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How do you deal with the after lunchtime sleepiness at work?
  • Good advice. Still remember the food coma I had when I had a heavy casserole for lunch, with lots and lots of cheese. Almost fell asleep at my desk, even though I had coffee afterwards. There’s a right time and place for lots of cheese, but it isn’t the office.

  • What are some of the best methods you've found to feel emotions less intensely?
  • It’s less about the intensity of your emotions and more about how you deal with them.

    Let’s say you got really angry in public. It’s fine to get angry, sometimes there are good reasons for that. But there are multiple ways to deal with that anger. An unhealthy way would be to run amok and harm innocent people in order to vent. A healthy way would be to calm down, reflect on what makes you angry, and then either make an effort to improve your situation or remove yourself from it.

    You can’t help feeling a certain way, but you can choose how you react to your emotions. Try to pick the option that is the least destructive to yourself and those around you. If emotional regulation is hard for you, you can learn coping skills from a therapist.

  • What is the weirdest thing/incident you've witnessed?
  • Was sitting on a bench on a sunny afternoon in the city, minding my own business. Some rough-looking old man walks up to the bin next to the bench I sit on, unzips his trousers, and pees into the bin like it’s the most normal thing in the world.

  • Zensur beim Kunst-Projekt r/place auf Reddit
  • Krass, dass das Drama es nun auch in die Öffentlich-Rechtlichen Medien geschafft hat. Über die Zensur wundere ich mich kein bisschen, aber so pinkeln spez und seine Spezis sich nur noch mehr ans eigene Bein ;)

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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