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You're just a kid, how would you know what you want for the rest of your life?
  • Marriage is about my happiness and according to AITA and TwoXChromosome my husband is a toxic spouse and I need to leave him, force my kids into poverty and go out there and just be happy without those lead balloons. Marriage over do it now

  • This guy is fucking based
  • In the context of what people have said here they are the same.

    Luck has nothing to do with victimless crime. I can safely navigate running red lights and be as safe as smoking weed.

    Increases stoners increases amount of stoned drivers on the road. Increasing risk to all drivers.

    Smoking anything increases risk of disease. Inhaling any burning substance increases risk both to mental and physical health. Increasing demand on medical systems already stretched thin. Who says a pot head doesn't kick someone out of prompt medical care by taking up a bed or service.

    But again increasing risk doesn't create any victims. We've said no victimless crime should exist. Unless they should exist and that risk to public is a viable reason to create a law.

  • This guy is fucking based
  • Yet there is no victim. You're not a victim because the risk is higher.

    Because then the argument changes to that there are victimless crimes that are reasonable to have and that on that scale everything from running red lights to drug use would be on it

  • This guy is fucking based
  • Driving through red lights doesn't affect anyone either than. I make it through the intersection, nobody gets hurt and everybody gets what they want. We're arguing same thing. Both are victimless crimes.

  • This guy is fucking based
  • Weed isn't benign. It exasperates amd can induce psychotic mental health conditions much earlier in some people like schizophrenia and bipolar. It is carcinogenic. It does change people mentally affecting their emotional regulation and behaviors even when not high. There are impacts on already stretched health care systems. And what is wrong with wanting to argue. I want someone to give me good reason to think what constitutes a victimless crime isn't some arbitrary line

  • This guy is fucking based
  • There is always risk. Having easily accessible weed increases the risk that people will operate vehicles while high or increase number of beds needed in medical systems that refuse to increase beds as inhaling smoke increases cancer risk. I can drive through 100 red lights and never hit anyone but an increased demand for medical care in a system that can't handle it puts me at risk also. I say running a red light is victimless just as smoking weed is also victimless and we have said victimless crimes should not be punishable.

  • How is Naomi Wu doing?

    Last I heard she was visited by Chinese officials and then radio silence. Is there any updates

    Doug Ford government paying for-profit clinic more than hospitals for OHIP-covered surgeries, documents show

    The documents show provincial agency Ontario Health contracted Don Mills Surgical Unit Ltd. at the following per-surgery funding rates in each of the three fiscal years starting from 2020-21:

    • $1,264 for each procedure classed as minor complexity (such as cataract surgery)

    • $4,037 for each moderate complexity surgery (such as a laparoscopic gallbladder removal)

    • $5,408 for each higher-complexity surgery (such as repairing a large tear of a rotator cuff).

    The funding rates do not include how much the surgeon bills OHIP for each operation. The physician's billing for a particular OHIP-covered surgery is identical whether it takes place in a hospital or a private clinic. ---

    What's the purpose of strategy statements and other "corporate plans" in office culture

    What exactly is accomplished when corporate culture sits everybody down and has a power point about the strategy, business goals for the next year.

    Stuff like saying "our new plan is focusing on areas like key player, resilience and fast resource adaption to better serve customers". Stuff that seems super abstract and boil down to "worker faster or harder" or saying that whats important to the company are "customers, excellent products and people who make products" but said over an hour and mixed in with corporate jargon

    It seems like a ton of work goes into these things but its all not usable information. So what is it that these scrum master project managers and higher executives hope to achieve at the end of these calls?

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    UFC star pushes referee and tries to fight rival after bout is stopped
    Do AI startups build their own AI or something else?

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    What I don't get is how they're doing this with such small teams. How are these young companies building out AI services?

    55% of women say listening to Joe Rogan is a red flag Young Women Are More Liberal Than Young Men - Change Research

    Change Research, conducted a poll of young voters, finding striking attitudinal, behavioral, and cultural differences between men and women.

    Young Women Are More Liberal Than Young Men - Change Research

    cross-posted from:

    > Various nuggets of interest in this survey of Gen Z and millennials

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    COVID vaccine doubter Alex Berenson sues Biden over Twitter ban
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    In a new book, former Secret Service agent Paul Landis, largely silent for 60 years, says he found a bullet in Kennedy’s limo. A sometime presidential historian explains why that’s so significant, if true.

    A New JFK Assassination Revelation Could Upend the Long-Held “Lone Gunman” Theory

    In a new book, former Secret Service agent Paul Landis, largely silent for 60 years, says he found a bullet in Kennedy’s limo. A sometime presidential historian explains why that’s so significant, if true.

    Elon Musk says he withheld Starlink over Crimea to avoid escalation Elon Musk says he withheld Starlink over Crimea to avoid escalation

    A senior Ukrainian official says this enabled Russian attacks and accuses him of "committing evil".

    Elon Musk says he withheld Starlink over Crimea to avoid escalation

    cross-posted from:

    > Elon Musk says he refused to give Kyiv access to his Starlink communications network over Crimea to avoid complicity in a "major act of war". > > Kyiv had sent an emergency request to activate Starlink to Sevastopol, home to a major Russian navy port, he said. > > His comments came after a book alleged he had switched off Starlink to thwart a drone attack on Russian ships. > > A senior Ukrainian official says this enabled Russian attacks and accused him of "committing evil". > > Russian naval vessels had since taken part in deadly attacks on civilians, he said. > > "By not allowing Ukrainian drones to destroy part of the Russian military (!) fleet via Starlink interference, Elon Musk allowed this fleet to fire Kalibr missiles at Ukrainian cities," he said. > > "Why do some people so desperately want to defend war criminals and their desire to commit murder? And do they now realize that they are committing evil and encouraging evil?" he added. > > The row follows the release of a biography of the billionaire by Walter Isaacson which alleges that Mr Musk switched off Ukraine's access to Starlink because he feared that an ambush of Russia's naval fleet in Crimea could provoke a nuclear response from the Kremlin. > > Ukraine targeted Russian ships in Sevastopol with submarine drones carrying explosives but they lost connection to Starlink and "washed ashore harmlessly", Mr Isaacson wrote. > > Starlink terminals connect to SpaceX satellites in orbit and have been crucial for maintaining internet connectivity and communication in Ukraine as the conflict has disrupted the country infrastructure. > > SpaceX, in which Mr Musk is the largest shareholder, began providing thousands of Starlink satellite dishes to Ukraine shortly after Russia launched its full-scale assault on its neighbour in February last year. > > Responding to the book's claim, Mr Musk said on X that SpaceX "did not deactivate anything" because it had not been activated in those regions in the first place. > > "There was an emergency request from government authorities to activate Starlink all the way to Sevastopol. The obvious intent being to sink most of the Russian fleet at anchor," he said. > > "If I had agreed to their request, then SpaceX would be explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation." > > Russia illegally annexed Crimea in 2014, eight years before Moscow launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine > > In the past, Mr Musk has said that while the system had "become the connectivity backbone of Ukraine all the way up to the front lines", "we are not allowing Starlink to be used for long-range drone strikes". > > Mr Musk reiterated the point to Mr Isaacson, asking: "How am I in this war? Starlink was not meant to be involved in wars. It was so people can watch Netflix and chill and get online for school and do good peaceful things, not drone strikes." > > He also offered a personal opinion, calling for a truce and saying that Ukrainians and Russians were dying "to gain and lose small pieces of land" and this was not worth their lives. > > He provoked anger last year when he proposed a plan to end the war which suggested the world formally recognise Crimea as part of Russia and asking residents of regions seized by Russia last year to vote on which country they wanted to be part of. > > Russian chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov said that plan displayed "moral idiocy"

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