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All Stalin's Fault
  • cough Katyn massacre cough

  • Lookin at you Shea
  • did Shea post some more cringe?

  • Thoughts on corporal punishment?
  • I got whooped as a kid and I turned out alright!


    Yeah, I turned out alright.

  • Rule
  • Navalny, the guy who called Muslims cockroaches?

    Navalny, the guy who was already imprisoned and posed literally no threat to Russia from behind bars? That Navalny?

    You're worse than QAnon types.

  • Russia says it’s working with China to put nuclear plant on moon

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 9
  • Reactionary, old, prole-hating pervert is intercepted by the state before he can do a terrorism and is rehabilitated with no lasting harm done to his person.

    Long live Ingsoc, Glory to Oceania! The thought police are here... for you.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 9
  • I like to look at the DPRK and try to find these mysterious PRISON CAMPS I've heard so much about.

    Mostly just awe-inspiring nature and beautiful architecture. Most google reviews for places in the DPRK are malding libs who've never left Nowhere, Minnesota owning the Koreans. Funny in its sadness.

  • Time: "Marxism identified Jews as an enemy deserving liquidation."
  • I would say you are probably correct. A lot of it is semantics - I think prior to the eighties you're just more likely to run into phrases like "adherent to Mao Zedong Thought" rather than "Marxist-Leninist-Maoist".

    Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge's words on the matter

    “Our two Parties, two governments and two peoples have maintained a fundamentally identical, correct, Marxist-Leninist stand.”

    Speaking first, Hua Kuo-feng welcomed the Kampuchean comrades, calling their visit a “major event” in the relations between the two parties and countries. He said, “The Communist Party of Kampuchea, headed by comrade Pol Pot, is a staunch Marxist-Leninist Party.” He called the CPK “the force at the core leading the Kampuchean people in seizing victory in their revolution.”

    In warmly praising Mao Tsetung Thought, Pol Pot said, “Following Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, Chairman Mao and his thought have triumphantly stood the test of successive revolutionary storms.” He said that Mao Tsetung Thought today illuminates the path of revolution for people all over the world.

    “More precisely,” Pol Pot said of Mao Tsetung Thought, “It is the most effective and sharp ideological and political weapon which infallibly guides our struggle to victory.”

    emphasis mine

    Undeniably, I would say, they were Maoist, but at the time 'Maoism' and 'Marxism-Leninism' were considered pretty much one and the same by "anti-revisionists" or those communists who split with the USSR after Khruschev's coup d'etat. I'd say calling Pol Pot a 'Maoist' is a fair enough examination, it's just that to him "Maoism" and "Marxism-Leninism" were synonymous. I'd maybe go so far as to call him a proto-MLM.


  • Time: "Marxism identified Jews as an enemy deserving liquidation."
  • A Maoist, not a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist. No one really called themselves an MLM til the 80s, when the PCP/Shining Path officially "synthesized" it.

  • last episode
  • Proles of the Roundtable is my favorite, they went onto do Invent the Future after they had a falling out, though. Both are great.

  • HUR Chief Budanov Says Seems Navalny Died of Detached Blood Clot
  • New RuZZian invention: the blood clot gun, from the same designers of the sonic weaponry that caused Havana syndrome!

  • The Economist calls Julius Malema 'the most dangerous man in South Africa' because he is for nationalization.
  • Nasser, Qasim, Hussein, Gadaffi, Mossadegh, Árbenz. None of them communists, but all had something in common: nationalization of local industry as policy. All were also demonized, hated, and most even directly murdered by U.S. intelligence.

    Empire fears the communist movement because nationalization has proven inherent to its implementation. Nationalization is the greatest fear of empire, though, as it rips production (and profit) from the stranglehold of foreign exploiters and brings it that much closer to the native toilers.

  • The Zero Euro souvenirs by the EU
  • I've thought about this but with American flag rolling papers. Patriotic potheads buy it for the design, revolutionaries buy it for a chance to burn Old Glory 🔥🇺🇸🔥

  • Stay toxic, comrades
  • Hell, I'll take a revisionist Russia. Glad to hear they never abandoned socialism, at least.

    1991 who?

  • True , no less than WW3
  • It's like being a monarchist who works in retail. They think they'll be king when their revolution happens, completely oblivious to their predetermined role as serf.

  • NSFW Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I have often wondered about the boundaries of horror art... or more precisely, the lack thereof.

    There is "tasteless" and there is "should probably be illegal". I may be wrong and all art should be allowed and criticism should reign, I don't know. But you mentioned Terrifier, a film that was marketed as the one making people vomit and pass out in movie theaters.

    I don't see the benefit here... for anyone. I see cheap exploitation and majorly creatively bankrupt gimmicks.

    I, like you, am also no horror prude, and I sometimes even explicitly seek out gory films. I have a soft spot in my heart particularly for the V/H/S series, which are fictional representations of what are basically snuff films. They don't make me vomit and cry and shit my pants and dream about clowns murdering me in my sleep, though. I prefer it that way, personally.

    Also fuck r@pe in horror movies. For every time it's tastefully done, it's done in the most degrading and unnecessary way possible 100 more times. Graphic depictions of sexual abuse almost always evoke in me disdain for the director or creator rather than any involved emotion regarding the film itself. I'm looking at you, "I Spit On Your Grave" and basically every other "r@pe revenge* film.

    I feel you, comrade.

  • A lot of Gen Z/Gen Alpha weirdness is simply a reaction to a deteriorating society
  • kids have just stopped doing homework and attending classes, then freak out when they fail…

    hahaha literally me fr tho

  • BREAKING: Potential military coup in Gabon Gabon military officers claim power, say election lacked credibility

    Television announcement comes shortly after incumbent Ali Bongo is declared president for a third term.

    Gabon military officers claim power, say election lacked credibility

    cross-posted from:

    > "Gabon military officers claim power, say election lacked credibility > Television announcement comes shortly after state election body announces incumbent Ali Bongo had won a third term as president. > > A group of senior military officers has gone on national television in Gabon saying they have seized power because elections held over the weekend were not credible. > > The officers, appearing on Gabon24 in the early hours of Wednesday morning, said they had cancelled the elections, dissolved all state institutions and closed the country’s borders. > > They said they represented all security and defence forces of Gabon. > > The announcement came shortly after the state election body said President Ali Bongo Ondimba had won a third term in office in Saturday’s disputed elections. > > “In the name of the Gabonese people … we have decided to defend the peace by putting an end to the current regime,” the officers said. > > The Gabonese Election Centre said Bongo had secured 64.27 percent of the vote compared with 30.77 percent for his main challenger Albert Ondo Ossa, after a process beset by delays. > > Further Context:

    BREAKING: Potential military coup in Gabon Gabon military officers claim power, say election lacked credibility

    Television announcement comes shortly after incumbent Ali Bongo is declared president for a third term.

    Gabon military officers claim power, say election lacked credibility

    "Gabon military officers claim power, say election lacked credibility Television announcement comes shortly after state election body announces incumbent Ali Bongo had won a third term as president.

    A group of senior military officers has gone on national television in Gabon saying they have seized power because elections held over the weekend were not credible.

    The officers, appearing on Gabon24 in the early hours of Wednesday morning, said they had cancelled the elections, dissolved all state institutions and closed the country’s borders.

    They said they represented all security and defence forces of Gabon.

    The announcement came shortly after the state election body said President Ali Bongo Ondimba had won a third term in office in Saturday’s disputed elections.

    “In the name of the Gabonese people … we have decided to defend the peace by putting an end to the current regime,” the officers said.

    The Gabonese Election Centre said Bongo had secured 64.27 percent of the vote compared with 30.77 percent for his main challenger Albert Ondo Ossa, after a process beset by delays.

    Further Context:

    [Fightpost #1] The Maquis! Section 31!



    This is the first post in a series I plan to make depending on interaction.

    I really want to delve deep into Marxist-Leninist's thoughts regarding these important issues affecting all of us in the Alpha quadrant.

    Issues such as...

    The Maquis. They're explicitly named after a French resistance group that included prominent communist leadership. They do a lil terrorism to preserve their land that was ceded to the enemy. This included their homes and farms.

    But like are they kinda actin' like kulaks rn?

    It's explained to us that all of the settlers were offered free and immediate resettlement. The Maquis refused on ideological grounds... in perhaps unfairly literal terms, their right to property. They could have been just as comfortable or even moreso had they took the Federation up on its offer, but their personal "connection to the land" (that was once again, a settlement or colony) is making them refuse to relocate.

    Refusing to relocate threatens peace for the entire Federation. Cardassians, who have fought a long and bloody war in living memory against the Federation, now have an intergalactically recognized right to the land, including from the Federation itself. There is a horrible regional conflict playing out between settlers of either side and it seems to many like the Federation is too weak or too foolish to protect its people any longer.

    Ben Sisko, in a chat with Eddington (IIRC), insinuates that he no longer believes that the correct choices were made when it came to the Maquis' existence or the plight of the settlers. I see a couple of things that could have happened had things turned out differently, from the Maquis becoming a paramilitary wing of the Federation (a la Azov in Ukraine, except this time it's based and not neo-Nazis), to the Federation actually affording a higher level of security in the region to protect against violence instead of letting Cardassian "peacekeepers" allow murder to occur.

    What do you think of the Maquis, though? I synpathize with the connection element, but when we are aware that they were offered free, comfortable resettlement it certainly demystifies their ideological foundation.

    I liked Section 31 and even found myself mostly agreeing with them and supporting their existence within the universe.

    Starfleet Intelligence exists, of course. But intelligence can only go so far. An officially unaffiliated group that can bend the rules to defend the Federation, to defend fucking Eden, Gaia, the paradise that Earth has become is incredible! By any means necessary!

    Ehheheh. Then, the attempted fucking genocide.

    Oh, bother. I believe the showrunners intended to demonstrate in part how self-proclaimed "strong men who protect weak men" willing to justify the means at any cost tend not to be great, and giving these people completely unchecked power to kill and destroy is probably a bad idea. A major theme in the show is that killing and destroying is usually a bad idea anyway, so.

    What do you think? Section 31: based successors of their NKVD and Stasi ancestors, or disturbed feds attempting to recreate the foreign policy of a thankfully long dead Amerika? Does their portrayal as le not epic genociders rub you the wrong way at all -- a bit Kilmonger-y maybe?

    I wanna see some intense ass critique, comrades. I wanna see those downvotes pop off. 👎👎👎

    "He was more than a hero. He was a union man."

    On S4 E16, time 17:48, but I had to pause the episode to talk about this. Beware spoilers throughout.

    Are you KIDDING ME? Part of a small lingering complaint I've had in my head is that they have been somewhat understandably shy about using many opaquely radical terms: communism, socialism, revolution, etc. But now we're going ham into pro-union storytelling with no shame and no relent.

    How can this show keep getting exponentially based-er? They can't keep getting away with it!

    Watching DS9 for the first time. Star Trek for the first time, really. (Maybe mild s1 spoilers)

    I was not aware that scifi could be this good.

    Only on S1 E17 ("only" as if I didn't start watching this like 3 days ago) and I'm told it only gets better. It has not disappointed me yet even with its wildest shit.

    how I feel abt some of the characters

    Sisko is the chad Old Guard Stalinist who makes questionable decisions at times and is a hardass boss but his intent and his impact are always in service to the people, all people.

    Kira is my forever unrequited love (as she is fictional). Kira is absolutely amazing, the revolutionary who actually seized power and is now dealing with the ugly consequences of having said power. She's the forever-revolutionary and at least so far a goddamn aspirational one and a Bajoran global hero.

    Julian needs to keep his libido in check. Thirsty as fuck and has some xenorientalism to work through. Incredible doctor and is devoted the cause when it makes necessary demands.

    O'Brien is an absolute Stakhanovite and I love him for it. Wish I was raised by him instead of my dad.

    Odo is so badass. So far he only has a fleeting understanding of his species, but at least from the perspective of some, Odo is a living relic. People tell ancient myths about changelings! He is perhaps the last of his kind (idk, s1 e17) and I think he stands as a wonderful representative of his people. The People's Constable through and through.

    I hope Quark has a mindbreak and becomes a communist or he's murdered on-screen. I understand the series goes into more detail about the reasons why the Ferengi are like that... but to be completely honest, in the Star Trek universe at least, I would almost definitely be quite racist against Ferengi. Sisko didn't want Jake to hang out with Nog and I sympathized. I like that he came to his senses later that xenoracism is uncool, but Nog so far has only gotten worse and worse in his profit-before-people shit. Hope it changes.

    Dax is interesting. I like the Trill lore. I'm not sure if the Curzon Dax stuff has more context in earlier iterations or not, but it hasn't hampered my enjoyment of Dax's character. Old man. ___

    Blows my mind that this came out in 1993. It feels like communist art. Diplomacy first, always. Profiteering is disgusting and condemnable and humans should have no desire to do it, to the extent that it would be literally alien to us to fuck over others just for economic gain. The Bajoran politics are fascinating and, like I said, I love Kira and stan whatever carbombings she had to do to win independence.

    Also, the Cardassians are fucking horrifying and look like animated and decaying Greco/Roman statues. I get major Rome and Amerika vibes from them, though the Ferengi are also quite Amerikan.

    Can't believe I've put off Star Trek for this long. Also can't believe there was ever a freakin' debate between whether Star Trek or Star Wars is better, I'm feeling a radical difference in tone. In DS9 at least, there's rarely been le good guys and le bad guys the way there is in Star Wars especially post-Disney. I feel Star Wars also plays up the heroic fantasy to the 14th level, which is ok, but not necessarily interesting aside from visually, at least to me.

    Anyway, I love this show and would like to see what people wanna say about it.

    How the job search has been going for a month and a half.

    "We're sorry, we'd love to be so generous as to purchase your labor (and soul), and you have a really yummy looking soul, but we found one with more experience being devoured.

    Reapply, worm. Reapply, worm. Reapply, worm. Reapply, worm."

    We’re entering an age of ‘psyop realism’, but what does that mean? We’re entering an age of ‘psyop realism’, but what does that mean?

    Psyop memes are taking over social media, in particular across post-ironic meme pages, where anti-establishment currents are supercharged

    We’re entering an age of ‘psyop realism’, but what does that mean?

    > Psyop memes are taking over social media, in particular across post-ironic meme pages, where anti-establishment currents are supercharged. In the mainstream, HBO Max’s new Velma cartoon has prompted conspiracy theories that it’s a right-wing psyop, while Fox News is convinced that the M&M girlies are a Chinese psyop meant to pedal candy-coated femininity. It’s not that we’re all collectively losing our minds, although it certainly feels that way. It’s more a reaction to our increased awareness of the propaganda and subversion that we are all exposed to every day. As the late Robert Anton Wilson said all the way back in 1980: “Anyone in the United States today who isn’t paranoid must be crazy.”

    I like this article.

    BeardTube SovereignState
    I recommend the channel "Fascinating Horror". (The Great Smog of 1952) The Great Smog of 1952 | A Short Documentary | Fascinating Horror

    "On the 5th of December, 1952, an unusually heavy fog descended on London. It remained in place for five days, bringing the capital to a standstill…" As always, THANK YOU to all my Patreon patrons: you make this channel possible. SOCIAL MEDIA: ► Twitter: h...

    This is a weird one, but hear me out. All of the videos on this channel are about real-life occurrences, mostly man-made disasters including the structural collapse of buildings, ships, trains, and the devastating effects of industry.

    Most pertinently, every video focuses heavily on the victims, who are usually workers. Most videos end with a detailed account of policy changes that happened (or didn't happen) in order to prevent future disasters from occurring. He also makes it damn clear that it's usually the capitalists' fault, who shunt their responsibilities to keep their workers safe.

    It's less horror and more discussion of anti-worker policies, where legal protections for workers' safety come from, architectural science, and preserving the memory of historical accidents and catastrophes. Well worth a sub imo.

    How's it going Amerika?


    This is horrific, straight up fascist terrorism. Only gonna get worse.

    It's just every fucking day here, isn't it? Five killed, 18 injured in Colorado Springs gay club shooting

    Police are responding to a shooting at a gay club in the US city of Colorado Springs

    Five killed, 18 injured in Colorado Springs gay club shooting

    Five killed, 18 injured in Colorado Springs gay club shooting.

    Can't wait for all the thoughts and fucking prayers. Can't wait for the hand-wringing about guns and not about the hateful ideology being tube-fed down the throat of Amerika's collective psyche. Can't wait for the pathologization and mental-health scapegoating. Can't wait for absolutely nothing to be done, ever.

    At least two dead after allegedly Russian missiles land in NATO state Poland, Russia denies involvement Two dead after Russian missiles land in NATO state Poland

    The Prime Minister of Poland has called an emergency meeting following the explosion.

    Two dead after Russian missiles land in NATO state Poland

    Oh. No.

    Update: Russia denies striking Poland

    Remembering Marilyn Monroe’s Radical Politics Remembering Marilyn Monroe’s Radical Politics – OpEd

    June 1, 2022, was Marilyn Monroe’s 96th birth anniversary. Though our neoliberal age of hyper-commodification has only entrenched her image as a sex symbol, the political dimensions of Monroe’s lif…

    Remembering Marilyn Monroe’s Radical Politics – OpEd

    Marilyn Monroe, contrarily to the figure we've been repeatedly told she was -- dumb, blonde vixen aspiring to live the life of the rich and famous, was an incredibly well-spoken, empathetic and intelligent comrade. I think it's disgusting the way her radical legacy has been buried so deeply under the rug. Great OpEd by the always brilliant Yanis Iqbal remembering Marilyn Monroe's revolutionary history.

    >"The stifling nature of Monroe’s Hollywood career meant that she was naturally attracted to counter-hegemonic political positions that promised to liberate humanity from the alienating effects of capitalism. She openly defended the Communist Party members who were under investigation by the House Un-American Activities Committee during the McCarthy period. For her, the following reason was sufficient enough to associate with members of the Hollywood Ten and with trial victims like Arthur Miller: 'They’re for the people, aren’t they?'. In 1955, she applied for a visa to visit the Soviet Union, after which the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) started surveilling her."

    >"On issues of sexuality, she was similarly progressive, willing to question Hollywood’s privileging of heterosexuality as the only legitimate form of love. Years before the emergence of the queer movement, she defended the gay actor Montgomery Clift against press harassment and ridicule: “People who aren’t fit to open the door for him sneer at his homosexuality. What do they know about it? Labels – people love putting labels on each other. Then they feel safe.” “No sex is wrong if there’s love in it.”


    CW: pedo Bolsonaro to Be Investigated for 'Apology of Pedophilia' Bolsonaro to Be Investigated for 'Apology of Pedophilia'

    <p>The far-right politician said that when he saw a group of Venezuelan teens, he "painted a climate," which is a Rio de Janeiro slang to refer to "having a climax."&nbsp;</p>

    CW: Pedophilia

    Y'all see this?

    I've only watched a clip. The chemistry comment was utterly fucking deranged and disturbing. I've heard that the full context of the tirade was pertaining to how sex trafficking from Venezuela was a problem. Unsurprisingly the only people calling for muh context are fascist Bolsonaro stans. Even with the full context of the statement,

    1. What the fuck was that chemistry comment, Bolsonaro? You have sexual chemistry with literal children?
    2. If you just so happened to stumble across a child sex trafficking ring, why didn't you report it? Why only bring it up as a rhetorical policy recommendation or whatever in an interview?

    I'm curious to see how this impacts his support, if it will. We saw with Milo Yiannopolis that fascists will often tolerate many vile things but pedophilia apologia is still a line many of them refuse to cross, thankfully. Hopefully this helps further tank his support.

    Makes me happy when people talk about China as... just a normal country.

    Maybe silly but at my Korean classes there's a seemingly "apolitical" guy working in IT who plans to work in China's IT sector and we talked a bit about it. Just talked about how it's exciting but wishes it was less difficult for him to go, that they're making huge leaps in the IT field etc. Just nice to have a convo about it without Uyghurs or muh political freedoms or whatever coming up.

    Protests in Iran

    BBC report:

    A better source’s report:

    Tudeh (communist) Party of Iran statement:

    A woman was seemingly murdered by the IRI’s religious police after being taken into custody for not wearing her hijab “properly”. Iranian officials deny this and claim she died of a heart attack. Looks like no one is buying this line.

    Danny Haiphong thinks a color revolution is underway because of Iran’s pivot to the east. I haven’t seen this sort of line taken by anyone else yet, but I’m more keen to trust the Tudeh Party than a non-Iranian, as much as Haiphong is usually right. From my understanding and their own statements, Tudeh is not clamoring for some relationship with the West and are very aware of and against NATO, EU and U.S. imperialism. I doubt they’d be in favor of these protests if they thought they were spearheaded by western NGOs.


    Lots of protests all over the country. Many chants recorded such as “long live socialism, long live communism” and “death to the dictator, down with Khamenei”. Complicating matters is that the murdered woman was Kurdish-Iranian and fittingly a lot of the protests began in heavily Kurdish regions of Iran. This is not to dismiss the plight of Kurdish people or their capacity for revolutionary struggle, but Kurds have been insidiously used and abused by the West to forment ethnic tensions in Iraq, Turkey, Syria and elsewhere before, and western media outlets are seemingly attempting to continue that legacy by drawing a clear divide by Iranian Kurds and non-Kurds.

    There is a fog of reporting currently, with a lot of protest info being relayed to western media by Chatham House, a British think tank known recently as having been pushing a lot of anti-Russia stuff. U.S. officials also immediately “demanded accountability” of Iran and claimed the act was “unforgiveable”.

    Any MENA comrades have thoughts? Do you think this could be a revolutionary moment, or a cynical attempt by NGOs to weaken Iran after they’ve closened to China?

    Nations with still existing monarchies.

    A little bit different than usual, but it sure says a lot.

    SovereignState SovereignState

    She/her. 24

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