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Falco Origins
  • Should've become an engineer instead.

  • The world’s largest democracy is collapsing before our eyes
  • Who downvoted this? Conservatism has always been an ideology that's opposed to progress, democracy and freedom. It holds back society to preserve tradition and "family values" while promoting xenophobia, bigotry, and unquestioned submission to authority. The most conservative states in the United States are also some of the poorest, with the lowest standards of living, and also the most backwards. It isn't much different in other countries. The Nazis were conservative. Islamic countries with Sharia Law are conservative. And right now, American Conservatives are trying to implement a Christian-flavoured Sharia Law.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Hell, it was already considered outdated and clunky in 2008.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • "Our tech is cutting edge as far as I can tell, the Creation Engine's aging very well! We're not planning on doing anything about it"

  • Hey could we defederate with
  • He's very clearly just here to troll, not to provide any actual perspective or discussion.

  • Gary Lazer-Eyes is a big mood.

    He's such a grumpy boy, but he's a good kitty.

    Why does it feel like we're at a point where every social media + other digital media are making shitty decisions and falling apart?
  • And like cancer, it will eventually kill its host once things are beyond saving.

  • Snowpix Snowpix

    I'm just your average Canadian wolf. I'm a siren enthusiast and railfan as my main hobbies. I run the Civil Defense Sirens Wiki, and am working on restoring a few vintage sirens (such as a FS&S Model L and a rare Sterling Siren MOD. F) as well as a 1970s Safetran mechanical crossing bell.

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