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And that's why you shouldn't pirate kids.
  • Kid-voice-144p.mp3.exe

  • The fact that drug tests are normalized for jobs is fucking insane
  • As long as company pays for it and time spent, its okay.

    Wonder if drug tests are actual testing on which can shatter one's mind lol.

  • Do you donate to FOSS projects?
  • Count me in. I believe they shared their work out of passion and why not us end-user/power-user give back if these donations combined this can be beneficial to the developer's lives. Or contribute to the project itself.

  • Germany to make military 'the backbone' of Europe's defense
  • And do not let any youngsters fail in art school or in any.

  • Xiaomi won't give Android updates if you unlock your bootloader
  • "To protect the device’s security, avoid data leakage, and provide users with a more secure and stable user experience, bootloader unlocking will be disabled by default on Xiaomi HyperOS."

    Avoid data leak my arse, stable user experience? They must be high. Users are the first line of security and why do they care when they had already made sale. HyperOutrageousShite. I bet some of their employees had root binaries on their device.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Used the platform during tough times not for a shag. People are helpful. If you are here thank you.

  • Millennials: It's ok to mourn the death of social media
  • Nah, forums are more organic old school is cool.

  • A YouTuber’s discussion about and in support of Ad Blockers
  • Nice! gets better when translated in Russian/Cyrillic. 😁

  • [RESOLVED] Why did defederate from
  • Whats loli? Some type of new malware in the wild?

    *edit: nevermind wth! Japanese anime pron

  • Magisk v26.4 Released
  • F financial apps, even magisk's zygisk is disabled still banks detect as is. Worst they knew if the package name is randomized. Apps now are more scary than being jailbroken/root.

  • NASA Plus Streaming: "our new ad-free, no cost, family-friendly streaming service unlocks our Emmy award-winning live coverage, embeds you into our missions through new original video series"
  • *Previously on Desperate Spacewives...

    Sam has just kicked out of the airlock apartment by his wife Karen. Would his other woman save him from radiation and lack of oxygen? Tune in to this episode of Desperate Spacewives

  • A YouTuber’s discussion about and in support of Ad Blockers
  • It should now be called AdTube "advertise yourself"

    Ads are acceptable as long as they do not interfere with the video itself, imagine from start to finish learning advanced excel tutorials, what did you learn lol. And not all ads are just businesses most of them are security risks like click an ad accidentally and it will automatically install useless toolbars, nagware payload software etc without user consent just like the old days but they are now a norm.

  • Linux holds more than 8% market share in India, and it's on the upward trend
  • The general populace using these shouldn't have or perhaps gone through some fundamentals and not joining the trend/hype of modifications to just to look cool (and going to complain about issues later on and rant like hell), there are few who knew what they are doing and contributing to the development community.

  • Linux holds more than 8% market share in India, and it's on the upward trend
  • Looks good, distro forums will be the new XDA.

    "sAr, when linux karnal 6.9 OC boLTE?"

    "I installed all DEs and on my computar now not boot"

    "When debian update sar?"

  • Android's new real-time app scanning aims to combat malicious sideloaded apps | TechCrunch
  • Maliciously sideloaded? means the freedom users enjoy by not installing spyware-like application. Nowadays Security terms doesnt mean its for the users, that narrative is always with them.

  • Microsoft Launches Fresh Cybersecurity Strategy After New Attacks
  • Or Reducing attack surfaces baked in their new and confused branding OS (looking at you bloat and other unnecessary crap)

  • Your Windows 10 PC will soon be 'junk' - users told to resist Microsoft deadline
  • Its gonna be exciting to see penguins outside windows.

  • Sygheil Sygheil
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    Comments 106