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26% of young people think voting matters
  • If you're under 30, you've voted before when has voting changed anything except for making things worse, yknow. They didn't even get the weird euphoria of Obama in 2008 (except culturally, obviously, they couldn't have voted yet).

  • China set to build giant chip factory using a particle accelerator
  • The legendendary Dorotes will soon be made

  • NSFW
    [CW Meat] Remember the reason for the season: memorial day
  • If the nazis won we'd all be grilling bratwurst but lower quality!! And eating hamburgers!!

  • Liberals proving OP's point
  • Don't Be An Asshole vs Don't Be A Pussy thesis

    "We're gonna have kids in cages on the border but you don't have to be an asshole about it!"

    "We're gonna have kids in cages on the border but don't be a pussy about it!"

    "We're gonna ship weapons to Israel to bomb Gazan children but we don't wanna be an asshole about it!"

    "We're gonna ship weapons to Israel to bomb Gazan children but we aren't gonna be pussies about it!"

    This is the extent of the "acceptable "American political landscape

  • dudes will see this and say "hell yeah"
  • The horsie has a gas mask too!!

  • He moderated r/Ukraine, shaping how the world sees the war. Now he has to fight in it.
  • Have fun on the front line bozo! Maybe you should've used your role as a mod to push for peace?

  • Name & shame. :)
  • How did this make it past review? I guess case reports might not have a peer review process

  • Who could have seen this coming except for people warning about it for decades
  • I beg of you, just eat beans it's so much easier than trying to fix industrial meat agriculture. There will never be a fix for it that makes ut affordable and green.

  • 😎😎😎
  • Yeah not though, that'd be dope. The big Leibniz style S integral is just as good as cool stussy S. Fuck it do it

  • First human to receive transplanted pig kidney dies
  • They tried this with a monkey kidney too. Xeno transplants are hard because of hormones differences (I guess the genetic modification here was supposed to help). We just know so so little in medicine and biology in general.

  • When people say the United States is an atomized society, what does that mean?
  • Atomized refers to being individual, alone, responsible for your own needs. Not a member of a community etc. Sometimes we say siloed off. It's not just about needs but also about loneliness and feeling shut out.

    A non-atomized society are places like Vietnam and Cuba. In Vietnam during Covid lockdowns, they brought you fresh food to eat day to day. You can rely on your neighbours for needs. People are looking out for each other. Contrast this with the American response(s) to covid - Lockdowns but you don't get anything provisioned to you or fuck it everyone for themselves no response at all.

    There's definitely communities within places like America that aren't as atomized, mutual aid societies, unions etc. But the dominant character of society in general of the United States is one of deep loneliness and atomization.

  • NSFW
    CW for SA. Eli Valley doesn’t miss:
  • Hang on

    Eli Valley is kinda handsome

  • Think the stroke made him into literally a caveman
  • Wait until he shows Dominion on his Twitter feed

  • Why hundreds of U.S. banks may be at risk of failure
  • If we all just agree to go to the banks the same day and withdraw money it will collapse the banking system making us the victors 😏

  • "Quand fera-t-il jour, camarade?" - French Socialist Song
  • The bio says c'est pour de bon has no literal translation that preserves the double meaning but "we're here for good" is pretty dang close. Even preserves the syllables and shit

  • NSFW
    (Cw: ableism) Protests are about aesthetics you see.
  • I wanna see a version of the American revolution but loyalists calling the revolutionaries libtards and stuff. That would be so funny.

  • I've made a silly goofy terrible mistake
  • I only know nicotine poisoning in kids cause I'm a peds nurse, but if adult world is anything like kid world then yeah it'll probably suck. Like dizzy, nauseous, maybe heart beating fast (you probably didn't eat that much and you have a plan anyway if you need medical attention).

    Just heads up that tobacco plants make nicotine to keep bugs from eating them lol

  • Biden admin isn’t fully convinced Ukraine can win, even with new aid
  • They will move heaven and earth to get Ukraine more money even if they don't think they can win - imagine if they worked this hard for something like M4A lol or I guess that's a reach anyway, but pick some lower fruit

  • Guests at Bored Ape event in Hong Kong struck by vision problems Guests at Bored Ape event in Hong Kong struck by vision problems

    More than a dozen attenders of NFT group’s festival, which used ultraviolet light, complained of β€˜eye burn’ on social media

    Guests at Bored Ape event in Hong Kong struck by vision problems

    Some went blind, some got sunburn, sucks to suck

    TerminalEncounter TerminalEncounter [she/her]

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