeth

    Inspired hath in every holt and heeth

    The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne

    Hath in the Ram his halfe cours y-ronne,

    And smale foweles maken melodye,

    That slepen al the nyght with open ye,

    So priketh hem Natúre in hir corages,

    Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages,

    And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes,

    To ferne halwes, kowthe in sondry londes;

    And specially, from every shires ende

    Of Engelond, to Caunterbury they wende,

    The hooly blisful martir for to seke,

    That hem hath holpen whan that they were seeke."

  • "The Newspaper of Record"
  • You can say good morning with an infection that makes it asking. Like if I looked over at you on the bus and go "good morning?". You'd know to reply that you were indeed having a good one. Same as if I said "rough morning?"

    I would reply "Just saying"

    It's totally conditioned to say it. I come from where the response to "How you doing?" Is "Good, you?", "Good"

    If someone just said "Morning" to you, you've been conditioned to think something is wrong or they are having a bad day more than likely.

    First impressions matter, and the first word out of your mouth better be good

  • Washed up 90s Hercules Blacksplaining what it means to be black
  • Half a decade ago, Kendrick Lemar kicked a white woman off stage for saying it.

    She apparently had the rap down and didn't think about it.

    I wouldn't say it in public, in a quote or song. The amount of people that would get angry at you is more than the people that would stand up for you.

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