Solumbran @ Solumbran Posts 4Comments 436Joined 2 yr. ago
"Nothing to hide" huh
They're not disagreeing, they're just worried that it's going too fast. Europe has been slowly going nazi but americans are a step further, and european politicians are worried that it will make people realize the fascisation of their societies.
And pretending to be against what's happening in the US is reassuring the enlightened centrists.
Well, american culture making such a big deal about ethnicity even when "positive" did influence a lot.
I never understood why the N word is racist because of history, but then being black makes it fine to say. It's still linked to a racist background, but it seems like americans consider that minorities can never be or do anything racist.
And I mean, in 99% of cases the concept of ethnicity is (or at least is used in a way that is) purely racist. Apart from a few studies on genetic specificities, it has no purpose at all, and definitely no purpose in daily lives and governments.
What's weird is that no one with a sane mind would say that a woman saying "women are bitches and shouldn't be able to work" isn't misogynistic, but when it comes to racism people are making up exceptions left and right.
If you focus on ethnicity, chances are you are racist, no matter the justification you put behind it.
The magic of marketing
C'est une blague ?
The reboot has a sort of coherence which makes it better to watch in order, but I don't think it's a big deal.
I would just say that Doctor Who is much more on the psychological thriller/horror side of science fiction than Star Trek.
I mean, it obviously depends on which star trek you like since the recent ones have been much much more into the horror/action/gore side than the older ones, if you liked the torture rape scenes of Discovery and the Alien plagiarism of SNW then Doctor Who might even seem mild in comparison, so I guess it depends on what you see Star Trek as.
Just imagine someone like you talking with you. How does it work?
I can't even imagine that it would last more than two messages. It's not a conversation if only one person is talking.
Seeking help is definitely the way to go as others have pointed out.
If you don't care about others feeling hurt, well then just think about it rationally: you probably don't like getting hurt, so you can understand that they don't either and trying not to hurt others generally makes the world easier for everyone.
Now I would also say that aside of that, you should apologize to people you hurt. Not specifically expecting them to forgive you, but because it also logically makes more sense as it might make them feel less bad about your behaviour.
I would overall try to think about things more rationally than emotionally because it does look like your emotions are your main source of problem right now, and for example thinking that hurting people is going to make them improve is absurd.
And thinking rationally would let you realize what behaviors are not okay, and let you apologize/warn people about it even if you fail to control yourself. While people would still completely be entitled to distancing themselves from you if your behaviour hurts them, it might at least give them some insight that allows them to get less hurt. And once again, less hurt is generally positive.
Yeah, I don't know why I expected anything smart.
Downvoting someone stupidly implying that most people with any health issue are responsible for it because they're lazy.
Stop clowning around and turn on your brain.
J'ai pas de solution magique, mais je vois tous les jours des gens se taper des doses dangereuses de tabac et d'alcool (vu que la moindre dose l'est), alors que des doses dangereuses d'aspartame ça n'existe pas dans l'alimentation humaine, au vu de la science actuelle.
Du coup essayer de bannir quelque chose sans aucune preuve de danger (et c'est pas qu'on manque d'études, c'est une substance hyper étudiée), quand à côté on a des substances hyper répandues, qui sont validés et encouragées, et qui font des victimes à la fois chez les consommateurs et les autres, je trouve ça assez con.
Et puis bon, si on peut bannir l'aspartame ou le cannabis, je vois pas pourquoi l'alcool et le tabac sont intouchables. Et même si on accepte l'argument à la con de la "tradition" de l'alcool en France (les colonies aussi c'était une tradition française) l'argument ne tient pas pour le tabac.
Aucune preuve, mais par contre personne veut s'opposer à l'alcool et au tabac.
Bande de branquignols.
This quote is full of shit though.
Parce que la France aime les violeurs
It's like saying that if employees are paid and treated like shit, they should still work hard because the opposite would be immoral.
That's bullshit, if AIs are crap because they train on unwilling people, it's the company's fault, not the people who are coerced into working for free.
Ah yes, the famous discrimination against men.
Also men are actually expected and trained by society to be pigs so it's sliiightly different.
The same joke could have been made with anything else. A boss, a friend, who cares.
And yeah, the artistic freedom is what people also use to defend Ricky Gervais when he spends 10 minutes saying that kids who get raped enjoy it, that's a very bad sign when you end up having to resort to that argument to defend a joke.