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  • Speaking of, I kinda miss when Pokémon spin off games could literally just be anything. There was so much creativity, and the franchise just doesn't have that kind of ethos anymore

  • Seeing old geezers (millennials) on Reddit codgering around, posting unsolicited lectures on /r/genz and falling in the same self-aggrandizing apathy of previous generations.
  • "Do NOT f*ck with forklift operators born in Idaho in August 1987 who own German Shepherds and drive a cardinal red 2005 Dodge Neon"

    Ok, but if we ever get official Hexbear t-shirts, I want one that says this

  • holy shit i switched over to .ml while the hexbear admins were off couping Bolivia and it was so fuckin bad
  • To be fair, being in my Highschool's Model UN made me very stupid.

    I was once in a historical simulation about Revolutionary China, and I slipped into a resolution a provision about killing all landlords via hammer and sickle lobotomy

  • Question on the Jakarta Method
  • Ok, yeah this makes sense. This footnote is backing up the "suez crisis formed the basis for a growing US-Israel Alliance" claim, by pointing to a separate historian who's making the same claim (Since of multiple people came to the same conclusion then you can argue that the evidence points to that interpretation of the facts of the case).

    And the explanation given by the other author gives two reasons:

    • Ihe US didn't want to invade, in order to paint itself as more restrained than the Soviets, re: the Invasion of Hungary.

    • Israel could serve as an imperial outpost, and thus a check on Arab leftists, like Nasser, in lieu of an invasion.

  • Maths
  • Explain like I'm a dipshit, what are 3 of their important contributions?

  • Question on the Jakarta Method
  • This is a pretty standard summary of the Suez crisis tbh. Geopolitics is weird, and sometimes leftists make major L's, like the USSR supporting the creation of Isreal, based on a misapplication of the national question. The world isn't a simple "good guy/bad guy" Marvel movie-ass binary.

    If you want a really fucked up example, look at the Biafra War

    Given that this is just general background on the Suez crisis, that kind of "general knowledge" typically don't require citations, but making the claim "The suez crisis formed the basis for a growing US-Isreal Alliance" is a claim that needs backed up. Hence why that's the sentence that gets a footnote.

    So, if I'm writing a book about the world system of the late 18th century, and I say "In 1776, The American colonists declared independence" give some background information, and then proceed to make a claim about the impact that independence had on, global trade. Then I need to back up the claim about global trade.

    The background on The american war of independence is just that, background, and doesn't require citations. Because there's a presumed general knowledge that if you're reading this book, you won't need that explained to you.

    Out of curiosity, what's the footnote in question? What does it say?

  • Maths
  • Can someone explain the joke to someone who has always been shit at math?

  • Gentle reminder that Resident Evil 6 begins with professional cool hair haver Leon S. Kennedy being forced to shoot his zombified best friend, the President of the United States
  • I suppose that's fair about Leon. But it's still Claire who she develops a relationship with, over the course of the game. I just wanna see more of that ¯_ (ツ) _/¯

    I don't think Sherry is even brought up after 2 in any game besides 6. Technically Leon and Claire are at game appearance parity- Leon has 4 and 6, Claire has Code Veronica and Revelations 2

    They really did my girls dirty. Claire just gets side games, and Sherry only shows back up in RE6, and is referenced in some extraneous content. I think Claire is also in a few of the shitty RE movies?

    But Sherry in RE6 is... Honestly really boring. She becomes a cop, and is just kinda the sidekick to an equally boring edglord.

  • Gentle reminder that Resident Evil 6 begins with professional cool hair haver Leon S. Kennedy being forced to shoot his zombified best friend, the President of the United States
  • What always confused me about RE6 is how, when Sherry meets Leon, she's like, "oh! He saved me from Raccoon City!" But in the canon version of RE2... Claire did that. Sherry is found by and taken care of, by Claire. Not Leon. She barely has any kind of relationship with him.

    And I don't get why. Because Leon... Kind of has zero personality. He's just a walking Twink haircut, that shoots guns.

    Claire, in RE2, is looking for her brother. So we know she cares about family. So I makes sense that she finds, and takes care of Sherry, and gets wrapped up in the family drama of Sherry's abusive parents being the zombie scientists, etc. That's so much more interesting then "will Leon and Ada fuck?"

    So why does RE canon, after 2, continue to sideline Claire's relationship with Sherry, in favor of Leon???

  • Gentle reminder that Resident Evil 6 begins with professional cool hair haver Leon S. Kennedy being forced to shoot his zombified best friend, the President of the United States
  • Her playable sections in the remake are so good! And while you're right that it's a contrast, it's also kind of a parallel. Both Claire and Sherry are being stalked by imposing, threatening, men.

    The sherry segments are god-awful in the original, but I have a soft spot for them. I'm trans fem, and As a kid, I always would pick boy characters in games, when given the option, because I felt like I had to. And there weren't exactly a ton of playable girls in games to begin with, at that time.

    So, when 12 year old, very trans but didn't know it yet me, had to play those original Sherry segments. I wasn't having a good time. But also I was like, "but I get to be the little girl?? 👀"

  • Gentle reminder that Resident Evil 6 begins with professional cool hair haver Leon S. Kennedy being forced to shoot his zombified best friend, the President of the United States
  • Oh boy! A chance to talk about my Resident Evil Brain Rot!

    Idk how a franchise can be simultaneously, both so incredibly camp, and agonizingly heterosexual, all at the same time.

    Almost all of the characters are cops, which Is cringe.

    Also, hot take: Sherry, the little girl in RE2 is honestly, kind of the most compelling character in that entire game. Also, I headcanon her as trans. Someone please talk to me about my Trans Sherry headcanon lol

    Anyway, Resident Evil is incredibly stupid, and I love it

  • USA Demsocs: "Bernie could have been like my wholesome white nationalist!!"
  • I don't disagree. There's something to be said for regime stability, institutional memory, etc. That's all fine.

    But that's not the same thing as a personality cult. A personality cult is what allowed Ceausescu to get a goofy-ass scepter, as a silly example, and they can undermine the process of Democratic Centralism.

  • USA Demsocs: "Bernie could have been like my wholesome white nationalist!!"
  • OK, but when liberals screech about personality cults under Socialism, I always like to bring up President For Life, FDR.

    Obviously that shit can be bad, and we should avoid that kind of dogmatism, as it can lead to a litany of errors. But also, these kinds of things Happen organically all the time, Because people like it when you make their lives better.

  • Does anyone else find it kind of cute how millennials started out super edgy as kids but a lot of us have turned into total weenies that like puppers and cry a lot?
  • Ok, but this comic isn't an example of that. It's very obviously about how cultural experiences are so ungodly expensive, and aren't accessible up the average person.

  • Another cumbag discovered ✍
  • There's a whole "Red/Anarchist Black Metal" scene that's been coalescing for a handful of years now.

    Feminazgul and Iskra, are some favorite RABM bands of mine.

    Realm and Ritual, on bandcamp, is a cool RABM/Dungeon Synth tape label that's putting out cool shit all the time.

  • NSFW
    Why is it that if I walk 3 miles around a field that's a hike
  • As someone who loves hiking. Parks and such perpetuate this obnoxious settler notion that "nature" is a place separate from us, and that we are simply "visitors"to it. Rather than a part of a vast, dialectical, web of interconnected relationships.

    It's fucking stupid, and I hate it.

  • What QAnon supporters, butthole sunners and New Age spiritualists have in common
  • Without reading anything but the headline... Does it have to do with all of them being influenced by Helena Blavatsky?

  • Citations Needed makes its first appearance on the prestigious Media Bias Chart® (Podcast Edition)
  • Rev Left Radio being called "Misleading" is so fucking bonkers to me.

    Breht is such a thoughtful and genuine guy. And the show has so many guests on with differing perspectives. Like, yeah ok, some of those guests might say things one disagrees with, are debated within a given field, or are otherwise occasionally incorrect. But the ethos of that show is about getting the listener to know how to think, and thoughtfully approach things, from a broad left perspective. It's not just feeding you normative claims and calling it a day.

    Anyway, go listen to RevLeft, Breht is such a gift

  • Liberals

    Because who needs to thoughtfully engage with arguments about the utility of electoralism, when you can smugly make a bingo card, and pretend that you won?

    Alright Hexbears, Give Me Comedy Podcast Recommendations

    All these politics podcasts are making me sad, and I need shit to listen to, at work

    Eat shit Henry Kissinger, American diplomat and Nobel winner, dead at 100

    Former United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger died on Wednesday at his home in Connecticut at the age of 100, Kissinger Associates, Inc said in a statement.

    Henry Kissinger, American diplomat and Nobel winner, dead at 100

    Burn in hell

    SpookyGenderCommunist SpookyGenderCommunist [they/them]

    Mao ZeDong x Nikita Khrushchev Friends to Enemies to Lovers Erotic Fan Fiction


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