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Republican Presidential Candidates on Climate
  • Petrol vehicles arent outdated, LOL. They are very necessary for a multitude of reasons. Recently, even the CEO of Ford struggled mightily on a recent trip with an EV pickup. EVs are fine for quick errands, for driving to work/school, etc. They suck as recreational vehicles, sports cars, larger volume transport and various other things. Evs can co-exist with ICE vehicles. Thats the best were gonna do. Oh and BTW - we can NOT supply the electricity needed to charge a full fleet of EVs anyways. Just forget it.

    Gas stoves are still preferred by many people and thats their right. They are not outdated either. While I own an electric stove, I dont have any problem with people choosing gas. What happens when the power goes out and we all have electric furnaces & stoves? Oops. That sucks.

  • America's richest 10% are responsible for 40% of its planet-heating pollution, new report finds
  • Hmmm. Reddit is way more left leaning and it’s is the center or center right people that get banned there. But, oh well.

    Our Podunk town is quiet, friendly and doing quite well. We don’t want more people to come here, thanks. You act like that’s a problem. Amazingly, people like open spaces, limited noise, no WalMarts, etc. We even own an acre of land! Wow. Imagine that? But, please do insult us as your kind excels at. There are numerous blue cities that are in serious trouble. But, please ignore it. People and legit businesses are fleeing such places. Criminals are coddled, the police are hated, etc. OK then, enjoy the Wild West. This is what you wanted. Maybe you can personally house a few migrants and homeless dudes? Be part of the solution, right?

    Communism is a guaranteed way for everyone to end up miserable. Just take a look through history. It isn’t hard to decipher why it’s unpopular.

  • ‘Lock Them Up’ Is Now the Republican Party’s Highest Goal
  • It’s fresh hearing that republicans want to use the justice system as a weapon. Uh huh. Because, well, take a look at what the Democrats are doing. Oh…that. They’ve been using the justice system to go after Donnie for years now and aren’t done yet. Maybe that story got missed. LOL.

  • Republican Presidential Candidates on Climate
  • Action with a lot of caveats is the best call for the average citizen. Christie has it right. The caveats must protect the American taxpayer, all levels of the middle and working classes lifestyles, maintain our current energy needs, allow us to continue to enjoy our lives and of course not raise energy costs. If they can get all that done and it’s transparent then great. Go for it. But, people that worked hard to own a moderately nice home with some property are not giving it up due to some green sales pitch. We don’t want to be forced to drive junk EVs. We don’t want to shut the AC off in the middle of summer. We like our gas stoves. Stuff like that. Hands off.

  • International Chess Federation (FIDE) to ban and punish transgender players
  • Sorry we disagree. At least you’re being mostly civil about it. Being in public just minding your own business and putting on a drag show are not the same thing and you know that. Being accepted and parading around flamboyantly are also different. I’d say most people are against discrimination when it comes to basic rights. Like, job offers, school admissions, etc. But, that doesn’t translate to pushing propaganda or overdoing it. There is a line here that’s reasonable.

    Take care.

  • America's richest 10% are responsible for 40% of its planet-heating pollution, new report finds
  • Me go back to Reddit? Whoa. Reddit is polluted with left wing crazies. No thanks.

    Yes, blue states are cesspools of humanity. San Francisco has been destroyed by your precious left wing politics. Stores are leaving , chaining up products, etc. all because a certain faction of society just can’t figure out how to get it right and live like you’re supposed to. Im not a big fan of pickup trucks myself. Not sure where you got that from. But petrol cars must remain available as the electric wet dream of the greenies isn’t going to work and they know it. How’s the slave labor driven lithium mining going for those precious batteries? Uh oh!

    Communism sucks. We all know what it is. Are you really still one of those people trying to sell that turd? Show me where communism has worked… provide a link. LOL.

  • America's richest 10% are responsible for 40% of its planet-heating pollution, new report finds
  • The wealthy do pay a lot of taxes. How about cutting spending instead? Oh…THAT. Never seems to come up though.

    Curious also: are you really going to eat rich people? For dinner? Then what? Keep eating your way down until you reach the middle class? Envy and jealousy are a burden, my friend.

  • Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Trump Prosecutor Should Go After Rapists (Who Wants To Tell Her?)
  • See, you’re still mad. He isn’t a convicted sex offender. It’s pretty evident that a lot of people are still completely buried in what’s going on with Donnie. You’re using the word fascism wrong but most are in this forum. Just typical left wing whining. Try googling fascism and provide actual proof regarding claims of fascism.

  • Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Trump Prosecutor Should Go After Rapists (Who Wants To Tell Her?)
  • Sure, they’re all a bunch of terrific people. Trump is the ONLY high profile person ever to step foot on that island. Sure, Jan. Sworn testimony means nothing without evidence anyways. It’s called hearsay. I know a guy that knows a guy. Zero credibility.

  • America's richest 10% are responsible for 40% of its planet-heating pollution, new report finds
  • Facts. Good luck getting them to do anything about it. Nah, we’ll just stick it to the USA taxpayers and working classes. No more petrol cars, power equipment, gas stoves AC, etc. Oh, and you can’t own a single family home either with an acre of land. Nope. We can build a high rise apartment complex there instead. Anything else?

    Climate change…. What a farce.

  • International Chess Federation (FIDE) to ban and punish transgender players
  • Still seems like a fad to me. Just lost souls that "read it on the internet" or have had some university professor sell them on it. You’re making it seem far more normal and common than it is. There should be as much or more effort put into finding out why they feel this way and how to help them get back on track. We know that many of these kids are under massive pressure socially and the trans thing gives them a cause.

    Conservatives won’t leave trans people alone? It’s the trans movement that wants this crap taught in kindergarten. It’s the trans movement that wants public displays of outright creepiness. It’s the trans movement that wants to normalize physical mutilation, screwing with hormones of very young people. Believe me, most of us wish trans folks would just go be trans and stop the theatrics. We don’t want it in public schools and don’t want kids seeing it shoved in their face all day. You’ve got it backwards as to who the aggressors are here. It’s your trans movement that won’t leave us alone.

    Guess we aren’t on the same page here with this. Parents are sick of it though, that’s for sure. School needs to remain about reading writing and arithmetic anyways. The heavy handed social agendas being shoved in have no place. They got rid of religion in schools which was the RIGHT call. Now, they have to get rid of all politics and propaganda. Right away.

  • Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Trump Prosecutor Should Go After Rapists (Who Wants To Tell Her?)
  • Sure, it was just Trump. He’s guilty of everything. It’s hilarious that so many people are still infatuated with this guy. He’s living rent free in the heads of Hollywood, the liberal media, etc. y’all still pissed about Hilary losing, eh?

    At least arrest scumbag Bill Gates and Tom Hanks. They are clearly card carrying members of Epstein Island, LOL.

  • International Chess Federation (FIDE) to ban and punish transgender players
  • Plenty of friends as is, thanks. This all sounds good on paper until you read about horror stories and how quote a few people that fell for this regret it, big time. This gender "thing" has exploded over the last 4-5 years. Are you really certain that there isnt a LOT of "hey, me too" going on with this? There are just magically all these gender-confused people suddenly? A lot of people are having trouble buying into that idea. We all know that there are legit cases of true hermies and other statistical outliers. But this gender thing is dominating like everything now. Its the 2020's version of a counter culture. Homo-sexuality was mostly accepted, so now people have to move onto the "next thing", it seems since being gay isnt controversial enough.

    As for compassionate care - yeah, fine. But to me, that should start with why they feel the way they do. How did a boy feel as if hes a girl? Same for the opposite. lets get to the root cause of this which to me is what needs to be addressed & managed. Id rather see these people helped to regain their biological identity so they can live a normal life. That seems more compassionate to me.

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