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  • You need to use your protests as recruiting grounds for more direct pressure on your government. You should establish or join a lobbying organization and recruit volunteers. You will have these people write letters to the editor, solicit for donations, call and write to your representatives, and schedule in-person meetings with government officials.

    Standing on the street and yelling by itself is not enough, you need to become a part of the establishment to affect change, but you can grow your organization by finding people who have proven to be motivated. A protest is a great place for that sort of thing.

    • You've summed up the key take-aways I got from my youthful protests of days gone by. 1) Teach the newbies about the current protest issue and possibly related issues. 2) Recruit. 3) Make contacts. 4) ORGANIZE. Not everyone can lead or organize for an issue, but everyone can be a helper. Your local government officials don't care about your single voice, but they DO care if you represent a block of voters that are going to vote based on policy X. A petition with a bunch of signatures means more than a single letter, but an organized group with many letters and petitions and phone calls all identifying as voting members of Anti-Fraking-Club (or whatever), which meets every Y days and wants new regulation Z .... that will get more attention. It might not be enough to combat the deep pockets on the other side, but enumerating the members of an organized voting block is better than noting some rabble rousers in the streets.

  • Just like boycotts, you need to have many many people joining and supporting the cause to actually make an impact within the world and the community, otherwise it’s not very impactful and govs could easily do any to prevent it from happening aka silencing ppl.

    Though that saying, ppl shouldn’t be made to feel guilty for not doing so, if certain circumstances prevent them to do so eg disability, addiction, lack of options etc etc cuz unfortunately in the world we live in today, capitalism plays a huge part in our society today, therefore there’s is no “truly” ethical consumption in the world we are in today.

  • Protests generally don't change policy, although politicians may use them as justification for something they already want to push through.

  • Depends. A protest that happens for a grand total of a single day will do jack shit. A protest that lasts several days usually tends to get some results. If the end result is a piece of shit, an organized front will start protesting again.

    The thing about protests is that they have, more than bring attention to something, is annoy and/or threaten the powerful. If you ever see a protest where the police is protecting the people, that shit is most definitely defending oppression (happened a lot in Brazil in the last 10 or so years). You know how strikes are almost always shown as utterly villainous, something done by "freeloaders" who "don't want to work", by corporate media? That's because it's annoying the powerful, the protest is working and the powerful are fighting back behind the scenes.

    Protests that "don't bother anyone" are bound to be forgotten like a tiktok video. That's a real problem, because sometimes a lot of innocent bystanders also get annoyed, like in the case of strikes. A strike of bus drivers will fuck up a LOT of workers, and possibly hurt them much more than any powerful figure, so it's super easy to turn public opinion go against them.

    That's the problem of society, the majority of people don't have power, so the only way they can be heard is by joining up for a common purpose. Powerful people can make one or two calls to fight back against a mass of protesters.

  • The only thing the state understands is violence, money and power. We can do nothing to threaten their power or violence, but we can threaten their money through general strikes. Bring capitalism to its knees and they too will bend.