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‘Reclaim the night’: Massive protests in India after doctor’s rape, murder
  • In the city, they are used interchangeably, people often using both if they are speaking to people out of the state. Of the older population, people often know Bengali+Hindi bcz most Bollywood movies are in Hindi

  • ‘Reclaim the night’: Massive protests in India after doctor’s rape, murder
  • idk where in WB ur from but I can go up to any random, and speak hindi

  • China has effectively zeroed out investments in the US and the EU
  • If I am not mistaken, coups’ premise was on Nasser’s ideas which call for a rejection of tribalism and promote Arab nationalism, why would the Hejazis choose these means for their coup?

  • China has effectively zeroed out investments in the US and the EU
  • Unrelated but did the 1969 coup attempt have popular support?

  • Bukharin-pilled and leisure-maxxing copmala
  • We can push her left!!

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from July 22nd to July 28th, 2024 - Fracas in Dhaka - COTW: Bangladesh
  • East Pakistan (As it was called then) tried to impose their culture and language on the Bengalis as well as economic disparity between East and West Pakistan, which led to the 1971 liberation war, headed by Mujibur Rahman under the Awami League, internationally supported by the Eastern Bloc and India and Pakistan being supported by the West. During the Liberation War, Pakistan slaughtered 1000s of people on the suspicion of them being secessionists, mainly minority Hindus. Eventually Bangladesh gained independence and merged the Awami League as well as 2 Communist Parties to create the Bangladesh Peasants' Workers' People's League, clearly inspired by Sukarno, until the US overthrew him, killing him and his family in 1975. Afterward Ziaur Rahman under the newly formed Bangladesh Nationalist Party assumed power, and imposed market economic reforms and removed Rahman’s secular policies, he ruled until his assassination in 1981, then Hussain Muhammad Ershad assumed power until 1991

  • Bangladesh Internet Goes Dark as Widening Protests Kill 39
  • The CIA overthrew Rahman, same with Ali Bhutto, replacing them with military dictators. America will not tolerate any semblance of self-determination in South Asia

  • Socialism in Sudan

    Was Sudan a socialist nation at any point in time, especially after the coup by Jaafar Muhammad Nimeiry?

    Things to do in Azerbaijan?

    I'll be going to Azerbaijan this week, but nothing really comes to mind in terms of what to do there/what to bring back.

    Traveling to Vietnam

    Hey guys, I am going to Vietnam in a few weeks, what are the best restaurants/things to do in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City? Thanks in advance



    The Dark World of Young Blood Transfusions

    I have no words..

    Buying things made in the DPRK

    Does anyone know of a website where I can buy things from the DPRK (Similar to the site ‘Made in China’)? Thanks in advance.

    Blatant propaganda in animated movies for children

    I recently watched the movie 'Ron's Gone Wrong' (By pirating obviously) as I was bored. With the main plot aside, there is an elderly woman who is the protagonist's grandmother. The amount of anti-communist propaganda the Disney writers put in is amusing. We start off with the children throwing darts at a picture of Stalin, and later she says something about how they needed to be on a waiting list in order to get food. There is definitely more, but I don't want to watch it again.

    tdlr: Disney still upholds Walt's beliefs

    Stalins_Spoon Stalins_Spoon

    Litrally 1994

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