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It's ok, we sigma now.
  • out of context this looks like you're afraid of blood groups, in context I agree

  • Mercator: Extreme

    An interactive playground to explore the extreme distortions of the Mercator projection. Set any point on Earth as the new North Pole. Warp the map in real-time. See the world in a whole new way.

    The faith leaders fighting for the climate: ‘we have a moral obligation’
  • Definitely. We may think it's useless, but that doesn't make it not worth the try.

  • Sorbonne University unsubscribes from the Web of Science
  • Thanks for retrieving this.

  • German state: Citizenship applicants must support Israel
  • Thanks for the check, but still, this is kinda shitty.

  • The Biden Administration Says It Can’t Do Anything to Stop the War on Gaza. That’s a Lie.
  • I mean, for starters, they can limit or even stop funding Israel. It's not that hard of a thing to do.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • If you aren't fighting capitalism, your fight against climate change is less effective.

  • OwO
  • cursed

  • Kontakt sampler having a bad day
  • first kontakt with alien writing

  • Latinos have been raising the flag on climate change. Now it's time to listen
  • And also because it hurts them more as a minority?

  • Erdogan says trust in EU shaken by its stance on Israel-Hamas war
  • Baddies opposing other buddies just because of geopolitics? Color me surprised

  • Im Anticapitalist. But I havent found a socialist ideology I really agree with.
  • Ideology is useless if you can't put it to work, agree here.

  • Switzerland Decides to Suspend Funding for Rights Defenders in Israel, Palestine
  • I've read the article, and I just want to ask whether there are any resources on how much aid goes to the either side of the conflict. Because I was surprised that many countries in the EU still contribute bilaterally.

  • Deleted
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  • If it helps you, the hurricane belts do have the equator nicely between them.

  • xkcd #2848: Breaker box
  • does this turn off regular bugs or software bugs? Or both?

  • Day 0: This game of Mao has officially began.
  • perform maoism

  • "Hello? I'm calling to report a strange situation..."
  • A strange and awkward situation.

  • Unethical chess pro tip
  • This is a highly illegal move

  • /kbin meta Tomassci
    How do I sign into Kbin without using Google connection? Is there a way even?

    Artemis, the app, is soon going to be my go-to app for Kbin, so I want to ask whether it's possible to somehow login into Kbin without going through the Google layer? Since I've logged in through Google already. I'd take disconnecting the accounts too.

    Tomassci Tomassci

    Science enthusiast, Kemetic, libertarian socialist, Czech. Active also on @Tomassci

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