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How to get rid of a cold fast?
  • Well, at least it say "may help" so, it was honest at least 🤣

  • Visit our fresh communities on! Please check sidebar before posting!
  • Of course, after 3 months of no response you deserve "fu#k you".

    So you banned me, because I was honestly interested in an accessory, gotcha.

    Spam? I didn't read the content policy, but I doubt I violated any rules with only one comment, can you kindly elaborate?

    This was my PM to you after you banned me. Does it look like a bot? It was just a formal way to communicate, since you are a moderator.

    Can ask why did you ban me? Spam? Can at least explain or you don't care? What ever am out

    Those are my follow up messages, where you muted me for 28 days right after.

    I m sorry for the "fu#k you", but you honestly deserved it, since you could take 5 minutes to explain yourself, but you decided to ignore me instead.

    I was gonna leave the platform anyway, so I decided to flip you off as last act as rebellion 🤣

    Have a great day and good luck with the instance. 🤙

  • Removed
    We did it folks!
  • I am a Linux Student User, they gove me a presentation to do, and I simply used the PowerPoint Online Tool.

    Of course, it might lack some features, but for an assignment every once and a while, was perfectly fine.

    For the rest I always use Libre Office to complete my assignments, and convert the file to PDF afterward.

  • Removed
    We did it folks!
  • I think mostly thanks to Steam Deck. I have one, and it is probably one of the best gaming device I ever bought.

  • How to get rid of a cold fast?
    • Rest and sleep to allow your body to recover.
    • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids.
    • Inhale steam or take a hot shower to relieve congestion.
    • Use saline nasal irrigation to clear nasal passages.
    • Gargle with saltwater to soothe a sore throat.
    • 0Consider over-the-counter remedies for symptom relief.
    • Drink warm liquids like herbal teas or broths.
    • Vitamin C and zinc may help shorten cold duration (consult a professional).
    • Avoid irritants like smoke or allergens.
    • Practice good hygiene to prevent spreading the cold.

    Source: ChatGPT

  • Visit our fresh communities on! Please check sidebar before posting!
  • My user name on reddit is ST3RB3N666, can you tell me why you permently banned me? I tried to reach you, but you completely ignore me.

    I don't care about your ban, but at least tell me why did you ban me?

    EDIT: as expected, no response.

  • Visit our fresh communities on! Please check sidebar before posting!
  • Same, got banned for "spam", even though I am pretty sure I never broke any rules.

    I asked for more reasons then, but they straight up ignore and mute me for 28 days.

    I will never subscribe to anything related to the old reddit mods.

    I am glad I am not the only one thinking this way.

  • How does an app like Threads get access to financial, political, health, religious or browsing info through your phone's OS. What is the actual source of that data?
  • As long as you use iOS (Apple) or Android (Google) services you will never have any kind of privacy.

    First, using Gmail is not a good idea if you care about your privacy. Google is known to being reading email contents.

    Second, you buy the device, not the OS. so both Apple and Google will try to profit from you using their OS.

    Apple looks like is good for privacy, but I am afraid with iOS closed source there is no way to know. On iOS, app like TikTok can track the sh#t out of you even if you ask not to.

    And Android is focused around Google, so using it means give up on privacy. However, you can install GrapheneOS (Android ROM), which is much more secure and privacy focused.

  • Best 1TB SDD upgrade for Steam Deck?
  • I forgot I have a 400gb microSD, but mostly for roms and games that I don't want to play.

  • The Zuck suck is in full swing.
  • Lol I meant the other way around ahah

  • The Zuck suck is in full swing.
  • You got a good point. I minimized my usege of Facebook to the minimum maximum.

  • [QUESTION] Is this community with the same moderators as the subreddit?
  • That's good to know. It was better it the mods of this community would have asked its mermbers before doing anything.

  • 200mb episodes are good enough!
  • I usually aim for 1080p top, since all my screens resultion don't go above that.

    Sometime even 720p, depends on how many seeders.

  • [QUESTION] Is this community with the same moderators as the subreddit?
  • I know right, I am glad I am not the only one thinking this way. Oh well, nothing much we can do about it.

  • updated to 0.18.1
  • Congrats! 👍🤙

  • Best 1TB SDD upgrade for Steam Deck?
  • At one point I will upgrade to 2TB, I have the 512GB and it's good for now.

  • [QUESTION] Is this community with the same moderators as the subreddit?
  • What happened? You just said you wouldn't leave this community, and now you marging with them?

    Oh well, I will not follow any Android community 😂

    EDIT: I will think about it, because the reddit mods treated me like they were kids, so I am not sure about their seriety.

  • Best Lemmy client for Android?
  • I believe it would be a easy implementation of better dark mode. We will see :)

  • preach
  • Good point right there.

  • Best Lemmy client for Android?
  • I am having hard time picking one.

    I think I am gonna stick with Liftoff; the UI is good and it also has all the features you need for a social network.

    Lastly, the developers are working like crazy.

  • Sterben Sterben
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