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I've seen a lot of struggling to install mods, so I created a guide for modding Starfield with ESMs using Mod Organizer 2 for Steam Users Using Mod Organizer 2 for Starfield with ESM support for Steam Users

I've seen a lot of people struggling to install ESM mods and mods in general. I've used Mod Organizer 2 for many past Bethesda games and [i]it just works[/i]. The hardest part was finding directions o

Increased Nutrition Perk Effect

Hey guys this is a simple mod that increases nutrition perk effectiveness drastically to make food and drink items a versatile alternative to med packs. Increases from 1.1x, 1.2x, 1.3x, 1.5x to 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x.

Commerce Perk Increases Vendor Credits(ESM)

Hey guys this is a mod that increases vendor credits by 25%, 50%, 100%, and 200% depending on your Commerce Perk level. The original commerce perk effect is still there, this is added on top.

Directional Output Links(Retexture) Directional Output Links

This replaces the texture for output links in outposts to a texture with arrows that can be seen from all show which way the connection is moving items.

Directional Output Links

Hey guys heres a simple mod that let's you see which way an output link is transferring items from any direction you look at it.

Constant crashing so im gonna wait it out
  • My experience with crashes has been very weird. I'll go 10 hours without crashing and then suddenly I'm crashing left and right until I leave that area or something? But there's nothing wrong with the area because I'll go back to that area and spend hours there(one crashing spot was an outpost). If your experience is similar you could try going somewhere else for a bit and returning?

  • Anyone Else Having a Blast?
  • An ssd is the best bang for the buck upgrade to a slow machine in my experience. Putting even a cheap $40 Kingston one in my grandmas old ass computer took it from unusable to decent speeds for web browsing/office applications/etc. I highly recommend you get one.

  • Anyone Else Having a Blast?
  • I just wish they would put out an update to the core gameplay loop. There's all these interesting things to do but I can't get to that point because collecting resources seems never ending and its incredibly boring. The gunplay is absolutely atrocious as well.

  • Locked
    Those with parents who hold opposite political views than you, how do you go about disagreeing?
  • You cannot reason someone out of a position that they did not reason themselves into. Most of the time they even think they are being logical and reasoned their way into their beliefs, but because they refuse to rectify their cognitive dissonance, they are stuck with contradictory beliefs which they haven't accepted are incompatible.

  • Gaming hot takes?
  • I've never understood this idea. Usually I see it in reference to anime. How can you even appreciate the voice acting when its in a language you don't understand while you are trying to read something in English?

  • Does it feel like the fediverse is exclusively used by older tech nerds?
  • This is a constant cycle.

    Tech nerds invent new technology/platform>nerds flock to new thing>the masses hear about it and start flooding it>money notices a large user base that isn't being complete wrung out for money>money destroys the new thing by making it unusable for profit>repeat

  • How do you negotiate with your apartment rental landlord when they are a huge corporation with 500+ properties?

    I've been dealing with this for years now since my apartment complex was bought by new owners(multiple times now). Every time I renew the lease they want to raise the price $100+ ($300+ during covid). I always try to negotiate by saying I've lived there many years with no problems, paid rent on time, etc. Unfortunately I'm only even allowed to speak to the local office manager who is either powerless or pretends to be and doesn't even pretend to be sympathetic.

    Meanwhile, they aren't even keeping their end of the deal up. The pool and hot tub have been drained and in disrepair since January.(I'll definitely mention this when negotiating this time).

    Lastly, moving is not the answer. Practically every apartment complex around here is owned by one of these horrible companies so there's no escape unless you happen to find something owned by an individual(which has its own problems). I'm also getting a small discount(gets smaller every renewal) for being in an outdated unit so moving would still raise my rate, be a massive hassle, and I'd have to pay a new deposit.

    Long term I will buy a house, but how can I save enough when they gouge me at every turn?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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