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Are there any macro pads that can be programmed via a text file stored onboard?
  • My employer does have a process for requesting software, but it's a very large company and requires that it go through a whole vetting process and security audits before having it added to the approved software list. I'm already applying some pressure to have some more important software added and am trying not to burn up all the good will I may have 😅.

    I am actually able to connect to the VIA web app, but I don't have any compatible devices currently. It's very possible though that we may have some software or policy that will block it when I attempt to do so though (it's not unusual to be able to connect to a website and do certain things only to have specific actions trigger some piece of our security suite). Knowing what the average user is like I can't really fault them for it, but it is annoying.

    All that said, would you have a recommendation for the cheapest VIA pad on Aliexpress that I could buy to test with?

  • Food: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Across the Supply Chain
  • Nuts are interesting. Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought certain types of nuts (like almonds) require massive amounts of water. I think almonds require more water than an equivalent amount of chicken. I know this chart is about CO2, so kinda a apples to oranges comparison, but I'm curious if that is something that should also be considered when discussing environmental impact of foods?

  • Are there any macro pads that can be programmed via a text file stored onboard?

    I am wanting a macro pad for work, but we are not allowed to install software on them and even the websites we have access to is limited. I don't want to have to use my personal computer or take the pad home whenever I want to make a more complex macro and am wondering if there are any where the keys can be configured using a configuration file stored onboard?

    Any day now Joe, c'mon man!
  • Yarp, and if memory serves it was watered down because he and the Dems were attempting to engage with the Republicans in good faith and after the Dems made the concessions the Republicans asked for they still voted against it.

  • Any day now Joe, c'mon man!
  • Barely. Manchin and Sinema kept torpedoing just about any legislation that would have been actually beneficial. Though with this specific topic it appears that eight Democrats voted against it, which is still far fewer than the number of Republicans that voted against it.

    That's not to say I'm some Democrat apologist or shill, I have so many problems with the party, but for issues like these it seems like they are the lesser of two evils and if their majority margins could increase it would likely have an effect on issues like these.

  • Texting 911 via RCS is coming to Google Messages
  • Unless you are running a rooted phone in which case Google says to go fuck yourself. If your phone doesn't pass Play Integrity they will not allow RCS to work (among other things) but they don't even indicate that to the user. It just silently doesn't work.

    Play Integrity Fix is a mod that addresses this, but recently Google has been fighting back and breaking the way the mod works every other month. Their last salvo was middle of last week and last I checked the XDA thread a solution had not been found yet.

  • Windows updating just before thesis defense
  • The super duper shitty thing is that they could have canceled it by opening the Run dialog box and typing "shutdown -a", so it's not even like canceling wasn't an option. M$ just decided to be dicks about it

  • Need noise cancelling headphones recommendations
  • I don't know if this is an option, I didn't see you explicitly mention that it wasn't so I thought I would mention something a little different that I have personally done when I wanted what you are talking about on the cheap.

    Have you considered combining over the ear hearing protection ear muffs with a pair of standard (non-ANC) ear buds? A pair of earmuffs with a noise reduction of 30dB (which I believe is better than ANC can achieve can generally be had for $25-$35 leaving you with $70 to spend on a pair of ear buds where the only consideration is audio quality and fit at that price point.

    Having sensory issues myself I think it's worth noting that these types of ear muffs are designed to apply more pressure around your ears than standard head phones. It's usually not an issue for me, but there are those who do not like it for long periods of time.

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  • Isn't that essentially worse? I get it on an individual level and having near private access to that much outdoors would be pretty sweet, but even if a small, but sizeable, portion of the population wanted something similar how tenable would it be?

  • If Trump’s conviction lands him in prison, the Secret Service goes too.
  • Is their funding method viable for every single journalism outlet though? Or maybe there better question would be, for every article posted, is there a 501c3 (or otherwise sustainably funded) news outlet that has published coverage on the same story?

    I'm not disagreeing or agreeing with you, I'm just writing out some of my own indecision on the topic. Journalism is vitally important but it seems like it's very difficult for people to make a living doing it and I don't know what the answer is.

  • This is what stigma around autism sounds like to an autistic person (comedy sketch)

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