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Roderic Day talking about this site
  • "It's got good stuff, but mixed with memes and Redditism and laziness"

    that's what I'm here for mostly.

  • Sooo gamergate 2 is happening right now
  • I've managed to avoid learning about whatever the fuck this is

    gamers are horrible vivian-shrug

  • Pick a pill. Any pill.
  • Creature pill

    8 hours for rest, 8 hours for work, and 8 hours for being a cat (outdoor-cat)

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion for February 19th to February 25th, 2023 - The Shadow of Suharto - COTW: Indonesia
  • that's right folks, we're hitting them where it won't hurt, like at all

  • Dang it
  • this reads exactly like a tony zaret script

  • Bluetooth Headphones Are The Death Of Sound & I'm Mad (Trust Me Fam)
  • If I'm at home and not working, it's no contest - I plug in some real headphones, open back over-ears preferably.

    That said, I've been really liking these wireless Samsung things recently. They are in-ears, so maybe a bit off-topic. These days it seems all I do is eat hot chip, work with loud equipment, and ride the train - so, lots of background noise and over-ears are too cumbersome.

    1. I'm getting lucky with this bluetooth stuff. They pair immediately when i open the little case, 100% of the time.
    2. These samsung ones just sit in my outer ear and may be the most comfortable headphones I've ever tried. Definitely the most comfortable in-ears. They don't even fall out when I'm running, and the normal silicone-tipped ones always did.
    3. They don't sound good, and this is no surprise because the driver is so small and the form factor is so weird. But they sound okay, and on the train no headphones are sounding that much better than these.
    4. Cable doesn't get in the way or get caught on things when I'm working, and also maybe it's some sensory thing but I hate how the cable feels running under my shirt. For me this is huge.
    5. The battery is not great. Needs charging every day.

    At any rate, wired definitely shouldn't be phased out. My new phone has no 3.5mm jack sicko-wistful

  • BREAKING: Huge Science Nerds Unveil First Electron Microscope Image of Woke Mind Virus
  • it's wild how they just look like little guys, how did that happen

  • Why Socialism is Literally Impossible - YouTube
  • I think one of the main flaws of socialism and planned economies in general is not accounting for supply and demand. In a capitalist society, if you don’t want something, you don’t buy it, whereas under a planned economy you’re stuck with it because that’s what the state decided to make. Case in point the coffee shortages in east Germany when it was controlled by the soviets. The people were extremely unhappy to the point of rioting.

    ooooooooooooooh the coffee

    As opposed to our famously robust capitalist economy which never has shortages and efficiently allocates resources to the most critical needs, of course.

  • The walls are closing in on Bibi...
  • chinese posting is unparalleled

    they probably have like 5 drils for our one dril

  • You've been hit by, you've been struck by, a woke criminal.
  • damn that sucks I was just about to do wholesome fun things today before i remembered about gendered guilt activism sadness

  • NSFW
    [CW: Racism] shot and chaser
  • hm, i wonder if the world's largest population of online gamers might have a proportionally larger number of cheaters.

  • Gamers will do this instead of playing better smh
  • :fidel-cool: i have no microphone on my gaming PC

    shitty setup stays winning

  • How to engage with Falun Gong cultists (highly satisfying) | Reddit
  • He actually argues better than me in mandarin, damn it. I'm only able to be friendly in mandarin sicko-wistful

  • Shame that U.N. can't say all this while mentioning Israel because for Israel, UN=Hamas=ISIS
  • Who's shooting at convoys? Who runs the checkpoints? Who does the inspections? Who owns the bombers?

    oh my GOD hypersus

  • Silence! You have the amygdala of a small frightened child.
  • just a bunch of clown-to-clown-communication clown-to-clown-conversation in those comments

  • look at my western "leftist" posters dude

    "This is awesome. We're killing Russians and not even sacrificing any real people (americans)."

    "It's better than that. It's actually a huge MIC grift."

    Bulletins and News Discussion from November 27th to December 3rd, 2023 - Pain in the ASS - COTW: Burkina Faso
  • As weapons, the best use of lasers might be to shine it in your enemies' eyes to blind them for a moment.

  • seriously hate this thing

    My old 3770K desktop from 2014, today: !soviet-chad

    My laptop from 2017, today: !holden-bloodfeast

    SnAgCu SnAgCu [he/him, any]

    sometimes !bunny-vibe but mostly !sicko-wistful

    Posts 2
    Comments 112