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McConnell appears to freeze while speaking with reporters in Kentucky
  • And replace him with a younger wingnut? Tbh I want him to live simply because the two dozen people who didn't vote for Mitch to keep assfucking the state suffer less when he's got lag issues over him turning over to a new cretin.

  • Current combat event
  • Back with Challenge 5 done. Imgur is saying it's 18+, idk. A rather underwhelming finale, though I suppose that's easier for less invested players to break into.

    Character builds here.

    5-1: Pyro hilichurls, Pyro slimes, Pyro spectres, and a Dendro samachurl. Lots of mooks and you get a +30% ATK buff, so bring characters that scale with ATK. I went with Quickbloom but Hydro/Cryo heavy teams will do well in general.

    5-2: Electro slimes plus Cryo slimes, spectres, and whoppers. A potent Swirl buff is added so Pyro + Anemo anything (excluding Traveler, who prioritizes Cryo absorption) crushes this floor. I went with an Air Fryer variant. National with Sucrose should also be fine.

    5-3: Treasure hoarders and Fatui? What is this, the VV artifact domain? You get another Swirl buff and every enemy on this floor is weak to Venti, so there isn't much to discuss.

  • Current combat event
  • Teams I used for Challenges 1-4.

    1-1: Eremite mooks + elites. Anything with suction will do. I used Thoma Burgeon with Venti flex so I could use stronger teams for other floors, but National variants, Freeze or Raiden Hyper should also do well.

    1-2: Hilichurl mooks, just blew them up with Rational.

    1-3: Slimes and Geovishaps. Used Freeze because Geovishaps are annoying but frankly they're weak af.

    2-1: Eremite elites and Fatui. The elite enemies on this floor cast hazards, and some of them have earthquake so watch your step. Not much trouble, Freeze was fine for grouping and lockdown.

    2-2: Electro hilichurls and mages. Trash mob floor. International mopped them up.

    2-3: Geo hilichurls. Bring somebody with a shield to get some extra damage from the buff. Shield mitachurls are annoying so you'll probably want someone who can pierce like Nahida or Yelan, but anyone else you want will do okay here. Keqing Aggravate was comfy so I just ran that.

    3-1: Oops, all Hydro Mimics! Quickbloom blows this whole floor apart so you really only need one EM Electro + Dendro driver. I brought Kuki and Alhaitham for those roles, with Beidou for extra damage and Yaoyao as a panic heal.

    3-2: 2 waves of Eremites, followed by Dendro Tiger + Electro Scorpion. Fuck these guys. Freeze locks them down but you need a lot of investment/good rotations with cooperative grouping to kill them in time. National might work if you never ever get hit by the scorpion, because if that shithead even scratches your character they'll be flying over to Celestia.

    3-3: Eremites and Primal Doritos. Uhh bring Quicken, whatever.

    4-1: Hilichurl Rogues + hilimooks. Freeze was good for lockdown but this is fairly straightforward for any team.

    4-2: Ruin bots, Kequeen delivered again. Bring anybody decent, focus down the doritos first and you're good.

    4-3: Fungi and Cryo whoppers. Venti is wonderful but these weeds are obscenely tanky. International works here, note that Childe's bow burst can reliably hit inside Venti's burst and refunds energy, which is good for secure rotations. Be careful when the whoppers spawn since Reverse Melt + obscenely boosted attack can get one of your teammates killed easily.

  • Current combat event
  • The difficulty's mostly frontloaded on the first part because you need enough firepower to take out 3-4 waves of elite mobs. Challenge #3 mixes it up with the Constipated Beasts on the second part causing a time crunch (and also setting up stunlocks that will TPK if you don't time out first). The ranged basic mobs are the second most annoying enemy after the beasts, because they will attempt to moonwalk as far away from you as possible and waste more time. Stick to ranged enemies like glue and bait Ruin doritos' teleports towards their friends, because you can hit them together with approaching melee enemies and remove distractions.

    In general, you need as much consistent AoE as you can get. Most quickswap teams that include Sucrose/Kazuha should stomp each first part. For F2P, National is the bread and butter. An invested Ayaka + Shenhe Freeze can do work on annoying floors you'd prefer to skip thinking on. Nilou Bloom and Thoma Burgeon are workable depending on the matchup. Beidou enjoys floors with lots of enemies, and her counter is potentially useful against the beasts. Keqing/Cyno/Alhaitham Quicken have passable AoE + ST focus which I've enjoyed using on a few of the third parts.

  • Organic, huh?
  • Meaning one could hypothetically spray a tomato with dioxins up to 5% of its body weight and it would still qualify as organic.

    And slip some cash over to the FDA when one of their interns asks too many questions.

  • Giuliani Concedes He Made False Statements About Georgia Election Workers
  • Any credibility he had ought to have crumbled in the early 2000s when he promoted Oxycontin and pushed a deal to continue sales. Absolutely mind-boggling, I read about him 15 years afterward and I'm amazed by how conservatives fell in line to defend a ghoul who tried to get them all hooked on opioids for a nickel just because he said some pretty words about defending the orange god-king or whatever.

  • can't wait to buy it with Pullman dollars
  • Villifying plants is on the nonsensical agenda as well (i.e. making mountains out of molehills over soy/phytoestrogens). But Tofu and other soybean foods have been staples across a huge chunk of East Asia for centuries and nobody's been worse off for it (besides unlucky allergies). Funny enough, East Asia also has a few niche recipes for cooking bugs, and since my parents are from South Korea I occasionally ate steamed silkworm pupae as a kid (they sell them here in cans as 번데기/beondegi). The weird earthy taste and general phobia of creepy crawlies is the reason it's not too popular nowadays. I wasn't a huge fan myself but I do see bug meat as a potential resource.

    So it's just the usual fearmongering over made-up problems. Plant protein is good, bug protein has existed as something I wouldn't mind if it tastes alright, and the meat industry's going to lobby for more subsidies and thrive regardless of what happens.

  • Removed
    Ron DeSantis’ False claim that some states allow ‘post-birth’ abortions. None do.
  • The reasons we oppose abortion bans: exceptions are not made for rape victims (e.g. 10 yo girl from Ohio) because conservatives lied, contraceptives which let couples avoid STDs are also talked about being banned because conservatives lied, conservatives tend to end up having a bunch of kids they didn't plan for and can't afford a good standard of living for because conservatives lied.

    The reasons conservatives think we oppose abortion bans: You just want to have sex all the time lol (a conservative SC judge, a dozen conservative congressmen and the conservative ex-president were all convincingly accused of sexual abuse allegations in recent memory).

  • RFK Jr.: Media hitting me harder than Trump
  • The guy who paid 45 billion dollars to lift bans on several infamous wingnut trolls like Catturd and turned a bird logo into an X for clout doesn't seem like a Democrat to me. Neither is the billionaire oil baron who owns Fox News, Sky News, Fake News, etc., the former of which is the largest media company in America. You're not an underdog.

  • Trump causes confusion by sharing meme calling Jan 6 a ‘government staged riot’ even though he was in power
  • 70 million people with a pulse voted for this guy and made life-size plastic idols of him in his honor. What amazes me is that they'll do it again. Trump has no loyalty to even his most fanatic worshippers and no coherent plan for America other than cashing out for himself at anyone else's expense. And he keeps telling everyone as much because he has no filter and uses our two-tiered justice system to keep getting away with it.

    What kind of reason besides spite or greed could possibly motivate people to fawn over a blatantly awful man who already threw them under the bus a few times the moment it suited him better?

  • I've noticed that lemmy as a whole is much more leftist than reddit (outside of political servers of course)
  • Now you've convinced me! I really ought to have been the bigger man when my mom called me in the middle of the night to tell me that Trump's a martyr like Jesus and that the Democrats are performing demonic baby-eating rituals inside underground tunnels, and just let her keep screaming about me being a brainwashed woke communist because we just have little differences and we all need to get along.

    Haha, nope. I want scorched earth on every one of those conspiracy nut fuckers holding right-wing parties around the balls, since they went after my family with their brainrot. I don't give a shit that a handful of people exist who don't explicitly support Jewish Space Laser Marge or Venmo Bribes Clarence, because y'all still vote lock step to keep these crazy loons around because Roe v. Wade is worth killing for $300 extra on next year's tax return.

  • Right wing commentator, Ben Shapiro pictured at the Barbie movie wearing all black, frowning and holding a stack of angry notes he took during the movie.
  • An asshole who primarily courts right-wingers an inch to the left of Neo-Nazis by making them feel logical and superior for denying basic facts about reality, while the mask-off Neo-Nazis repeatedly send death threats to his family because they're culturally Jewish.

    I don't pity him. He dug his hole by choice, and it is a very comfy hole in upper-class Los Angeles where he won't experience the consequences of societal collapse that he encourages poorer right-wingers to spread around. Tough for his kids, I'd imagine, since they'll be growing up in a world with all those oven-fanatic redcaps crawling out of the woodwork that their dad turned a blind eye to for clout.

  • One Generation Rule
  • To know better about religion*

    Patching it up some more. Stay informed and spread the news of religion's intrinsic failings, so the next generation doesn't repeat the mistakes of today.

  • Google raising price of YouTube Premium to $13.99 per month
  • The one on the upper right-hand corner of the recommended watch sidebar always manages to sneak past my multiple adblockers. I'm tired of having my eyes seared by massive anime tiddies (Queen's Blade ads) just because I sometimes watch anime and the monkeys working in the algorithm machine greenlit softcore pornography to be plastered all over their platform. But I sure as shit ain't paying them $170 a year to get those idiots to stop.

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