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The last time you were scared, why?
  • Last week my kid's mare got spooked by a plastic bag while said kid was riding her. They never flinched and everything was under control in a few seconds but you bet I was unable to breath while watching from afar.

  • Have you gone down any rabbit holes that gave you an existential crisis?
  • Oh I've been there too! Read about it while planning my pregnancy. It made me feel so paranoic that I got the test done twice just in case. I never got sick with it, but paranoia was a removed.

    Since then I have gotten mental health help to deal with anxiety etc.

  • Mexico's new president!
  • She was selected and placed there as a mere puppet of current president amlo. México is indeed a narco governement but people who don't actuallly experience it first hand living it every day think that this facade is true. She was married to a guy who was investigated for embezzlent but got off the hook because of political contacts. Her father was a chemist who owned a solvent factory (he has passed away and she inherited the business) with very sketchy practices regarding toxic waste management. Factory is still hers and it still operating under the same principles.

  • I just need to say this to somebody.
  • I grew up in many different places learning different languages meeting lots of people, (think army brat) and that fucked me up royally. Always being the New kid at school made me an easy target for bullying. Since I was moved around so much as a kid and had to interact with tons of different people one could assume I am a social butterfly.I am not.

    What I am trying to say is that there is no normal, we are all quirky and unique with different sets of circumnstances and tragically that makes us all the same. Hang on! You will find a way.

    I live now in an ultraconservative religious place (no choice) as an atheist but managed to find three friends and a spouse in the time I have been here.

  • My dad passed away
  • I am a middle age woman who doesn't know much but I know this:

    Sometimes the weight of the memories wil strike you like lightning and you can do nothing but sob and that is OK because you were his baby and he was your father. Sometimes you will feel angry too, and that is OK too.

    I lost my dad suddenly too and at first I had tunnel vision just trying to get through the motions, then after paramedics said there was nothing else they could do I just let out a gutural sound that came from the very depths of my core. I could not believe he was gone and after the wake and all that I felt numb for months.

    I just want ti tell you that, as corny as this might sound you can dm me anytime and I will try my best to just listen to you and share. ❤️

  • What kind of jelly do you use for your peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?
  • You sure are a pb&jelly connoiseur! I like your comments about the different kinds of jellies, jam, etc. I have never tried prickly pear but it sounds delicious. My personal favorite is passion fruit jam but I also like red currant jelly.

  • Romance books with more relatable male protagonists
  • I don't know about nerdy enough but I found "The song of Achilles" by Madeline Miller so romantic! We all know the story of Achilles of course, but I found this book very refreshing because the one speaking is Patroclus. Beautiful ending.

  • Mexico's president says he won't fight drug cartels on US orders, calls it a 'Mexico First' policy
  • I have the feeling you were born and raised in the US and have never experienced life outside your own town/ city and just spew your opinion about places and situations you know absolutely nothing about. So let me enlighten your narrow anglo vision a bit:

    Have you ever lived through something like what is described in the article? Have you ever experienced what a narcoestado entails? Have you ever been in a protest along searching mothers outside Palacio Nacional because ten thousand people disappeared in your country due to organized crime for this fool to keep having breakfast saying "they only want to destabilize my regime" and not even acknowledge your presence? Have you ever been blackmailed and had to pay organized crime to keep your business open for this president to say "abrazos, no balazos" ( hugs, not bullets)? Has anyone from your family been kidnapped for ransom money? If so, did you get help from governement agencies? With all of the above, how would you feel about your president saying the things in the article? I have experienced all of the above scenarios so kindly, stfu.

  • What skill can I learn while stimming?
  • After I quit smoking, I wanted to do something with my hands so I bit my nails until it hurt.

    Crochet was/ is something I can do with my hands and at the end I get a cool hat or a nice scarf. Yarn gets expensive, tho.

  • Why do people hate TV shows like The Biggest Loser and My 600-lb Life?
  • Whoa! Lots of assumptions there, pal. Projection much?

    I never said it was cheating or a shortcut, that was all you. I never said people like you should die. You do you and good if it has worked so far, but that does not mean that it is going to work for every single person who gets this suggested by their doctor.

    That does not mean that every person getting this surgery comes out of it scot free forever, look at the data. Sorry to burst your bubble.

    Calling me judgemental is not te flex you think it is.

    Carry on.

  • Why do people hate TV shows like The Biggest Loser and My 600-lb Life?
  • Sources:

    Adams TD , Davidson LE, Litwin SE, Kim J, Kolotkin RL, Nanjee MNet al. Weight and metabolic outcomes 12 years after gastric bypass. N Engl J Med2017

    Thereaux J , Lesuffleur T, Czernichow S, Basdevant A, Msika S, Nocca Det al.  Long-term adverse events after sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass: a 7-year nationwide, observational, population-based, cohort study. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol2019

    Johansson K , Svensson PA, Soderling J, Peltonen M, Neovius M, Carlsson LMSet al. Long-term risk of anaemia after bariatric surgery: results from the Swedish Obese Subjects study. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol2021

    Saad RK , Ghezzawi M, Habli D, Alami RS, Chakhtoura M. Fracture risk following bariatric surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Osteoporos Int2022

    Scarpellini E , Arts J, Karamanolis G, Laurenius A, Siquini W, Suzuki Het al. International consensus on the diagnosis and management of dumping syndrome. Nat Rev Endocrinol2020

    Ostlund MP , Backman O, Marsk R, Stockeld D, Lagergren J, Rasmussen Fet al. Increased admission for alcohol dependence after gastric bypass surgery compared with restrictive bariatric surgery. JAMA Surg2013

    Kauppila JH , Tao W, Santoni G, von Euler-Chelpin M, Lynge E, Tryggvadóttir Let al.  Effects of obesity surgery on overall and disease-specific mortality in a 5-country population-based study. Gastroenterology2019
  • Mystery/ crime/ horror novel recommendations?

    ETA: I have read and downloaded many of your recommendations and have had lots of fun reading them! You are such a welcoming enthusiastic bunch. Thanks a lot! Still looking for more suggestions in case someone wants to add to the ever growing list. So far this year I have read twenty seven books.

    Looking for some good mystery novels/short story compilation, etc. Preferably no sci fi or futuristic stuff, no Stephen King. TIA.

    FWIW just finished reading "We have to talk about Kevin" by Lionel Shriver. It was OK.

    Do any of you get into a feeding rut at times? Do you particularly enjoy/hate it?

    As stated above. I can go months without eating an egg, for example, and suddenly crave eggs benedict for breakfast everyday.

    Good thing is my dietitian is aware of this executive dysfunction/quirk/habit and works closely with me to help me out planning meals in a way that works me.

    Right now I am on a soup kick: Soup, soup, soup everyday, all day.

    ETA A word

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