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What is your non-online hobby?
  • I build rockets 🚀

  • This federation stuff has caused a bunch of tension. We should come together as a community by building a space programme.
  • you need my hexpertise to accomplish step number 1. no rocket, no factories, no hexfleet. all you have to do is send me 1 billion usd

  • This federation stuff has caused a bunch of tension. We should come together as a community by building a space programme.
  • And how do you plan to get that mining ship up there?? Ive got u and Hexfleet by the throat now if i dont see the money flowing in by tomorrow morning you will have NOTHING

  • This federation stuff has caused a bunch of tension. We should come together as a community by building a space programme.
  • yeah sure. totally. just send me like a few tens of those millions and ill see what i can do k thx

  • This federation stuff has caused a bunch of tension. We should come together as a community by building a space programme.
  • As Hexbear's resident rocket nerd/engineer I am prepared to take up the mantle on this worthy endeavor.

  • I got my Ply on you
  • Golden Sun is goated

  • this goes hard