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What's your most unpopular opinion about music ?
  • That's true, I was just hoping to maybe convince you to try out something that maybe you don't know is wonderful yet. I've had that experience with music before, and I think it helped me to understand why people like things

  • What's your most unpopular opinion about music ?
  • You shouldn’t generalize, a lot of the stuff that gets played a lot is not indicative of the whole genre. There is some rap that makes me cover my ears, and there is some rap that makes me feel enlightened. Hip hop it just depends on the song, since there is so much variety.

  • KDE Plasma needs stability
  • It’s actually really funny you say that since starting out with default gnome is actually what got me to stick with Linux. I tried out Ubuntu style gnome and tried stuff like dash to panel and dash to dock but found it either unstable or hated it. Vanilla gnome is what got me to be at peace lol. I thought I didn’t like it at first but then it just suddenly clicked once I got over that. Calling it bad is just rude.

  • KDE Plasma needs stability
  • Aside from the integrated terminal in almost any app, I think gnome has all those other features you mentioned. I do have to say KDE is definitely more customizable though. Also not sure I would say gnome has any MacOS features, the two are very different in my experience. But gnome is definitely lagging on implementation of Somme Wayland things. UI/UX is king though for me so here we are lol.

  • KDE Plasma needs stability
  • That’s really interesting cause in my experience it’s been the opposite, I feel way too limited and also overwhelmed using kde apps, the plethora of gnome apps on flathub dedicated to doing one thing really well are just wonderful. And sometimes more complicated ones show up too like Design or Denaro or Planify.

  • KDE Plasma needs stability
  • If you rely on extensions when you use GNOME, that’s on you. Vanilla gnome is perfectly fine by itself if you understand the workflow. I only really want, not need, one extension and that’s pano the clipboard manager. Anything else is just extra.

  • Anon encounters a Switch owner
  • I would replace it with nothing since the system did not support interesting problem nor encourage creative solutions, it just made me button mash more to get more weapons to replace my broken ones. Once I turned it off I felt free to experiment with interesting ways to kill enemies since I wasn’t worried about my weapons anymore.

    Combat was not an essential part of this game anyway, the puzzle solving and world were the best part. They could have just given me a set weapons that never changed and it would be essentially the same game. At least for me. The environmental interactions are just icing on the cake.

  • What do you use Waydroid for?
  • So you’re forced to use Ubuntu, not GNOME? Why don’t you just install KDE then? I understand them wanting to keep distros the same between people if anything but DE shouldn’t matter.

  • Books that are worse than the film (which was already bad?)
  • There’s a lot of moments where the characters will laugh at or make fun of someone for something to a degree I would never do irl, or the slave bit with hermione. The characters also just don’t evolve at all. Reading Harry Potter just gave me a fish out of water feeling, there were better magic books with characters that actually grew and changed.

  • Books that are worse than the film (which was already bad?)
  • I’d have to disagree with that, one of the main reasons I didn’t read Harry Potter as kid was because there was simply better fiction. That and also easy access to manga in the west had started becoming bigger.

  • Books that are worse than the film (which was already bad?)
  • Harry Potter, the movies are at least wizards do wizard stuff even if the world is pretty boring to me. The books on the other hand, are just straight up strange and mean. Reading them as kid they just sucked, I have no clue why they are so popular outside of the movies.

  • you don't need consumerism or mass media to be happy
  • Damn, I’m sorry all that happened to you, I wish you the best in your life going forward. And I do have to say I don’t think anyone who is into solarpunk thinks those with mental disability should just be pushed aside and discarded. That would be almost antithetical to a concept so focused on improving the human condition.

    That said, I could see where an emphasis on nature more in the goals could lead to people suggesting they want to take away the things you hold dear. However, I don’t think that’s the majority opinion of people into solarpunk nor do I believe you would be unable rely on machines in a solarpunk society. The whole goal of solarpunk is environmentally conscious technology not no technology. In fact I think most solarpunks would love a future that has the technology you would want. In other words I think your goals are in alignment if not complete agreement.

  • Flatpak on Ubuntu Touch?

    Does anyone know if Ubuntu Touch supports flatpaks? I’ve been following the project and think what they’re doing is super cool for mobile Linux. I’ve even been thinking about installing it on one of my devices just to try it out at some point.

    One problem though. Does it support flatpak? If not, that might be a deal breaker. All the best mobile friendly apps are easily available through flathub. It’s also my preferred way to get them since snap is not as good and natives packages are bound to be outdated given Ubuntu Touch’s current version.

    Has anyone else been trying to break their reddit-era habit of downvoting?

    I used to downvote fairly often on Reddit as a sign to disagree or to push down really disgusting bigoted comments. And to be honest, it became a habit to just downvote without replying. However, now that I’m on lemmy and not Reddit I’ve been actively trying to not instantly downvote things and instead move on or take the time to reply. Has anyone else been trying to do this?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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