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Throwback to 2022
  • i miss when trump was in office during covid. at least libs pretended to care back then.

  • Reminder: take your meds
  • hope you feel better soon

    i had to make multiple reminders to take mine cos im so forgetful

  • What are your most hated sci-fi/fantasy tropes?
  • Giving nobles magic powers. Especially when people born as commoners get elevated in class due to having magic ability or something. Endorsing the ruling class as being better than everyone else inherently and therefore having a right to rule over them sucks and reinforces meritocratic ideas in the reader.

  • Removed
    They keep owning themselves and they don't even know it
  • my dog barks at me when i cry so it's a hard decision

  • After literally 100 fucking applications, I finally got an offer.
  • yea, my field is both oversaturated and very competitive

    im taking a break for now cos im losing my sanity lol agony-shivering

  • After literally 100 fucking applications, I finally got an offer.
  • congrats!

    the fucked up thing is that 100 applications is actually a really low amount for an offer. i probably get an interview every 400. agony-shivering

  • Bad-faith criticism of Justin Trudeau overwhelms the public discourse
  • i mean, yea

    not cos he's good, but 90% of the criticism i hear about him offline is "he's letting people immigrate in and that's why the housing prices r so bad and that's why there's so much unemployment"

    has trudeau done a particularly good job like this article is saying? no lmao, obviously. but a lotta people use their frustration with him to just be racist internet-delenda-est

  • who else is excited for the beginning of 'kink at pride' discourse month?
  • yea, i get really brainwormy about my friends not caring about me enough as their romantic partners. doesn't help that every single fucking time a friend of mine gets a romantic partner they suddenly never want to spend any time with me anymore. cos it's totally normalized in society that you should prioritize romantic partners so heavily, ugh.

    im ace but not aro, and i've stayed in toxic relationships for way too long just because of the fear of not being important to anyone if im not in a relationship doomer

  • who else is excited for the beginning of 'kink at pride' discourse month?
  • i fucking hate kink at pride discourse

    im sex repulsed and kink doesn't trigger it at all, but you know what does? like every fucking pop song with explicit mentions to straight sex. or action movies randomly shoving a hyper male-gazey sex scene in. why the fuck is a leather harness considered too taboo but those are totally normally agony-shivering

  • I just quit my job and am moving back in with my parents to reevaluate my life and career.
  • i've quit a job that would have made me kill myself before. it's really scary and i felt guilty for having to do so, since so many people have it worse. but no one deserves to be exploited like that, and im proud of you for putting your health first since you are able to meow-hug

  • I should be looking for a job but I'm not
  • So I haven't even updated my resume or applied for jobs, for a ton of reasons. Partly it's because I am unemployable, like I have maybe the one reference from my supervisor at my previous job, that is it. I worked there like six years so Idk, what am I supposed to do?

    Have your friends lie about having worked with you. Though I imagine some old coworkers wouldn't mind doing that as well.

    But yea, that's my only advice, I feel you comrade. I gave up searching for now because of horrible health issues I'm trying to address. Shit's rough out there. meow-hug

  • tru
  • im like a mix between the two cos one of my interests is fashion design but i look like shit and sleep deprived

  • How are people still complaining about someone wearing sweatpants/athleisure in 2024
  • the only correct outfit is a collared shirt and dress pants

    less than that? you're poor

    more than that? overdressed, why do you want attention so bad?

  • The struggle of Feminist Lesbian g@mer.
  • i tend to dislike female characters in games cos they feel like they're written for horny men most of the time :cri:

  • Unemployment almost out, at the end of my rope. What remote jobs are out there?
  • I did the data annotation assessment like, 4 months ago and never got anything, and im like 90% sure i did it all correctly cos it was pretty easy. so yea def wouldn't hold my breath on that one ><

    good luck comrade, i have no advice but will also be stalking this thread due to being in a similar situation

  • I hate Apple products.
  • yea the user interface sucks. have friends who swear up and down it's the most intuitive interface and i just don't get it.

  • If you're lost in the woods would you rather run into a twink or a bear?
  • twinks r more my type but like, whichever has a better sense of direction probably