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Only The Best Groomers
  • I don't think it would be very advisable to troll people about something like coming after children, converting children, your children don't belong to you, etc... couple that with the school libraries having homosexual erotica literature for children, not even high school aged children, teachers in classrooms teaching kids things that have absolutely nothing to do with actual education, and weirdly enough, hiring drag queens into classrooms to.. educate them? Drag queens performing for children?

    If this is supposed to be satire or trolling, this is provocation for literal violence. That's a very stupid move to play, imo.

  • Only The Best Groomers
  • To be clear, it is not a person claiming that this is the agenda. Rather it is members of the LGBTQ+ community, in their own words, making the statement. One video is a song by a group of gay men, the other is a chant by a group of men and women. Directly from their mouths, no way to take it out of context.

    These were two videos shown in multiple Mosques around the SE Michigan region, this is how I learned about it.

  • Only The Best Groomers
  • No.. lmao wat. One was a group of men singing about grooming our children. The other is during a pride parade, where the group walking through I believe is a park is chanting about how they're coming for our children.

  • Only The Best Groomers
  • Should I provide youtube videos of what LGBTQ+ says about children? Or will I risk getting my comment deleted and banned for using their own words to prove a point?

    Asking for Lemmy.

  • CentOS 6.3 - Best backup / restore solution?

    Hello everyone!

    My manager just brought to my attention that this organization has a CentOS 6.3 server - he didn't specify what it's hosting just yet but asked that I find a solution to do a full backup so that we may restore later onto bare metal with the option to migrate from CentOS to another Linux distro.

    Has anyone had experience with backing up / restoring CentOS 6? And if you know what would be the best Linux distro to replace CentOS 6? Or even a step by step guide for both or either one?

    Please and thanks in advance!

    I'm trying to understand how the rules work - is the mod overreacting or misunderstanding?

    Hey all.. I don't even know if this is the right community. But figured I'd ask here and worst case no one gives a response.

    Anyway, two of my comments were deleted and I was banned from a community:


    >@StaySquared from the community Lefty reason: reactionary

    The post was about how there's no such thing was unskilled work. I commented that, "sex work" is an unskilled job. And my second comment was that it was the first thing that came to mind, that a clown creating animal-shaped balloons are more skilled than a sex worker.

    I don't understand how this is reactionary? Or how it's defined in this community but apparently it's bad enough to get banned for it. I wish the mod(s) would give a clear explanation, otherwise I'm going to continue breaking rules aimlessly (without realizing I'm breaking the rules).

    Definition of reactionary: opposing political or social liberalization or reform.

    I'm not opposing sex work. I'm defining sex work as an unskilled talent/job. If a man or woman wants to be a sex worker, good for them. I'm not offended or negatively impacted by sex workers.

    So I guess the question is, how do I contact the mods or a mod of that community so they may get my defense before outright perma-banning me from the community?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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