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We'll settle for homes we own, but that's too much apparently πŸ™„
  • At first I was just going to duplicate the top house and say it's what we actually want, but I liked this more.

  • We'll settle for homes we own, but that's too much apparently πŸ™„
  • Those are the options they offer based on how much they pay us. Of course we need to buy our boxes; they aren't commies!

  • Time for shave posting!
  • Sorry, I don't know

  • Mcdrive rule
  • "Sorry, we only have McApple Slices"

  • beef rule
  • Is this about the 4 meanest little shits in town? Propaganda from the beef lobby? Propaganda for child labor from the beef lobby?

  • 451 rule
  • Because "humanity" isn't really screwed, just most members of humanity. I hate this assumption that climate catastrophe or nuclear war will be a certain end. No it won't. Humans will survive, maybe even a large percentage of them. LIFE GOES ON.

    Maybe you want death because trying to improve things is "too hard," but I want to live. I hold onto hope because life is more fulfilling that way. You're just justifying apathy by assuming we're all going to die when it's actually unlikely to happen.

  • 451 rule
  • It is a shame, as what was really wrong with her wasn't that she used escapism, but that she was apathetic. You can escape reality and relax, but there's work to do if we want to contribute positively to the world. All mediums can pacify us from the horrors of the world. Books are slightly better by virtue of having a lower barrier to entry, but the internet lowered that potential barrier.

  • rule
  • Thanks! I was constipated.

  • rule
  • +1 MP restoring chopsticks

  • hl2 resistance rule
  • I don't care about repopulation after we shut off the infertility field. I'll kiss who I want!

  • rule
  • Doesn't the game not tell you how many are left?

  • Little League Rule
  • What a shithead. Spreadsheet should more than suffice.

  • Crab rule
  • rule
  • And here I was expecting transphobic slur

  • All Knights Were Rule
  • Where do I say that market economies are unique to capitalism? Markets always exist at some level and are at the core of feudalism as well; capitalism just provides stability from having to defend you business with personal soldiers. The state provides protection, and like I said, it is the main advancement(not the only one).

    Of course it didn't bring down divine right. It originated from divine right empires that became more powerful than the lords.

  • All Knights Were Rule
  • The problem with accelerationism, and many Marxists really, is that capitalism is only the current manifestation of the power amassing system that's existed for far longer. The last paragraph makes fun of the idea that ending capitalism is somehow a win.

    The current capitalist system is not as invincible as people assume, but the will to power in our global society is. If capitalism(empires) ended, feudalism(local warlords) easily take its place. Only global democracy, the redistribution and decentralization of power on a universal scale, can actually end the system.

    I'm a proponent of a global government that every person has an equal say in personally, as I think we need some organized system logistically. It's anarchistic in the sense of opposing hierarchy, but it's also a global government. I'm not even sure if it would necessitate a true state, as every person would have the duty of limiting power accumulation and ensuring every other person has enough. Honestly, the League of Nations idea is kind of the root of it, except it would be explicitly opposed to imperialism and capitalism.

    Hierarchy is natural to life because life simply favors what works. If one lifeform benefits from a strategy, it gets pushed as far as it can until it no longer provides benefit. This can also work against hierarchy, as if maintaining hierarchy ends up costing more than it benefits, it gets toned back until it reaches equilibrium. We are out of equilibrium as a species, mostly thanks to our individual actions favoring short term power grabs. The global government would be about working towards that equilibrium quicker than through blind and bloody evolution.

  • All Knights Were Rule
  • That's like giving cops a pass because they have guns and robo dogs. Guns can be fun and robo dogs are cool, but we're talking about the police here, not nerds using them recreationally.

  • All Knights Were Rule

    Chivalry was about being loyal to some rich asshole. Samurai were the same. The main advancement of capitalism was the rich handing their knights to the state. The knights no longer fight each other, mostly suppressing peasant rebellions and protecting property. The wealthy fight each other through the law, which is less costly and dangerous than fighting with soldiers you often pay to train and can potentially die.

    essay on empire/capitalism/power

    However, the rich still give up a lot of power under capitalism, mostly giving up the ability to use violence outside of the state mechanisms. If effective regulations get put in place that hurt their power, it usually isn't worth resisting. They have a social contract with a monster not even they can fight directly. Instead, they buy politicians and weaken the state's ability to regulate. Over time, they both extract all the wealth from workers and make the state incapable of restraining or resisting them. Late stage capitalism.

    However, the driving force behind feudalism falling off was the rise of states who throughly monopolized violence. Empires had risen and fallen, with lords varying conversely in strength throughout history. Industrialization coincided with a rise in that state domination, with power centralizing more so than ever before. Strong central governments and world shrinking technology allowed capitalist states to become the most powerful empires.

    Even when anticapitalist empires emerged, capitalism remained in the form of social and political capital. The exact same power dynamics played out in those cases through informal systems where single players dominate the entire system. Cults of personality equal to kings effectively become the real state, the real empire. The dictators often hold power for a single generation, splitting the bureaucracy into multiple competing factions, risking state fragmentation as they try to build a throne.

    Fascist strongmen rise to power in late stage capitalism due to the weakening of the state as an institution and the instability caused by competition. Unethical behavior compounds upon itself in an unregulated market, creating discontent in the workers who seek radical change. They're prime targets for fascist movements, allowing a strong leader to dismantle and become the empire.

    This is where the state dies and capitalism actually might end. The leaders and their supporters crave power and domination, driving them into conflicts with each other. In the past, total wars of conquest between empires were possible to win, but now they aren't. No one really wants WWIII, but even institutions know backing down from an empire means defeat. They refuse to appease, endangering the entire human population through famine and unsurvivable explosions. The entire global capitalist system might break, leaving smaller agents to fight each other and rebuild it all once more.

    Rule people
  • Sowwy daddy, I've been naughty :3

  • Rule people
  • Homie was a film school nerd who took a gamble that paid off. People that ONLY want to make money don't take such huge risks or put so much pretentious thought into pulp. He made it to make a ton of money because it literally couldn't happen any other way. How else do you get rich people to invest that much money?

  • The Big 35 (now -1 Rule)

    Inspired by this comment:

    I paid 5 dollars for this meme on faceapp bc I had Google play money I never used, but faceapp is honestly worse than it used to be. There are fewer options than I remember, and no notable new features. Don't be a bimbo like me. I should've waited till I got home instead of trying to do it on mobile. Not as happy with the result.

    This is the background picture, from the same Photoshop battle as the posture meme:


    and of course

    The original image before using faceapp:


    πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ DRINK UP πŸ₯› PRIDE RULES πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

    For the next month, you must take your daily dose of GAYTM or a kitten will cry. You may keep your straightness should you so choose. Feel free to kiss your pals a bit, as a treat.


    It doesn't matter who you are or what you ID as.

    Doctor's orders πŸ‘‰πŸ₯›πŸ‘ˆ

    Nermal(insurance) needs a very close shaveπŸͺ“

    Also, fuck WPATH for being over a decade behind research.

    Original comic made by ShaveYourEyebrows


    No gatekeepers with valid opinions at least.

    I made this meme to challenge my own doubt in 2022, and I'm honestly proud of it. However, I wanted to wait till I was more certain before coming out, so I tried to affirm myself in subtle ways. Unfortunately, I didn't realize how much dysphoria negatively affects me, so my mental health plummeted to the worst it's ever been.

    Don't be like me and wait for impossible certainty. You won't magically have a moment where all doubts disappear. Logic can't help you, you need to listen to what feels most comfortable. I only knew I made the right choice after I took that leap.

    average femboy/transfem friendship πŸ₯° (read right to left)

    BFFs with benefits πŸ₯Ί

    Manga: Josou shite Off-Kai ni Sanka shite mita

    The clueless character in the comic is a femboy, but the person he's talking about is a trans woman. It has surprisingly good trans rep by manga standards, and is actually pretty funny and sweet in general.

    This is an edit of these two pages in the manga so it fits in one image:



    Even more amazing is what the transfem thinks about the relationship:



    the first rule i thought of

    No ill will or hate towards anyone, but my mind immediately went to this type of bear when I first heard the hypothetical.

    Alt version:


    how the owners treated me 😿

    😫 I DON'T WANNA B UR HOG!!!! πŸ—

    πŸ₯° I wanna b smol n cute πŸ’—


    ~also a deadly menace that sleeps all day >:3~

    TotallynotJessica TotallynotJessica

    I swear I'm not Jessica

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