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GATECRASHER: An All-Women's Parkour Action Film
  • Feels kinda like an old skate video. It felt weird at first but I got into it by the end.

  • no really how do we fix this?
  • Presumably you can dismiss that, because I don't see it. The results are just okay, but they're leagues ahead of Google. Plus, you know, trees.

  • ICC to seek arrest warrants for Israeli, Hamas leaders
  • Thanks for proving fixed links to the both of you!

  • NSFW
    FPV drone just wants love.
  • The foot soldiers generally don't want to be there. Russia has to use blocking troops to keep them on the front line. You retreat, you get shot by your own guys.

  • NSFW
    FPV drone just wants love.
  • I know everyone has particular things they think are the worst part of war, but stating at a giant flying robot bomb and knowing you have no way to escape or even effectively surrender sounds like hell. Like, how do you tell the operator you want to be taken captive?

  • ACAB
  • Gonna have to change the voting and/or representation system if you want to change the voting strategy. I suggest Approval Voting. It's dead simple and very effective. Vote for everyone you like, and nobody you don't.

  • What keyboard are you using and what is your WPM?
  • Lol, I'm just plain amazed at how fast some people can type. I am touch typing, but I guess I just got slow fingers!

  • What keyboard are you using and what is your WPM?
  • That said, I got 34 wpm and 95% accuracy, which is in line with me using a qwerty or Dvorak physical keyboard. I ain't no Speedy Gonzalez.

  • What keyboard are you using and what is your WPM?
  • I just tried it with my swipe keyboard and the website didn't like it at all. It was double entering words randomly when I would otherwise type fine.

  • Reddit will offer shares in its IPO at issue price to 75,000 of its most active users
  • I really can't see anything other than the stock price tanking immediately at the IPO. These people are getting in on the top floor.

  • Do protests actually do anything?
  • You need to use your protests as recruiting grounds for more direct pressure on your government. You should establish or join a lobbying organization and recruit volunteers. You will have these people write letters to the editor, solicit for donations, call and write to your representatives, and schedule in-person meetings with government officials.

    Standing on the street and yelling by itself is not enough, you need to become a part of the establishment to affect change, but you can grow your organization by finding people who have proven to be motivated. A protest is a great place for that sort of thing.

  • You can't attack civilian transport, that's terrorism!
  • Well shit, I wager the vast majority of people didn't know most of that (including myself). I still think the situations aren't a 1:1 comparison, but the Houthi logic is at least more reasonable.

  • You can't attack civilian transport, that's terrorism!
  • If the infrastructure is key to the war effort, fair game. But like, the nether the Houthis nor the British are directly involved in the Israeli invasion of Palestine. Whereas I'm pretty sure Ukraine–having been invaded by Russia on false pretenses–has limited their targets to inside Ukraine and Russia.

    Also, like, terrorism has a definition. The purpose behind Ukrainian attacks are direct military goals, while the Houthis are trying to generate pressure on the international community to drop support for Israel. The Houthis are using bottom-tier logic, but it is fundamentally different from what Ukraine is doing both in terms of actions and reasoning.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • The Israel and Palestine situation is way too complicated to be left to "I support Israel." Support in what way? Their existence? Their military campaigns? Their government? Their settlements? Everything they've ever done ever?

    Do you then oppose everything done by people from Palestine? Do you then oppose the existence of Palestine?

    In my opinion it's not okay to leave your opinion as that simple. If that's all you've got your opinion is bad because it's simplistic, not because it supports a particular side.

  • Purchase Advice


    The Sony meet all your criteria. The Bose are expensive but you can get them on sale for $200 occasionally, and they have an optional AUX wire so you can still listen if the battery dies.

  • Defederated from Update: Refederated!
  • They somehow managed to force me to add my email. I don't remember how.

  • Removed
    What's the actual advantage of eSIM over a physical SIM?
  • If you consider not being able to switch phones at your own leisure an advantage, well.... eSIM has that going for it.

  • Why is everyone so giddy about the flooding thay happened at burning man?
  • Entirely ignoring who is at burning man or why, I honestly think there needs to be a line somewhere for sympathy. If you truck yourself out into the desert and things go tits up, well, shit happens. That's the risk you took.

    I say this as a person who used to ride motorcycles, rock climb, and go backpacking. If shit ever went down I wouldn't have expected any sympathy. I put myself in those risky situations, and there's just plain gotta be a line for personal responsibility.

    With all that being said, when such a massive group of people continuely take the same risk over and over, it's kinda funny when they finally get bit. It's the same reason COVID denires getting COVID is funny.