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I tried to give my old Wii and games to my 11 year old son, he refused them.
  • Instead of ancestry you should go to an actual doctor that does genetics. Even on Ancestry it states that it's for entertainment purposes and can't really be certain of lineage or medical conditions. They also sell data so there's that.

  • I built a smart mailbox
  • If I do get mail from Ebay or something or whatever I order, chances are, they'll ask for my email and that information will be sent to me anyways. So having the usps informed delivery will cover all my bases.

  • I built a smart mailbox
  • I was actually planning on building a smart mailbox but then I found out USPS had a thing called Informed Delivery so they will take pictures if I have any incoming mail and have pictures of them before they are delivered.

  • What is the weirdest flavoured thing you've had?
  • Durian is amazing if you've had it when you were younger. So if you got a young one, train them to try out new foods, fruits, vegetables, then they won't be picky eaters. I had durian when I was younger and love the shit out of it. Those who aren't, are likely to be disgusted by it.

  • IAmA /home/pineapplelover
    I'm Trying to Revive this Sub AMA
    Travel Ideas US and Canada

    Thinking about going somewhere with my family this summer, perhaps to Alaska, Hawaii (Kauai), or somewhere Canada.

    I would like to experience nice outdoor stuff and do fun activities while I'm there. Any ideas?

    USC Cancels Pro-Palestinian Valedictorian's Speech Over Security Concerns

    Squid Industries Goodies

    Apparently my cousin's best friend works marketing for Squid Industries and is Lucas's gf. So they sent me some stickers and some other goodies. Thanks Ashley!


    ThinkPad /home/pineapplelover
    ThinkPad Alternatives

    So I'm looking for ThinkPad alternatives, so far I've see repairable laptops like the Framework laptop and the Tuxedo linux laptops. What other choices do I have if I want a tough, reliable, and utilitarian computer?

    What Are Some Things You Regret Buying or Bought but Never Used?

    I see posts talking about good BIFL items but I don't hear much about the other side of products that are bad or products you bought but don't even use.

    Arch is Easier to Use than Debian

    So the thing with Debian and any Debian based distro like Ubuntu or Linux Mint is there is no big centralized software repo like the AUR. Yes there is the apt repository but if you want something that's not in there, get ready to read the documentation or follow random guides.

    For example, one of my friends wanted to download an audio tool called Reaper. On Windows this is just looking up the application and clicking on the .exe. It really depends on the dev if they include a .deb, sometimes you might need to download the .sh file or they may tell you to compile it yourself. Perhaps, you have to add a ppa. On Arch, all I have to do is Paru -S Reaper, if there are multiple Reapers I can look for that by typing Paru Reaper.

    Now that Arch is so easy to install with the Archscript, and the software repo so vast and easy to use, is Debian really user friendly if you have to jump through several hoops to download programs?

    Edit: yeah yeah there's flathub and stuff but that's more of a last resort, optimally, you want to get it the correct way.

    Jean Memes

    Alright. What's the lore behind all the jean memes?

    YSK That There's a U.S Gov Program That Gets People Jobs

    There's a cool government program that trains and gets people jobs. They give people Housing, Basic Medical Care, Meals, Books, an Allowance, Clothing, and a Network of instructors and peers.

    It targets low-income young adults ages 16 through 24. Check it out, share it around to people who need it. It seems pretty unknown.

    Why Are People Hating on Julian Assange?

    I thought he was like one of the most important whistleblowers of our time exposing war crimes and shit. Some of you don't wanna see him live another day, why is that?

    Share Your Water Bottles!

    I know you guys got some cool bottles with stickers and stuff. Let me see all those hydrflasks, klean kanteens, nalgenes, zojirushis, etc!

    Data Removal Services

    Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with any of these companies, just a guy trying to get his data removed online.

    My last post on here I asked for advice on how to remove my information or just straight up not use my physical home address and instead maybe a p.o box. After all the feedback I got, I decided that it wasn't going to be possible. Also, it might not even be the bank that leaked my information but my government. Doesn't matter too much to me but it got leaked in the first place. As I looked at my data online I noticed that every one of my family member also had their info leaked, so it very well could be the government voting and dmv databases needing to have public records.

    So knowing this, that every citizen needed to have their info leaked online, what can I do about it? So there's pretty much one option, opt out and request data removals. Now I'm too lazy to go through the sites and request opt outs for each of them. So I decided to look at paid services that do this. So far I had DeleteMe, Incogni, Optery, Norton Privacy Assist, StackSocial, PrivacyBee, EasyOptOuts, etc.

    Who did I choose?

    After a lengthy time of searching, I chose EasyOptOuts

    TLDR; They're $20 a year, do removals 4 times a year and they wiped my info in less than 24hrs so it's worth every penny to me.

    I wrote more about them in my blog post if you guys want to learn more.

    How Do I Avoid Giving Home Address to Bank?

    I've heard of things like iPostal and Traveling Mailbox. Do these services allow you to register with bank, DMV, IRS, Voting, etc? How do they work? Would a normal P.O box using its physical address from USPS work? I've tried researching it and haven't gotten clear answers.

    I don't want to show up on those whitepages sites with all my information on them. I want to stop it from the start.

    Leopards Ate My Face /home/pineapplelover
    Black, gay Trump supporter brutally taunted with slurs at rightwing conference

    When he complained, rightwingers sent him homophobic taunts online.

    Black gay Republican podcaster Rob Smith has claimed that “white supremacist” members of his political party called him “fa**ot” and the n-word during his Sunday night attendance of Turning Point USA’s AmericaFest event in Phoenix, Arizona. Though Smith posted a video of his brief interaction with the aggressors, commenters on X (formerly Twitter) noted that the video didn’t feature the n-word and mocked Smith his membership in an anti-gay political party.

    “Last night in Phoenix, I was confronted and surrounded by some White Supremacists that don’t like gays or blacks in the Republican Party,” Smith wrote in a December 18 post on X. “They shouted ‘nr’ and ‘ft’ at me to make their point. However, I served in Iraq. I never back down. Ever.”

    The holidays are coming up, who are you planning on (or would if you could) donating to this year?

    This is my list for now:



    Privacy International




    Aurora store

    Fdroid and other fdroid apps


    Arch Linux? GNU




    Mozilla firefox



    Youtube Piped




    Element, matrix, fluffychat

    Lemmy,,, eternity

    Xmanager, torrenting people, spotdl, youtubedl

    Pen Recommendations?

    I made the same post on !

    I'm looking for a high quality pen. I currently have a rotring 600, twsbi ballpoint, and trcpc bolt action pen. I would like to try more high quality machined pens. I exclusively use parker iso g2 refills so that is a requirement.

    math /home/pineapplelover
    Rank Difficulty of Math Courses from Easiest to Hardest

    Mine is calc 1 > trig > calc 2

    Haven't taken the rest yet so I'm not sure.

    What's one small thing you've done to make your life easier?

    For example, I 3d printed a box over my outlet to protect my cables from my bed pushing against it. In addition, my cables never fall to the floor so they're much easier to grab.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    I use Arch btw

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