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Looking for advice - Help me advocate for my employer to open up our products to Home Assistant integration

First, some background -

I work in technical support for a Chinese manufacturer making (among other things) home monitoring devices. I'm our resident open source enthusiast in the North American market, not that any of my bosses know or care. My background is not in comp sci or networking, so the only applicable knowledge I have is from my meager experience with my own home lab.

We have a product (I'll refer to it here as the Brain) that communicates wirelessly with our other devices, takes the data from them, sends the data encrypted to our servers, and is available to our customers through our web portal or phone app.

We got a support ticket recently from a customer (and software developer) asking technical questions about the communication protocol from the Brain to our servers. This customer was trying to work on Home Assistant integration for our product stack, but was hitting some roadblock that I can't even pretend to understand. To my understanding, the integration would allow a Home Assistant server to locally gather the same information sent to our servers.

After escalating the issue to our HQ team and some back and forth there, eventually the answer was that the data transfer is encrypted and we aren't going to share any details about it. We don't officially support this type of integration and have no plans to. Our tech contact at HQ offered to sell API access to this customer, but obviously that isn't what he was hoping to hear.

The customer replied that this answer didn't surprise him, but that he would be happy to develop the Home Assistant integration if we made the necessary information available to him.

So, here's my questions - How can I advocate from within my company to open up this aspect of our platform for open source devs to integrate our products into Home Assistant and other open source IOT platforms? Has anyone successfully made a case for this kind of thing within their own companies? What talking points can I use that my higher ups will actually listen to and understand?

I'm considering reaching out to the customer privately to seek a better understanding of what he needs from our platform. Does that seem ill-advised to anyone here?

TLDR - My employer manufactures IOT devices and locks down the platform with proprietary networking protocols. A customer and developer is seeking to write an integration for our products to work locally with Home Assistant. My higher ups said that isn't possible and I want to convince them to make the changes necessary for it to work.

With GPL, you're programming Freedom. With MIT, you're programming for free.
  • GPLs "restrictions" are freedom preserving though. It only restricts developers from keeping dirivitive code proprietary. In order to violate the GPL you'd have to choose to use GPL code and then choose not to release your modified versions of it under a similar copyleft license. It may seem counterintuitive, but having those restrictions results in more software freedom overall - similar to the paradox of intolerance.

    I'm not saying MIT or so called permissive licenses are bad, but the permissive/restrictive language is just as loaded as the OPs suggestions. Both styles are needed, but copyleft licenses are better at promoting software freedom.

    Edit: I do agree with you that LGPL serves an important role in promoting free/libre software where it would otherwise would never be used.

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  • Can someone remind me what 'thought terminating cliche' means again?
  • We agree on that. I don't, however, expect the US democratic party to represent me and my interests. They represent the ruling class just like nearly every major political party around the world. Electoral politics isn't going to change that.

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    I have access to a MAM's invite forum and have a well established ratio on several trackers, so once I know where to go hopefully I'll be able to get in.

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