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Obungler really banking on nostalgia to blind people from believing their lying eyes.
  • Joe biden is possibly the only person in the world who makes trump look young and spry. Just run literally anyone else and he'd look like a fossil.

  • NSFW
    Dr Disrespect Knowingly Sent Explicit Messages to a Minor, Former Twitch Employee Says
  • Dude is 40 years old and really thinks he can put a spin on sexting with a minor that doesn't make him look like a creep. His only possible audience now is alt-right weirdoes.

    The funniest part is him insisting he was dying to tell everyone he's a child predator, but just wasn't allowed to.

  • It’s weird how chuds perceive Tesla fans as hipster soy latte liberals but in reality they’re libertarian Elon glazers who are into shit like cryptocurrency and anti-woke hysteria
  • Only Tesla driver I've had the misfortune of knowing is my old boss. Very entrepeneur-brained with a failing small business where all the workers quit over the course of like 3 months, which feels very on-brand for Tesla.

  • I thought this was a bit, but it wasn't. I keep waiting for the punchline and there is none.
  • When someone drones on about “solidarity,” all I hear is, “Get in line.”

    What a baby-brain. It's cool that you want me to stand up to genocide, but please consider how special and individual I am before you talk to me.

  • I hope this isn't too hot of a take, but I don't like the "No True Scotsman" approach to TERFs.
  • I honestly think we should stop using the term and just call them transphobes. I don't have a problem using it for actual radical feminist that hates trans people, ie. Germaine Greer and people like that, but in reality people who hold those believes in anti-trans circles are very rare, and they're mostly second wave feminists in their 70s or above.

    I'm aware that a few radical feminists are still active in those circles, but the majority of TERF thought leaders are either liberal pop-feminists, or don't even identify as feminist at all. Because of that I don't buy for a single second that their hatred of trans people comes from misguided feminist beliefs, rather than plain old disgust and a weird need to defend normalcy that's not at all different from how conservative christians feel.

  • I am genuinely confused by hexbear's opinion on the Ukraine war - Lemmy.World
  • Complains about hexbear but links a lemmygrad thread.

    Smh we're stealing valor

  • Brain worms have spread through the entire anglosphere
  • Do they think the parents of most elementary school kids are like 75 years old?

  • Centrists are just as annoying as chuds
  • "nerd the left-wing authoritarian personality construct" lmao shut the fuck up weirdo, who unironically believes this shit?

  • 🚨The worm has been watching cartoons since the 80s
  • he's got the ronald reagan type of brainworms

  • Is Another Crabs Treasure good?
  • I don't think it's libertarian at all, the message seems very environmentalist


    and the final boss is an annoying libertarian finance bro

  • NSFW
    America be normal about black people's hair literally once, ever, challenge rating impossible (CW: hair related racist fuckery as well as gender and other fuckery)
  • General dress codes I can understand to some extent. You can at least change out of that when you get home, but you can't grow out your hair every afternoon.

  • NSFW
    America be normal about black people's hair literally once, ever, challenge rating impossible (CW: hair related racist fuckery as well as gender and other fuckery)
  • I'm not american so I had no idea this was a thing. It sounds completely absurd to me, what a strange country

  • NSFW
    America be normal about black people's hair literally once, ever, challenge rating impossible (CW: hair related racist fuckery as well as gender and other fuckery)
  • Why can a high school dictate what hair styles their students can wear? What an incredibly weird and arbitrary rule.

    Was Foucault right all along? foucault-madness

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • Pride in my country won't even kick out reactionary political parties from the arrangements. Libertarian adjacents who are fine* with gay people but who believe there's only two genders and it's determined at birth. Like, everyone who participates in pride hates you and you hate us, but because it's a mainstream political party we do this civility bs, otherwise it would be political, and just let them have their stand there. There's basically never a week passing without these guys making a transphobic statement so just chose any one of them and use it as a a reason to kick them out. Pride is political, if you can't tell homophobes and transphobes they're unwelcome, what's even the point?

    *as long as they're not too loud or visible

  • Red Scare Pod or something idk
  • This isn't even arguing that Catholisism is good. You can chose what you want to eat or drink yourself? You mean just like every secular person can?

  • Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be privileged and safe - Lemmy.World
  • neither are good or popular, but only votes for trump or biden matter this election

    only by voting for biden can we save US democracy

    Idk how so many libs can believe both of these at the same time

  • NSFW
    CW: partial nudity (Aphrodite is naked and Dionysus is horny) I'm ditching Marxism for whatever the Hellenic gods in Hades are doing.
  • I fell for the thirst traps and bought it today even though I was planning to wait.

    They definitely nailed the vibe from the first one, feels like you're playing pretty much the same game, except you get new stages and weapons and stuff and you're a goth witch instead of a twink fighter. There's some changes to how combat works with a mana bar and stuff, which I really like so far, but I'm only 4 hours in so no clue how it's gonna hold up over time.

  • Shut down Germany shut down all Germans
  • Horror movie vibes

  • Fuck the Poice
  • ĥ̵̨̦̱ď̵̛̠͎̹̞o̵̲͛̽̐t̸͚͔̲́̈̃̒x̷͇̞̽ bibbie

  • Did an intern paste in this tweet before this paragraph as a prank?

    Or is the author just so deluded he doesn't see the contraditction here?

    There's some other funny conspirational parts about woke millenial staffers dictating the policy of major companies, but it's mostly boring cope and bootlicking.



    Every human instinctly knows that a very small minority living in unlimited luxury while half the world lives in squalor is an unforgivable evil that can't be forgiven.

    Theory is cool and good, and you should study it as much as you're able to, but at the end of the day, you don't need to read any theory at all to understand why this is wrong. You just need the basic human empathy we're all born with.

    A significant amount of people enjoy being one the priviliged few and have no sympathy for those screwed over. They still KNOW it's morally wrong, they just enjoy it. Most people don't think like that though, and have just been conditiond since childhood into believing contrived justifications of why it has to be this way or why change is dangerous if not outright impossible. In my experience, they all know the current capitalist system is unacceptable if you press them enough, even if they'd never use those words or think about it in those terms. It's just that none of us know what to do about it.

    The entire point of both modern political and economic theory is to justify something we all intuitively understand isn't okay, which is probably part of why modern society is so fucked.
