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[Spoilers Episode 20] Everyone Dies Eating Mushrooms

Episode 20: Everyone Dies Eating Mushrooms

Four adventurers find themselves transported to the Fae Wild. Can they uncover its mysteries before the agents of evil do their worst? No.

I believe it was the poet, Robert Frost, who said, "In three words, I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on."

DM, Mother Frost - Jon Ciccolini Nigel - Satyr - Matthew Lillard Baroth Kruuncith (Dragonborn Fighter), Apprentice("You")/Rabbit - Jonah Ray Gelbin Rakankrak (Hill Dwarf Cleric) - Lou Wilson Inis (Human Cleric) - Aabria Iyengar Westleigh Fezzeroth (Firbold Wizard) - Patton Oswalt

The last you all remember, you were asleep in your beds, suffering from a restless sleep. But now you find yourselves in a dark, snowy wood in a clearing. Within this clearing, you see the light of a campfire. Sitting at the fire, wrapped in furs, is an ancient hobgoblin woman playing a woodwind instrument. Listening to her play are a collection of forest animals sitting in an arc around her; rabbits, deer, owls, mice, all sitting around. As she plays, the fir trees themselves seem to sway to the sound of her music. As you listen, you have a slight sense of paranoia running through you. As you stand and look around, you see these others standing beside you in the clearing.


  • 15:30 Baroth Kruuncith's sick flute solo
  • 18:18 Nat 1 by Jonah turns him into a rabbit
  • 25:13 Encore flute solo
  • 29:34 A satyr is discovered.
  • 31:21 BBEG
  • 35:31 Fan Art Moment Bunny Riding the Flute as it's fired at the dragon.
  • 38:45 Nigel the satyr hopping through the woods Runnin' into heroes, doin' what he could
[Spoilers Episode 19] Everyone Dies at a Resurrection

Episode 19: Everyone Dies at a Resurrection

Four family members try to raise a lost loved one. Can they get out of their deal with the demon lord and save their own souls? No.

I believe it was the Roman poet Virgil who said, "The can conquer who believe they can."

DM, Marcus (Orcus) - Ify Nwadiwe Stuart the Fridge - Bill Rehor Aella Dewdrop (Halfling Bard) - Krystina Arielle Fay-Lor Swift (Wood Elf Bard) - Mal Blum Junior (Mountain Dwarf Cleric) - Matthew Lillard Tildred "Tilly" (Mountain Dwarf Bard) - Kelen Coleman

In a cottage, in a forest, you all gather. You are all coming in with a dish. It's become a monthy gathering between adopted siblings. You have lost your father two years ago. Your father was a man of money. Y'all were used to the life of plush rich people things. Because of one unsigned will, y'all are all broke. Out of all of the children, we all know that one of you are taking it the hardest. There's a knock at the door. When you open the door, you know it's someone you invited. Seeing as Tilly has been having such a tough time, you wanted to introduce someone to her that she might like. She does not like. Tilly instead suggests a resurrection, which Junior immediately rejects as a breach of his holy vows. She goes into her back and pulls out something. When she was back in town, she met this salesman who had this trinket from Vassa (Vassa is a place up north that you might have heard had some demon issues) and said it could make her dreams come true and bring back someone from the dead. When Tilly taps the stick on the ground it starts to shake and light up. Black smoke and flames start to spurt out of the skull. This is confusing to you becaus the person who sold it to you said that an angel was going to come out and allow you to bring your dad back to life. No one can see anything through the smoke and then, in an instant, it disappears from the room, and standing before you is something like an angel. It has wings, it's big, burly. You can't see its face; it's covered. The skull stares down at you and says, "Oh, Zingy, were you able to hold off the dragon's bane?" He, then, looks at all four of you. "Why did you summon me?"


  • 25:35 BBEG
  • 44:33 Matthew reveals his own father's terminal state and his gratitude for being able to process that emotion with a silly game and friends around a table.
  • 47:12 Krystina:"D&D is actually very healing. We all have different things, but the thing that always brings us back to the table and helps us to relate to each other is that human element:
    • trauma
    • feelings we didn't know we had
    • to see ourselves use the masks to kind of see behind the mask of who we are
    • and to feel free to process a lot of things that we don't get to

and I'm grateful that we could all share this moment. It is a very real moment. It is a very honest moment. I like to do this thing with my kids and we're going to do it right now. Everybody stop and we're gonna take two deep breaths and we're gonna move forward." breath "One, two three." breath "Remember, life's gonna life, but all we can do is live it."

[Spoilers Episode 18] Everyone Dies in Wildspace

Episode 18: Everyone Dies in Wildspace

Four intrepid spelljammers come across a derelict ship floating in Wildspace. Can they uncover its mysteries before a sinister evil destroys them all? No.

I believe it was the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus who said, "The greater the difficulty, the more the glory in surmounting it."

DM - Jon Ciccolini Balloon - Bill Rehor Daldagga (Giff Fighter) - Ify Nwadiwe Delaware Jones (Giff Monk) - Matthew Lillard Joey Jeff Jimmy (Giff Fighter) - Noura Ibrahim Findelin Sploo (Giff Bard) - Lou Wilson

We find ourselves sailing through the airless void known aa Wildspace. You are all crew on the deck of a Bombard spelljamming ship. Bombards are usually built (and "sailed") by Giff (tall, broad-shouldered humanoid with hippo-like features. The primary retrieval team for your ship has recently boarded a derelict ship that you have found out in Wildspace. There's something strange going on with this derelict ship. It's another Bombard garishly painted in red and yellow stripes. The sails are a patchwork quilt of different fabrics and colors in strange patterns. Your primary retrieval team has not returned. The captain of your ship, Joe Mariner, tells you that you are up next. You're the secondary retrieval team. Joe Mariner:"I need you to go onto that ship and find out what has happened to your fellow crew members." There's a gangplank connecting these two ships. The four of you could cross over to this other bombard. Findelin Sploo's singing is interrupted as one of the first retrieval team comes stumbling off of the derelict ship ad over the gangplank. He falls in the middle and starts crawling in your direction. He looks up at you and says, "The 'Squeakers'. Beware." You board the derelict ship and descend below deck in search of your missing crew members. As you walk down the companionway and start looking in some of the different quarters, you notice something right away. There's some sort of corrosive, ichor clinging to the walls, in pools on he floor as you move about. You find the captain's quarters. Inside something stands out to you: a large three-foot-square jack-in-the-box with a winch on the side, painted in eerie, multicolored designs. On the front, painted in an arc, it says,

"Open me for a thrill"


  • 10:35 Findelin Sploo sings: There once was a time where I was on a ship. There were men attempting to take over the ship. I said 'No! This is my ship! You will not have it! You will not take it from me, Findelin Sploo!' Then I took the ship and I turned the wheel, so the ship was put down, and I crashed the ship. Most of the crew died, but I survived. It was me, Findelin Sploo!
  • 16:43 "I, Delaware Jones, bequeath my gift medal to none of you!"
  • 17:50 Ballet
  • 24:00 Placebo healing
  • 29:00 The first team is found stuck in space taffy and there are some normal-sized space hamsters nearby. Space taffy can be broken down with oil and Delaware Jones brought gallons.
  • 30:01 You had to lick the space taffy. Make a CON save.
  • 36:05 Scott Passarella channels John Williams
  • 46:08 The last song of Findelin Sploo: They were four second choices but they acted like one. So they went over to the boat, and there was a balloon. He was creepy as hell, so we cut him in half. Then they saved them, their poor crew members and made sure they were safe. And they stared down the danger and fought til the end because they were The Secondary Retrieval Team! The Secondary Retrieval Team!
[Spoilers Episode 7]

Episodes and other media available on YouTube and Twitch

Episode 6: The Spider and the Flies

We began as Endellion listened in on the scenes unfolding around the jail complex. Despite the cacophony and chaos, she decided to return to Casper's hideout, trusting that her companions would succeed in breaking out Medea. Having arrived back at Casper's and trying unsuccessfully to coax conversation from Goff, she warmed herself by the fire. Meanwhile the others were up to their knees in wastewater in a rancid reservoir beyond the city walls. They sought out a nearby well and some clean clothes to regain a little dignity, though I had "gone into his shell" after his struggles during the breakout. The worst of the filth removed, Kelnys, Dolly, Raidion and "I" (the character not the me) re-entered the city, bought some ill-advised mystery meat and returned to the hideout. Once there, you washed, rested and ate. Raidion took the opportunity to interrogate Dolly on her connection to the prisoner, Indy, and the truth of her past. They shared a little of their lives before resolving to try to trust one another as Kelnys secretly listened in. Casper attuned Endellion to the gem that allowed entrance to the hideout and they shared a secret conversation which I shan't spoil for players who weren't present (so if you want want to find out about that go back and listen to the previous episode). Endellion brought "I" out of his funk with an elaborate ruse to convince him he was capable of controlling the gem. As the others slept, Kelnys spied Radion placing something into Dolly's pack. When you woke the next morning, Raidion (full of apologies for his previous impulsiveness) asked the rest of the party to trust him and to follow along with his plan to speak to Grawnoth. It was now that Kelnys spoke up regarding Raidion's actions in the night, but a search of Dolly's bag revealed nothing. Raidion removed a leather pouch from his pack containing a deck of cards. I reached out to touch it and felt a jolt of pain in his head, hearing whispers coming from the deck. Raidion told the others that the cards called to him and that he feared using them, though (at Kelnys' request) he removed the deck from the leather back and you observed that patterns of mountains, thorns and black water on the cards matched patterns in the Palace of The Virtuous. With the deck carefully placed back in its leather bag, you headed to The Crest (the highest level of Baruun) still partially under construction. There, you made your way to Grawnoth's estate where Brunhilda (captain of his guard) led you to his chambers. Propped up in bed you found Grawnoth unnaturally aged since you last saw him at the peak of Mount Atria. You told him of Barabask's betrayal and Jasmee's wisdom. Horrified, he told you the truth of the world: that mortals were first bred as soldiers in The Divine War and that the gods placed some of their own power into these mortals, and as their numbers grew, they drained more and more divine power from the gods. Realizing that the collective power of mortality now outweighed that of the divine, The Virtuous, Vile, and Wild agreed a truce; creating three separate planes of existence (Reliquiae, The Fae Wild and The Shadowfell) so that mortality could never unite and destroy those that made them. Endellion told Grawnoth of the voices in the orbs and the words "The Shadow Will Flood". Showing him the mask, you you'd taken from the group in the forest, Grawnoth knew nothing of the words, nor "the child" mentioned by the voices in the orbs, though he speculated that the forest group may be affiliated with The Vile and that this child of a god could hae been the reason that the powers of The Virtuous faded suddenly a century ago. Perhaps there is a new demigod. He also revealed that the Antiqua had tied their lives to that of their deity (ie. with The Virtuous dead, the Antiqua's powers would diminish and they would die. Danily the halfling cleric of Persephone had already fallen. Grawnoth planned on telling the Council of Equals the truth in a few days once he had recovered his strength. Raidion showed him the deck of cards and though Grawnoth didn't recognize them, he could sense great magic coming from them. You then asked him where to find the other Antiqua and he told that they would have returned to their respective capitals with the exception of Parvus who would be at The Sanctum (the seat of dragonborn power). Grawnoth then told "I" that he did not think that Themself was responsible for the deaths of the other Virtuous and that they may well have sought refuge in The Old Dark (a semi-mythical place in kobold culture said to be the place where they first came into being). Though Grawnoth could not tell you where to find The Old Dark, he thought Parvus would know. Led by Raidion, you asked to be allowed to go to the Council of Equals yourselves and to warn them of the coming danger, fearing that Grawnoth's condition would not improve that that he (as Danilo had) would succumb to death. Grawnoth was (at first) reluctant to do so, fearing Raidion's impulsiveness, though eventually he agreed and sent you off with a letter than declared that you spoke with his voice and in his name. You made your way to the Council of Equals and gained access to the council building, having left your weapons at the gate (though Endellion and "I" managed to hide a dagger and thieves' tools about their persons). Endellion was keen to keep her head down throughout and spotted a red-haired, mustachioed man entering a chamber as you were led to see Trusk Moore, High Advocate of Baruun and leader of the Council of Equals. Dolly recognized this man to be Riodhir Grenweird, the Reeve of a small town called Mouse. Once inside Trusk's chambers, Dolly told her of the group in the forest and the threats made upon her life. She seemed relatively unconcerned, though revealed that she had already tightened security since the disappearance of a member of the council, the dwarf Rashiid. Then Raidion played the hits and told Trusk that the gods were dead. Blindsided and unwilling to accept this, she stormed from the the chamber to see Grawnoth herself. As you followed, Dolly went to open the door through wich she had seen Riodhr Grēnweard disappear before Endellion stopped her, insisting that 'it's not where we need to go". Skeptical, Dolly agreed, but told Endellion that a conversation would be required down the line. You reclaimed your weapons and headed back to Grawnoth's residence, where you waited until Trusk emerged after long discussions with the Antiqua. She was now accepting of the reality of the situation and returned to the council chambers to inform them. Raidion pressed Endellion on her actions outside Grēnweard's chamber, though got short shrift. You headed to the Orange Tree Tavern for a drink to touch base and take the edge off, but after Endellion said she heard a voice within, she suggested a different location. you decamped to the Wise Walker where Dolly and Endellion studied one another in silence before Casper burst in with news.

The Spider Prince wants to see you.


Previous Episode: Hot Heads and Fast Words

YouTube VoD

Alternate Frontend VoD

[Spoilers Episode 6]
[Spoilers Episode 17] Everyone Dies Near a Hole

Episode 17: Everyone Dies Near a Hole

Natures greatest monstrosity has awoken. Can four novice adventurers stand in its way? No.

I believe it was the Bohemian novelist Franz Kafka who said: "The meaning of life is that it stops."

DM - Jason Azevedo Apprentice to the Great Wizard Steve - Bill Rehor Old Tammy - Matthew Lillard Chrissy (Changeling Fighter) - Deborah Ann Woll Iggy Bird (Aarakocra Ranger) - Clare Grant Tomas Bizzbear (Half-Orc Ranger) - Sean Gunn Vesuvia (High Elf Sorceror) - Danielle Perez

The first thing you feel is the warmth of the sun on your faces. You smell the sweet scent of stale mead, the braying of farm animals, and birds singing outside the window of the Happy Hummingbird Tavern. You sit in the tavern because the day before, in this quaint village of Meadowbrook, you completed your first quest. As you sit and enjoy your beverages (warm honey mead, sweet wine, perhaps some ale) and a collection of meats and cheeses, you hear what sounds like a slight rumble. You watch as your cups, your mugs on the table, shake slightly. The liquid in them just kind of ripples a little bit. You continue your conversation until again, just a little tremor occurs throughout the tavern You're alone in this tavern (other than the barkeep) and the barkeep starts to look around, and looks a little confuse, and looks at you all and says, "D-d-did you feel that?" A Mage's apprentice shows up and heads directly for the group. Steve's apprentice:"I bring you a dire warning, but some hope. You see, there is a magic spell that can take an entire town and move it into a pocket dimension, just long enough for this monstrous beast to run through, at which time the town can be redistributed back where it came from and, be totally unharmed. A great wizard in Bumbleflux was preparing this spell...but unfortunately he ran out of time, and has been crushed along with everyone else in Bumbleflux. But in this case, we have an even better wizard, my master Steve. He knows this same spell and is preparing it as we speak. But we're going to run out of time. If you could slow it down for just a moment, it would be enough to cast the spell and save your town and your loved ones. You would be heroes. Would you take on this mighty task?"


(click to reveal)

Muthafuggin TARRASQUE!!1!

  • 33:45 Dainty changeling gets jacked "Chrissy's ready to kill some shit."
  • 43:27 Fan Art Moment Tomas' skeleton hanging from the Immovable Rod
  • 44:33 The Poem of Cat Team 6 Iggy Bird with the brightest bluest feathers drew the most bravest holes of all the birds who wear leathers. He may not have been much for most of his life. But when it counted, he was just enough. Vesuvia tried to hit him with an acid splash and went bust. There once was a fighter named Chrissy. She wasn't at all very prissy. She once saved a cat, but not just that... She also saved a city.
[Spoilers Episode 16] Everyone Dies at the Temple of Lathander

  • "Get behind my thumb for safety!"


    The demise of Alister.

  • [Spoilers Episode 16] Everyone Dies at the Temple of Lathander

    Episode 16: Everyone Dies at the Temple of Lathander

    Tonight, four criminals attempt a daring heist. Can they steal enough gold to save their own skins? No.

    I believe it was the famous Indian Revolutionary Mahatma Ghandi who said: "Learn as if you will live forever..."

    DM - Jared Logan Priest of Lathander - Bill Rehor Orphan - Ross Bryant Alister (Gnome Rogue) - Matthew Lillard Juniper Sands (Half-Elf Rogue) - Katie Wilson Knickknack (Tiefling Rogue) - Luis Carazo Kruman (Gnome Rogue) - Skeet Ulrich

    The scene: Waterdeep. The jewel of the Sword Coast. A massive, sprawling city of spires and turrets and minarets? You are in the castle ward near Castle Waterdeep. This is a "high-end" area of the city. There are many lampposts. You are looking at the Spires of Mourning. They are the temple of the god Lathander, a god of good and goodness. But your characters are all evil. The sun is setting on Waterdeep. A light rain is falling. From one of the lampposts, there is a serpent coiled around it and it has a pair of dirty wings. You know that you are under the watchful eye of the Zentarum. Cut back to 7 hours earlier. You're deep inside one of the Zentarum's many safehouses, here in Waterdeep. They're located in places you'd never expect them to be located. This one is behind a nice restaurant that does an excellent scone. You're all enjoying delicious scones. "Would everyone stop talking about the scones?" This, of course is the voice of Argor Vuun, a name that sounds made up. He has a lot of rings and he has one of those very sharp, little goatees. He's got one eye that's red and one eye that's blue. Coiled around his wrist, he has the aforementioned serpent, his pet. He reaches down and pulls up a cockroach out of a small box that he keeps for keeping cockroaches in...and he feeds the cockroach to the serpent. He looks at you and he says, "What do you all have to say for yourselves? You shouldn't be making jokes, you all owe the Zentarum (Faerun's notorious criminal organization). Within the next seven hours or so, I want you all to go to the Spires of Mourning, in the castle ward. There inside the Temple of Lathander, is a very powerful and sacred artifact: it is a belt. It's a belt that ties up your private parts so that nothing sketchy goes on. It doesn't matter why I want it. You will know it because it glows with a holy light. and it perfectly encapsulates the glory of Lathander. You'll find it in the Sanctorium. Beyond the Great Hall. I want you to bring it back within 24 hours or your lives are forfeit!" He slowly slinks back into the shadows, even though it's a small room and he doesn't really have anywhere to go. It is now seven hours later and you're back on the streets of Waterdeep. Ahead of you is a pair of huge oaken keep doors. In front of those doors are the soldiers of light, Lathander's sacred crusaders. They're standing with their hugs swords at their hips. How do you intend to get inside the Spire of Mourning?


    • 22:59 Epic booming voice sound FX
    • 25:10 Thumb assist
    • 29:15 The prayer to Lathander
    • 31:09 BBEG
    [Spoilers Episode 6] Action Surge!

    Episodes and other media available on YouTube and Twitch

    Action Surge!

    > It might have been the fewest rolls yet (and a little break from combat), but there was still plenty of lore, intrigue, and of course, mystery meats. Catch up with Action Surge as the team reflect on their first full day in Barunn.


    • 02:40 Harry:"It's kind of Lore Dump-y"
    • 05:35 Harry:"...what Can you do? You're level four..."
    • 09:03 Harry:"...NADDPoD and Lord of the Rings and also the film Moonlight."
    • 16:11 Postulation on how the Antiqua are terminally affected by the absence of their gods
    • 29:17 The Old Dark has many high chairs
    • 30:11 Harry:"...Worlds Beyond Number..."
    • 45:32 Harry:"...where he wasn't quite so old."
    • 46:26 Hollie:"Little marshmallow."
    • 46:53 Ben makes it clear that he does not condone Raidion's behavior
    Harry's Favorite Part: (click)

    Endellion's hypocritical moments that subtly reveal her motivations


    RP (Rolly-Poley) Points

    | Alex | Aoife | Ben | Doug | Hollie | | :------ | :------ | :------ | :------ | :------ | | 58 | 122 | 103 | 22 | 127 | | Totals | | 539 | 410 | 494 | 526 | 623 |

    [Spoilers Episode 6]
    • 01:35:24 Grawnoth:"The Virtuous were not victorious. There was a truce called. Long ago, in Sentiasa, in the plane before (which was always and endless and plentiful) the gods (first The Vile and then the others) saw that footsoldiers could turn the tide of the conflict and so they began to create and to breed and this is how we find ourselves here. But as they created, the gods (all of them) realized that their own power was contained within those they bred. As they multiplied and spread and fought and died and were renewed, so the power of the gods faded. There came a time that they saw that the power of mortality combined was greater than the power of those gods. So it was agreed that the planes would be split; barriers placed between them so that mortality could not ever unite under one banner and destroy those who brought them into being. The Virtuous created Reliquiae, The Wild created the Fae Wild, and The Vile created the Shadowfell.
      The tree beyond (I have no doubt you would have seen it) is the Feywild. Beyond futher, the Shadowfell."
      Raidion:"Reliquiae is a lie." (and strikes again)
    • 01:38:47 I:"You know who is The Child?" Grawnoth has no knowledge of this.
      100 years ago, the gods began to fade (The Virtuous faster than before). They decided when they created Reliquiae that their penance for the crimes they had committed upon their people was that they would allow them to flourish uninhibited. Knowing that they would one day fade themselves (as their power was diminished by those they brought into being), they made Alvelion an open city. They trained. They knew that their absence would come and they wanted those people to flourish.
      (On that unknown day) 100 years ago there was a sudden change in them, a weakening almost overnight. It was then that they abandoned Alvelion, seeing their condition they did not want their people to fear the weakening of their gods and so they made their home in Atria. We started The Deference so that only we could see them, only we could speak with them, and understand their teachings so that no fear, no panic would grip the people. Perhaps it is this child. Perhaps the child is a demigod.
    • 01:46:50 Alex remembers the damage the cards dealt and puts his head in his hands as if to say "Ben are you really about to kill the dying, kindly old priest with your cursed item?"
    • 01:48:42 Grawnoth explains that Genevieve and the other Antiqua are likely in the human capital of Caressian and also they are unhappy with his plans to inform the Council of Equals of the events on Mt Atria. Additionally:
      • Parvus would've gone to The Sanctum (a tower on an island known to be a seat of dragonborn power/authority, they are a smaller population) along with Carvilius.
      • Roona would've returned to Brack
      • Malakine to Vale
      • Arbuthnot to Pondin
      • Barabask to Escalon
      • Damilo (halfling) has perished
    • 01:51:22 Grawnoth:"You cannot hold back a tide alone, but you had a right to know. Many more will be told. You were the first (outside of the Antiqua) to see. It was right to me that you were the first to know."
      more gentle bedside manner from Raidion
      Raidion:"We're tied to this. We're going to be alone. We're underpowered and you are going to die."
    • 01:52:50 The leader of the Council of Equals is an orc named Trusk (a name one of the masked forest crew wanted to "bleed")
    • 01:55:45 Grawnoth:(to Raidion)"You are impulsive. You worry me."
    • 01:56:50 Raidion:"He is dying. He will be dead in-"
      Harry:"He is in the room..."
    • 01:57:00 Kelnys:"Grawnoth, as a Druid of the Circle of the Wildfire, please accept my promise that we will do what we can to stop this happening."
    • 01:58:25 Grawnoth confides to "I" that he doesn't believe that Themself was responsible for what happened on Mt Atria.
    • 02:01:21 Lore Drop The Old Dark: The place where Kobolds are thought to have come into existence. There are versions of the story where it is a tangible place and versions where it's a metaphor.
    • 02:02:50 Grawnoth gives permission for the team to speak to the Council on his behalf.
    • 02:06:35 Raidion pouting as visibly as possible poking around at objects around the study. "He's walking for the back row...Is no one going to ask me what I'm thinking?!"
    • 02:09:35 Endellion:"I wonder if The Web has more information."
      Dolly:"Of course it does. It's The Web."
      Raidion:"They wouldn't tell us anything."
      Dolly:"Of course they wouldn't. It's The Web."
    • 02:10:10 Dolly:"Raidion, for gods sake stop pacing and just say what it is that you're thinking."
      Raidion: lets out a breath like he's been holding it for a contest "Thank you!"
    • 02:12:27 Raidion:(to Endellion)"...and you're just grumpy all the time."
      Endellion:"Cheap, coming from you."
      Raidion:"I think I've taken enough licks today, thank you."
      Endellion:"Hot heads and fast words."
    • 02:23:17 Subtle music change. Cool bells section.
    • 02:25:57 "I've seen the film."
    • 02:29:13 Harry:"...but there was a kind of lackadaisical-"
      Hollie:"Love that word."
    • 02:33:18 Alex has "I" wave and grin at the clerk while Aoife rolls a natural 20 on persuasion to get them an audience with the High Advocate Trusk.
      "You must be Pamela..."
      Ben can hardly contain his enthusiasm for a while.
    • 02:37:48 Dolly recognizes the halfling guide as Riodhir Grenweard, the Reeve (lord/primary landowner) of the town of Mouse.
    • 02:40:25 Hollie:"Wind's howling" (Witcher catchphrase)
    • 02:44:32 Trusk describes Rashiid as an interesting missionary advocating for underrepresented rural populations.
    • 02:50:01 Trusk:"They came down. They gave the messages from the gods like they always do."
      Raidion:"Except they didn't."
      The smile on Harry's face.
    • 02:50:41 Raidion:"Your god is dead."
    • 02:56:22 Short DM break
    • 02:58:35 Dolly:"You can't go around telling people the gods are dead." Mean Girls reference.
    • 03:02:11 Harry:"Roll me persuasion or deception. Don't tell us which one."
    • 03:09:45 "I" is still in the "I love my mummy" shirt and it must be part of accurate fan art for the serious governmental beauracracy dialogues.
    • 03:11:50 "He wants to see you...The Spider Prince..."
  • Featured
    [Spoilers Episode 6]
  • ♪Episode Song References♪

    ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ


    • 00:09:55 You hear a voice. A male voice. You think it could be Raidion.
      Endellion:"Hmm. Not my favorite..."
    • 00:10:57 Raidion sings under pressure?
    • 00:13:20 Endellion heads to Casper's hideout for reinforcement.
      Great reaction from Alex. His visual enthusiasm is a sure sign of an invested player.
    • 00:14:02 Music Change! The four of you are waist-deep in detritus and waste (shit). As you approached, you saw these various cultivations that are starting to spread out from the city. This is an area where, clearly, no one wants to live to close to it. So you have a little bit of privacy for now.
      Essentially it flows out into this wide, shallow, rancid reservoir.
      You can see some of the shanty towns have been there for quite a while. The city is about 100 years old and you reckon it probably would have met its capacity about 50 years ago (in terms of the housing they have there). There's no reason why some of these smaller areas (that are closest to the city walls) couldn't have sprung up 50 years ago and so have been there for quite a long time. You can see smoke curling out of chimneys. There's signs of life. There's torches lit. Like the streets of a village, think of them as a series of villages that are outside. It stands to reason while you can't immediately see anything that there would be wells. There would need to be a facility for these people to have fresh water.
    • 00:17:42 "I" obtains a novelty children's shirt that says "I love my mummy and my mummy loves me."
    • 00:20:21 Raidion gets some cloth to fashion a baboushka hood
    • 00:21:47 Raidion:"Not our problem."
      Dolly:"Our fault, but not our problem."
    • 00:22:10 Fan Art Moment "I" speaks for the first time in a while uttering only the word "misadventure" in his children's shirt
    • 00:25:21 The hideout magic fails for Endellion and she realizes that she'll have to wait in the dark now.
    • 00:29:14 Harry:"...and speaking of having been through enough crap, we cut back to the other four of you."
    • 00:31:05 Kelnys:"I eat weird things in the woods all the time."
      Kelnys obtains "grey meat" covered in paprika.
    • 00:33:42 Harry:"Okay, you smell two things. First you smell the faded smell of things that have been in people and that have come out the other side. Then you smell something that shouldn't go in a person."
    • 00:34:30 The grey meat is disposed of and the smell of burnt hair and paprika fill the hideout
    • 00:35:06 Casper:"How'd you get out?"
      Dolly:"How do you think?"
      Casper:"Poo pipe?"
    • 00:45:00 Raidion's tragic and mysterious backstory
    • 00:46:40 Raidion finally whips his deck out
    • 00:50:00 The Council of Equals is the government of Baruun. Rather than it being an autocracy what happens is almost like aldermen (sort of tribal or political elders from various places; like mayors almost, are elected and then they serve for five years on the Council of Equals. They're all called "advocates" and the "High Advocate" is the minister in charge. They serve for five years and then they're replaced, so you never get the idea of people staying for too long.
      Casper explains that there was a dwarf on the council, Rashiid. A month ago he went missing. In lieu of an election, they drew lots from all the land owners. Grenweard's was the name that was pulled. (Casper fails to pronounce another name starting with R-I, then mentions something Endellion is familiar with named Mouse (a small town to the southeast). No one knows anything about him yet. He's such a minor noble, the family people don't even know the family crest. They're still trying to work on his seal. We hear rumors that he's trying to make himself of use, but doesn't realize he's part of running the largest city in the now. You know? He's not running three fields, sheep, and a tanner's
    • 00:54:08 Casper:"...there's a son, don't know the name."
      Endellion:"Yeah, there's a lot of sons (speaking of her brothers back in Mouse)."
      Casper:"Bit of a beefy lad, a bit dim."
      Endellion:"Could still be any one of them."
    • 00:56:20 Tribal spoon gift
    • 00:56:36 Endellion cheers "I" up with a bit of magic
    • 01:01:12 After stashing his deck in Dolly's bag, Raidion meditates to his favorite Elven Trance Music
    • 01:03:05 Raidion's half-hearted apology
    • 01:04:11 A wild Doug Cockle appears!
    • 01:06:45 What you would know (those of you who've been here before) is that the three tiers of the city are split along class lines to an extent. You have The Depths, which is heavy industry (a few people would live there, but that was not what that area was created for; it was there to keep the crap away from peoples' lungs and such. You'r working class, laborers, and your industrial workers (poeple who are mass-producing armor or weapons). They would live in these sprawling towns that are outside the city walls.
      Then, where you are at the moment, The Deal, it would be Artisans. Then the prime real estate in Baruun is closest to the exterior walls because you get more light. you'd have the estates of notable scribes and low-level town officials. Ombudsmans (i don't know exactly what it means, but it's such a good collection of sounds) who would have their estates there.
      Then up in The Crest, which is the very top, that is where there's this extraordinary suspended park with a lake in its center. There are estates of the rich and powerful. There are separate plazas that are accesed by walkways. It would stand to reason that the Council of Equals (which is the government of Baruun) that is positioned up at the crest. The major religious sites would be positioned up there. It stands to reason that Grawnoth would be somewhere up in The Crest. I also think that's more than reasonable that he would have told you of his destination.
    • 01:10:07 Raidion feels comfortable enough to whip out his strange deck and show it to his companions
    • 01:11:11 Simply touching the pouch containing the deck causes "I" to take psychic damage
    • 01:11:37 Ben describes something similar to intense umami flavor reactions.
    • 01:14:19 Alex:"Out of character (OOC), I touch the bag."
      Hollie:"'I' the me, not the character."
      Alex:"Dammit! It was Right There, Alex!"
    • 01:15:30 Ben Starr, hand model for the mysterious deck of cards
    • 01:19:01 One more magic trick for "I" before we leave. Kelnys' high passive perception lets him in on the gag.
    • 01:20:50 Ben's "triple-take" head swivel may be him insinuating that Endellion and Casper had a flirty farewell.
    • 01:23:23 Onward to Grawnoth's estate
    • 01:25:02 Alex:"'I' steps forward and puts a hand on Raidion..."
      Harry:"-says fade."
      Alex:"Goddamn, that's good!"
    • 01:25:53 Patreon Ad featuring teasers for Endellion's Diary, Klaaks the Broken Pebble, early access to Action Surge! and more! "What do you say? Me, you, some baths, some skiing? Some hog wrestling? Tesco's? Come on."
    • 01:28:18 You were taken in through the gates into a courtyard which leads to a small humble single story building (which is Grawnoth's residence). You're led through these double doors. Embossed into the floor is a set of golden scales (balancing scales) much like the ones you saw tarnished and twisted in Ullin's tower. There's a small wooden font with a foot pedal, again, the type that you saw. Brunhilda turns to the five of you and says,
      "I will take you to see him. He is very tired."
      She leads you through a doorway and then into a study which is full of scrolls and books. There's a chair that was once black leather, but has been patched and repaired innumerable times, so it's more patches than it is anything else at this point. An ancient-looking desk carved from a single piece of wood, broad with spilled ink speaking to centuries, even millenia of use. Then a curtain beyond.
      Brunhilda opens this curtain and at the far end of this space is a window which looks out towards the sky and Reliquiae beyond. The drapes are half-closed and there's a great four-poster bed. Sat in that bed, propped up on pillows, is Grawnoth. There's dust hanging in sunbeams as they come through the window and there's a sense of stillness in the air. The smell of beeswax, pine needles, and fresh linen. Before him on the bed are strewn papers. A quill and ink on a bed table beside him. As you look at Grawnoth he's changed. The piercing blue of his eyes has faded almost to gray. His hair and beard are white and thinning. He raises a hand in greeting to you and you see his fingers are crooked and arthritic. His knuckles are swollen and his cheeks have thinned. His eyes are ringed with red and when he breathes in, you can hear his breath ragged in his chest.
      You notice Brunhilda doesn't want to spend too long looking at the figure in the bed. She says,

      "They have come as you said they would. I will leave you to your discussions. You call for me if you need me."
    • 01:32:49 Raidion:"You're dying." (Mr "Your gods are dead" strikes again)
    • 01:33:50 "I" produces the letter indicating Barabask's betrayal for Grawnoth.


  • Featured
    [Spoilers Episode 5]
  • ♪Episode Song References♪

    ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ


    • 00:00:24 Harry makes a Matt Coleville reference "link in the old doobly-doo"
    • 00:01:11 Perfect introductions until "Thornblair"
      Politics and Gossip Girl
    • 00:01:48 Hollie:"That Gossip Girl one shot we're gonna do."
      Ben's enthusiastic reaction.
    • 00:02:07 Alex:"Always got the 'yang' out" (foreshadowing of nude Doug stories to come)
    • 00:08:54 Alex:"Let's go with claws."
      Dolly entrusts I with a Greater Healing Potion.
    • 00:10:15 "Let me tell you something about hiding a body."
    • 00:12:58 Ben's attempt to use metric measurements is thwarted.
    • 00:18:20 As everyone is getting into position and settling inventory items, Harry says, "I'm just going to roll something."
    • 00:20:37 Fan Art Moment I using the magical cloak as a hammock in a nearby tree.
    • 00:22:35 Raidion lets his guard down enough to seek space with I in the hammock, "Don't. Tell. Anyone."
      The logistics of the hammock roll I onto Raidion (and much like with a cat on one's lap) and becomes "what you would refer to as 'nap-trapped'."
    • 00:24:59 Intruder detected, hoods up.
    • 00:25:30 Music change
    • 00:26:43 The contact arrives and Dolly slyly casts charm person.
    • 00:29:38 Kelnys asks a masked person their name...
    • 00:34:12 A miscommunication between I and Raidion
    • 00:39:28 Harry:...or you could just, sort of, turn into a newt; Yeah, you could Wildshape into a newt, if you want."
      Doug:There's part of me that thinks that I should just kill her."
    • 00:41:23 Aoife:"And then, flex."
      Alex gives inspiration to Doug.
      Hollie and Ben resume meerkat poses, this time with claws.
    • 00:44:34 Harry's dice are on a hot streak.
    • 00:44:44 Harry:"Like when a particular character in a particular thing is cutting through the particular webs of a particular spider near a particular mountain carrying a particular ring..."
    • 00:45:48 Harry:"Yeah." (smiling as he realizes they don't know that Endellion is going to completely one-shot this masked stranger)
    • 00:50:33 Doug:"Why didn't she (the dwarf) have a Scottish accent (common trope)."
      Harry:"She has a Scandinavian accent and I think you'll find the dwarves have one or the other in my scenes. Did you think Grawnoth was Scottish?"
    • 00:53:00 Lore Drop: Baruun, the city of Union When The Virtuous left Alvelion, the capital city of Reliquiae fell into ruin. In the first centuries of the world (when Escalon, Caressian, Loathe and other cities were being founded) the people that populated these were often divided along racial lines. From their seat in Alvelion, The Virtuous warned against this kind of segregation and then those same cities began to open their doors to all. When Alvelion was abandoned, it was decided that they needed a new capital. One that would represent the unity that The Virtuous had always preached.
      Baruun is that capital.
      A three-tiered, circular city (still under construction 100 years after its founding) it's the most extraordinary architectural and engineering marvel of the world.

      There are three tiers, which are three districts:
      • There''s The Depths, a lower level in which manufacturing predominantly takes place.
      • Above that is The Deal, which is a site of a great market and much of the housing
      • Above that is The Crest is home to the estates of the Rich and Powerful Beyond the city walls, (there are also these what-were-once shanty towns, but have now become districts in their own right as the city has grown but the walls have not been able to accommodate all those people) there's this sprawling life that spreads out from the city, so by the time you get to the edge of these shanty towns (these new districts, these, if you like, suburbs) you're still probably an hour away from the walls of Baruun themselves. So vast is the spread of the city that has sprung up from the organic needs of this growing citizenry.
        Those of you who've been there before, there are four gates (a North, an East, a South, and a West gate) you can head for whichever one of those, the North or the West would probably be the closest.
    • 01:00:36 I:"I knows we is not tribe."
    • 01:01:52 Alex absent-mindedly playing with his new moustache
    • 01:02:47 Harry grins and says "should have a look in the packs.
    • 01:04:27 Nearby guards are overheard talking about someone named Grenwyrd using authoritarian tactics because of the absence of another person named Rashiid.
    • 01:09:20 The graffiti in question reads "The Shadow Will Flood"
    • 01:10:15 Raidion's first instinct is to report to a nearby guard that he has pertinent information on this crime.
      Dolly's first instinct is to send him the mental question, "What are you doing?!"
      Raidion:"Trust me." (there goes that teamwork idea already)
    • 01:10:53 Alex rolls a third natural 20 in a row (Odds 1 in 8.000; 0.0125%)
    • 01:12:29 Raidion reveals one of the silver masks to the guard and explains it's connection with the party they found (and buried) in the woods.
    • 01:13:55 Pop Quiz! Harry turns the creativity on his players, "I'm going to make you roll with disadvantage if you can't come up with names in the nxt three seconds."
      Dolly:"Pamela...Call me Pam for short if you like."
      Harry:"No, you can't shorten perfection. It's an enchanting name. You don't expect to be struck so deeply, but these things catch you when you're not expecting."
    • 01:17:51 Fan Art Moment Doug:"I think we should see Dolly at some point now in a red one-piece."
      Doug and Holly mime Baywatch
    • 01:18:30 You weave around a central pillar of sandstone as all four of these entrances converge onto a single great staircase. The slabs so thick that the cacophany of the Depth swiftly fades. The walls of this stair are carved and painted with a message that's written over and over again. You see it written in Infernal, Draconic, Elvish, Gnomish, and in Common. The message says:

    By the hands of those shaped by The Virtuous, that a city might grow in their image.

    written over and over again on the inside. You climb 50 ft ascending into The Deal (the second level of the city).

    • 01:29:15 The Manscaped Ad
    • 01:31:31 We go back into Reliquiae. Into the city of Baruun. Into The Deal (the second tier of the city) and outside the Wise Walker Tavern, where Raidion has just seen half of a Web symbol. An orc with a hood looking at that symbol, looking at Raidion, he reaches out his hand and says to Dolly,
      "Come with me."
    • 01:32:28 Hollie's reaction when the key phrase gets a response
    • 01:34:25 Fan Art Moment While on Endellion's shoulders and holding a massive beer, "I" tries to explain the concept of high chairs to the local tavern staff.
    • 01:36:10 Kelnys:"We live differently."
      Barkeep:"Right, and that's between you and The Virtuous."
    • 01:39:48 Orc(Casper):"I'm going to have to stop you, my dear chap. I don't know what you're talking about. Who do you think I am?"
      [Holly and Aoife perform the Pointing Spider-Man Meme]
    • 01:42:15 Iesco's Tinctures, Salves & Solutions
    • 01:45:11 "The quiet one's Goff."
    • 01:48:45 An asset of the Web was imprisoned after a bar fight and the mission is to break them out.
    • 01:51:18 Harry:"If you want to try and discern he is (telling the truth) you can always roll an Insight"
      Ben shakes his head.
      Harry:"You just wanna go off vibes."
    • 01:52:43 Casper:"I'm chapter head, Juno is my second, then Goff and Madea make up the rest of the chapter. We're a small group."
    • 01:57:18 "I" passes on the Cloak of Many Fashions to Dolly and then immediately acquires a Lockpicking set from Casper without them even realizing it. "Now that bodes very well."
    • 01:58:30 HDYWTDT
    • 02:00:42 Casing the joint
    • 02:01:59 Raidion:"I have a plan...hear me out..."
    • 02:04:45 Hollie clears the room
    • 02:11:03 Fan Art Moment Doug decides his first Wildshape with Kelnys will be a cat. Katnys is born. Harry gives a quick clinic on Wildshape and also Disguise Self.
    • 02:15:46 Watch Alex have a ball giving the details of the plan as "I"
    • 02:20:03 Ben loves that animal pose.
    • 02:22:00 Harry:"So you're Mooching about."
    • 02:29:02 Doug's cat impression (Doug's...howling...)
    • 02:45:25 Unhinged
    • 02:53:35 Stocking up on hinges
    • 02:59:11 There's never a reason to kick a cat
    • 03:02:12 Dolly the hardened criminal is brought in
    • 03:05:21 Midnight
    • 03:12:20 Kelnys is discovered, but by a prisoner, not a guard (natural 6 by Doug)
    • 03:13:20 Another Natural 6 by Doug.
    • 03:16:08 The guard tells a story about Madea blinding someone with a dagger
    • 03:19:11 Dolly Lore Prisoner (Indy) mentions someone else named Knox.
    • 03:26:26 "I swear before the Nine, I never seen anything as dark as what she done, you watch her." (pointing at Madea, the chained halfling).
    • 03:26:57 Doug:"I did that once..."
    • 03:29:21 "Like Cool Runnings, you slide down there, kiss a lucky egg, and down you go."
    • 03:32:54 Learn Welsh Pam ydw i(vi), Dduw = Why me, God?
    • 03:35:43 Kelnys suggests staging a larger prison break to distract from their escape.
    • 03:38:12 I happily sees an opportunity to display his lockpicking skills until Raidion reveals he's acquired the keys, promptly deflating poor I.
    • 03:44:33 Madea's first free actions are to obtain a weapon and murder a nearby prisoner because she "didn't like the way he looked at me."
    • 03:45:30 Fan Art Moment Kelnys carrying the paralyzed Raidion.
    • 03:49:22 Alex rolls two natural 1s in a row while the team escapes in the flume of waste.
      Harry:"You are doing the whole lot, baby."
    • 03:52:06 Madea escapes alone with Kelnys' scimitar while the rest of the group is launched into the drainage area
  • [Spoilers Episode 6]

    Episodes and other media available on YouTube and Twitch

    Episode 6: Hot Heads and Fast Words

    Last time you began in the forest. Kelnys, Dolly and Endellion disguising themselves in the cloaks and masks of your fallen foes. Raidion and I (the character, not the me) hiding among the branches of nearby trees. After hours of waiting, and Raidion and I sharing a hammock nap, someone finally arrived. It was an exhausted, hungry, masked dwarf who refused to give her name. She passed on a message that you were to "return to the caves", but as Dolly questioned her further on those caves and probed for more information, she became wary. She suggested that you should make your own way without her; that she needed to rest and recover her strength. High in the trees, I made a gesture to rell Raidion to say silent, though after a poor insight check, Raidion let fly with a Mind Spike which both harmed and terrified the dwarf. As Kelnys and Dolly attempted to intimidate her, she fled towards the tree line. Raidion casting Web before an arrow to the back from Endellion's longbow snuffed out the dwarf's escape. Chalk one up to experience. You headed towards Baruun and stashed the cloaks and masks beneath the grate in one of the sprawling shanty towns that spreads out from the city walls. Kelnys spotted Raidion replacing his cloak and mask in his pack, and though making his disapproval clear, the dragonborn did not prevent his companion from doing so. At the gates of Baruun, your bags were summarily searched. One of the guards moaning that someone called Grenwyrd (a member of the Council of Equals) was throwing his weight around unnecessarily by insisting on checking the packs of travelers who entered the city. You gained entry to The Depths, the lowest level of Baruun, and hive of industry and activity. At its center you found a great staircase with a mural of The Virtuous scarred by the words "The Shadow Will Flood" in black paint. Raidion spoke to a guard called Marcus about the group you had encountered in the forest and demanded a reward for this information, swiftly being shot down in that request. Marcus took the party's names (though Dolly referred to herself as Pamela) before you made your way up into The Deal (the second level of the city). After filling your bellies with meat skewers, you approached a tavern called The Wise Walker. Endellion, Kelnys and I headed inside, but Raidion spotted a hooded orc beneath a half-finished web symbol scratched into the tavern's exterior wall. He revealed himself to be a member of The Web. Telling Raidion and Dolly that The Spinner sends his regards. The others were retrieved from the tavern and you all followed the orc, Casper, to his hideout beneath an abandoned apothecary. There you met Juno (Casper's lieutenant) and Goff (a silent soldier who stared unblinking into the middle distance). Casper informed you of your new mission: to break out a member of their chapter, a halfling called Madea from Baruun jail. You headed out to case the joint before midnight when a guard change would give you a chance to spring and escape. Down in The Depths again, Kelnys Wildshaped (it was a big moment for everybody really) into a cat and searched the walled jail complex (making friends with a guard and discovering a sickening act of violence that had been perpetrated by a female inmate that day). He also spotted a halfling matching the description of the one you were meant to rescue locked in a basement by looking through a grate in the jail floor. This done, he returned and explained the layout. "I" took up a vantage point overlooking the area and resolved to make his entrance via the roof planning to shimmy down on a rope secure to the outer walls of the city. The plan for the others involved a Disguise Self-ed Radian and Endellion posing as guards while Dolly played the part of a prisoner, though Endellion wisely decided that her skills lay elsewhere, so she would keep a watch from outside. Kelnys turned back into a cat and slipped again into the jail complex. Raidion and Dolly put on quite a show at the gate, gaining access on the condition they were accompanied by another guard. As they made their way towards the jail, "I" misjudged his distances, crashed into the ground (alerting the guards to his presence) but a swift clamber back up the rope afforded him a chance to stay unseen on the outer walls of the city. Kelnys entered the jail before dropping his cat form and trying to open a large door that gave access to the basement. Here he was spotted by a prisoner who begged to be released, though Kelnys snuck away as Raidion, Dolly and the other guard entered. Raidion convinced his guard companion to go home for the night, though not before lending Radion his keys. As you passed his cell, the prisoner made another plea, this one to Dolly. She recognized him as Indie, an old acquaintance and agreed to release him. He was too scared to help with the escape of the halfling however and instead snuck away towards the gate house. By now "I" had made his way down to the ground behind the jail house (taking some falling damage in the process) before he scaled the building and shimmied down the chimney, joining his companions as they relieved the guard on duty in the basement. There you met Madea. Bloodied, bound, and unafraid. Chained in a cell between grates in the ceiling above and the floor below. As you heard the sounds of Indie being recaptured in the courtyard, you quickly removed the grate in the floor allowing access to the fast flowing sewer water beneath. Radian unchained the halfling but triggered a glyph which left him briefly paralyzed. Madea insisted on having a weapon and having been lent Kelnys' scimitar, thrust it through the throat of another inmate who "had been looking at her in a way she didn't appreciate." Heaving Raidion's paralyzed body with you, you all jumped into the sewer. As Raidion regained the use of his limbs, you negotiated protruding pipes, sudden drops, and a near-death experience for "I". As Madea managed to swing herself clear of the water, the rest of you were catapulted out of the sewers into a lake beyond the city walls. Stinking but alive. Endellion, you have watched your companions (as cats, disguised as guards, and as rope-toting Kobold rogues) disappear towards a prison complex. Then you have started to hear shouting. You can't hear names, but you hear that someone is being recaptured in the courtyard. You are at a distance. There was a kind of collection of buildings that you were near. “I” had gone up and got a vantage point and looked into the compound. You, for now, have stayed on the ground floor.


    Previous Episode: The Girl in the Cell

    YouTube VoD

    Alternate Frontend VoD

    Brennan Lee Mulligan Serving Fair-Trade Artisanal Anti-Capitalism
  • I haven't found a dedicated Dimension20/dropoutTV spot in the Fediverse, so this seems as good a place as any to share

    the animatics done for The Ravening War by WolfzieDraws.

    A new one just dropped today!

  • Featured
    [Spoilers Episode 5]
    Dark and Darker is free to play (1 character only, no stash, market, or trading, no high-roller runs)
  • I remember this being the game that ended up having its beta in a torrent because some other place wouldn’t host it.

  • Alex Jordan Voices (almost) Everybody

    Director of 'The Alters' Discusses Working With One Actor to Voice Almost An Entire Cast

    article by Katelyn Jewett > Individual actors playing multiple roles in a single video game is nothing new, but few are tasked with quite as many roles as Alex Jordan, who plays all the titular characters in 11 bit studios' The Alters. Jordan stars both as miner Jan Dolski and the horde of alternate Jans summoned up to perform various maintenance tasks and generally keep the base running. Given its isolated setting, Jordan and his various incarnations comprise most of The Alters' cast—a difficult task, but one he approached with passion and enthusiasm. > In a conversation with Game Rant, The Alters director Tomasz Kisilewicz expressed the sheer joy of working with Jordan, praising him as the perfect choice for The Alters' Jan Dolski and his many alternate selves. Kisilewicz revealed that he felt "That's a match" from Jordan's very first audition for the role(s). Jordan's enthusiasm persisted despite "hundreds of hours" in the recording booth, and the result is a memorable series of performances that makes each Alter feel distinct yet connected to one another. > The cast of The Alters is unique in that they represent different incarnations of the same man along many life paths he could have taken. The "core" Jan Dolski is a general worker for Ally Corp to maintain a giant wheel-shaped base reminiscent of Frostpunk on an isolated planet. But his Alters include an engineer, a scientist, a doctor, a miner, and many more. > At their heart, they are the same man—but they also aren't. They made different decisions and had different experiences, at least according to supercomputer calculations that invented these personas. Engineer, for example, is abrasive and not quick to open up to the "main" Jan. Scientist is work-focused and doesn't appreciate breaks. "Main" Jan can get to know them through a series of conversations and branching dialogues. Kisilewicz praised Alex Jordan's grasp of this difficult concept and his ability to strike the balance between the Alters' similarities and their differences. > Naturally, playing so many roles, Alex Jordan, who previously appeared in Dragon's Dogma 2, Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, and several other games, spent "hundreds of hours" recording the characters' dialogue. According to Kisilewicz, Jordan "said his time in the recording booth totaled up to about a month" before he had even been "fully" finished with the project. Kisilewicz admired how the actor's ability to "really be in those characters" did not wane despite the major time commitment. > The final product will showcase Jordan's work not just in the main branching narrative, but in a series of - also branching - dialogues between Jan and each of the Alters he creates. While taking breaks from resource gathering and base management, Jan can speak to his Alters to learn more about their "pasts." This can also result in learning new skills or even unlocking new modules to expand the base further. > As Alters players cannot create every Alter in a single playthrough, they are encouraged to play through the game multiple times. This way, they can experience all of Alex Jordan's excellent work as the many, many incarnations of Jan Dolski when The Alters launches later in 2024.

    The Alters Trailer: All By Myselves

    [Spoilers Episode 5] Action Surge!

    Episodes and other media available on YouTube and Twitch

    Action Surge!

    (YouTube VoD)

    Alternate Frontend VoD

    > An eventful episode that started with a stakeout and ended with a jailbreak - how are the six feeling after maybe their most complex episode yet? They discuss character thoughts and motivations, as well as get very honest about how they're feeling as players, and what they're excited for next.

    RP (Rolly-Poley) Points

    | Alex | Aoife | Ben | Doug | Hollie | | :------ | :------ | :------ | :------ | :------ | | 112 | 45 | 91 | 106 | 121 | | Totals | | 481 | 288 | 391 | 504 | 496 |

    [Spoilers Episode 5]

    Episodes and other media available on YouTube and Twitch

    Episode 5: The Girl in the Cell

    Last time we began in the aftermath of the fight with Jasmee. The five of you and (Housewives' Choice) Morgan, the newly dead, alone in the forest. Holding a letter in which Barabask had condemned you. Morgan told you it was time for him to depart; that he would be reporting back to The Spinner, who had been kept abreast of developments up to this point. Knowing that your path led towards Baruun, you said goodbye. Before the sounds of the Festival of Benediction and the promise of caramel treats proved impossible to resist. Dolly, I and Kelnys convincing Endellion and Raidion to let them 'check out' the market. You slipped unnoticed into the tents, I stealing his body weight in artisanal gnomish popcorn before Endellion was finally able to take the edge off with a goblet of spiced wine. Dolly spied an opportunity to make some quick coin and set up a store hawking the many spoons that Kelnys has made along his travels. A crowd soon gathered and spoons were selling like hotcakes before Endellion spotted Pollyanna (the junior cleric of Theolon who you first met when you entered the festival). Kelnys scrambled to gather his spoons as you all prepared to run before a clutch use of Thaumaturgy from Dolly attracted the attention of Pollyanna and the other festival goers to a new caramel seller's startup. It's rich story telling. You left the festival, and guided by Kelnys, you knew the roads well. Made your way to a tavern, the Old Oak. There you drank and ate your fill; Kelnys gifting Dolly an ornate spoon and I gleefully discovering the existence of high chairs. As the others made for their comfortable beds, Raidion sought out the quiet of the forest. He dug a hole in the earth and buried a deck of cards inside it, silencing the perpetual whispers and screams he could hear in his head. With that done, he burst into uncontrollable tears (God he's complicated, but I know I can fix him!) The next morning you headed for Baruun, taking a shortcut through the forest so as to avoid a ponderous journey by road. As you made your way through the dense trees and foliage, Kelnys spotted light and heard whispered voices. I (the character, not the me) and Raidion snuck forward, spying two figures dressed in slate gray cloaks with silver masks. They were disagreeing over their orders (to wait in the forest) with one of them relishing the chance to "bleed the council" and making particular reference to someone called Trusk. The other insisted that, having written the message, they were now to wait for further instructions. Raidion snuck back to relay this to the others and Dolly approached, but a misplaced step in the dry bracken alerted the vicars to her presence. She attempted to pass herself off as a lost traveler heading for the toilet miles from the road, but as she headed back into the dense forest I watched as the masked figures prepared to follow. The kobold bolted back to you all with Dolly still in the open and the others hid as an arrow flew from the trees and struck Dolly in the chest. Another followed and Dolly fell. Two enemies, one wielding an axe and the other a bow, approached to inspect the body. Raidion cast web, restraining two of them, as Endellion emerged to slice into the axe man. A third enemy emerged from the trees, wielding a rapier, and he too went on the attack. I was first to Dolly, bringing her back with a potion of greater healing and from this point on, Dolly rescued from death, it got pretty dark. Raidion killed the archer with a mote of acid. Before the rapier-wielding mask man battled with and (sliding a rapier between his ribs) downed Kelnys. I (the character, not the me) slew the axe man with a crossbow bolt as Dolly brought Kelnys back with a healing word. Raidion cast mind spike on the rapier wielder and gained the ability to psychically locate him. Realizing the danger he was in, your remaining enemy fled into the forest with the words, "the shadow will flood". Thanks to the Mind Spike, Raidion and I were able to track him through the trees before another well-placed crossbow bolt to the back brought the runner down. I approached, wearing a mask like that of his enemies (having cast silent image) and attempts to gain more information, but learning little. You discovered a letter on the body. Raidion arrived and begrudgingly praised I before reading the letter which said, "Camino, write the message on the mural, then return to the forest and wait. The water will soon rise." As Raidion put the letter in his pack, he discovered the deck of cards he buried in the forest had returned to him. As you searched the bodies in the area around the campfire (where you had happened upon your enemies) you discovered black paint and and a brush before Raidion suggested that Dolly, Kelnys, and Endellion adopt the identity of the three enemies you had killed, and wait for instructions to arrive. This course of action decided on, you remained in the forest and that's where we are now.


    Previous Episode: The Newly Dead

    YouTube VoD

    Alternate Frontend VoD

    [Spoilers Episode 15] Everyone Dies in a Haunted House

    Episode 15: Everyone Dies in a Haunted House

    Four ghost-hunting heroes explore a haunted House. Can the brave of heart overcome the evil undead? No.

    I believe it was former president Benjamin Harrison who said: "Great lives never go out, they go on."

    DM - Rob Ciccolini Barildrea Warmfeet (Mountain Dwarf Rogue) - Kate Welch Serafina Spritefoot (Halfling Rogue) - Tiffany Smith Bastian Johnson (Human Wizard) - Troy Lavallee Eleanora (Fairy Rogue) - Kate Micucci

    Cormier is a jewel in the sea of fallen stars and that's where you find yourself: In front of a large gothing mansion. You can see that the gables and the roof is very high. You thought you spied, as you approached, a widow walk and a weathervane that even now goes back and forth squeaking. You know that what you are looking for is in this mansion. You have heard that the Lord Mayor had some kind of artifact of the Churh of Selune, but the only people that you could convince to go were a whole bunch of rogues. You've convinced them that the Lord Mayor was a penny pincher that did not let go of a coin. Rumor has it that his treasure is somewhere in the house. The door in front of you is very heavy and ornate. It is beginning to rain and you probably want to get out of it.


    • What can run, but never walks, has a mouth, but never talks, has a head, but never weeps, has a bed, but never sleeps?
    answer (click)

    A river.

    • I'm found in socks, scarves and mittens and often in the paws of playful kittens. What am I?
    answer (click)


    • A guard set here. I halt your way. And down this path you cannot stray. Although your path has ended here, the way beyond is seen so clear, bolstered by chain or wood, or lock, through night and day, all folk I block. What am I?
    answer (click)

    A gate.

    • We act as one, in groups of four, while from the back there comes one more. We make a sound upon a door. We seek the hilt in times of war. We claim the feather, when writing lore. What are we?
    answer (click)


    • The sea of fallen stars wears a jewel so bright, our kingdom of Cormier with glorious might. From humbled start, Soosara's city was born. Not winter's ring nor goblin wars were our people torn. Near 1500 years have our noble folks seen. What was the name of Cormier's first queen?
    answer (click)

    All answers are wrong; Gontharia Oberscere was correct but just a ruse.

    [Spoilers Episode 4] Action Surge!
  • Highlights

    • 00:40 Harry:"I thought that was flavor, I didn't think that was a command. So, it's interesting, I now know that 'caramel' is the way to make you go see places."
    • 01:30 Gnomes and I: What's that about?
    • 02:43 Harry:(to Hollie)"You did miss a full round of attacks with advantage on a man stuck in webs. I feel like if Morgan had done that, you would've crushed his mini."
    • 02:52 Everything is coming up Endellion, Morgan is gone and plenty of wine was provided.
    • 07:25 Alex:"I can't believe this!. This is outrageous!...You have one more hour."
    • 09:09 Just a little Kobold "Slap-Ass"
    • 10:25 Raidion's dilemma of re-learning the world around him.
    • 14:00 Harry confirms what we knew about the LotR Strider style choice made by Doug. The high chair becomes The I Chair. Hopefully not at risk of litigation from Apple.
    • 17:41 Harry reveals it was a coincidence that their attackers were of races that could be impersonated and it didn't occur to him that they would wait.
    • 19:00 Harry:"So, they were an adapted swashbuckler, archer and berserker."
    • 41:53 The thing that I think is so wonderful as a creative person, about DMing is how it's creative, collaborative, and by it's nature imperfect. Were I to obsess about every detail and craft a story (session by session, that works perfectly, that goes seamlessly for me and every beat plays out as I hoped it would) you are not playing D&D. You are listening to story time with Harry. It's not fun and it's hugely distances me from you and so the amazing thing is that I don't have to worry about the "Perfect Session" because we are introducing chaos to it. Not only does that (in a really liberating way I always feel) take the pressure off me.
    • 46:26 The Web is what keeps the group sticking together (as a helpful narrative device)
    • 47:27 Alex:"The pause was just right." (That's just right)
  • [Spoilers Episode 4] Action Surge!

    Episodes and other media available on YouTube and Twitch

    Action Surge!

    (YouTube VoD)

    Alternate Frontend VoD

    > From the sweet taste of caramel to the even sweeter taste of Dolly's vengeance, episode 4 was a rollercoaster of highs and lows. Join us as we dive into the fun and chaos of The Festival of Benediction, to some intense saving throws behind the DM screen. In this episode, the team breaks down everything, from the improv of homebrew madness to how Harry masterfully builds the world when the party decides to go totally off the rails

    RP (Rolly-Poley) Points

    | Alex | Aoife | Ben | Doug | Hollie | | :------ | :------ | :------ | :------ | :------ | | 119 | 113 | 91 | 81 | 67 | | Totals | | 369 | 243 | 300 | 398 | 375 |

    [Spoilers Episode 4]
  • ♪Episode Song References♪

    ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ


    • 00:01:15 Ben recalls how their original plans of being the mature adult in the group has dissolved. "I think we're all making bad choices, if I'm honest."
    • 00:09:20 Morgan announces his departure and what he will report back to The Spinner.
      Raidion:"We are dead."
      Morgan:"That makes you more useful to the Web."
      Endellion:"Good luck, Oathbreaker."
    • 00:10:32 Ben:"It's been a pleasure, Alan."
      Harry:"Goodbye, Oathbreaker. Send my regards to Mrs. Breaker."
    • 00:11:46 Kelnys:"It's too bad we're dead, I wanted to sell some spoons in that market."
    • 00:16:54 I:"It mights be caramel!"
    • 00:17:17 Raidion and Endellion relenting to one hour at the festival
    • 00:18:31 Ben makes funny sounds of disapproval upon the suggestion of entering without disguises.
    • 00:21:30 Harry:"It is Dolly DeWinter, rather than Dolly DeSpring." (roll for bad pun damage)
    • 00:24:34 I:"When you is dead, calories don't count!"
    • 00:25:20 Fan Art Moment Popcorn gnome with golden goatee and purple hair.
    • 00:26:18 Harry:"Just the four of you, then? Just the three of you, then? Just the two of you, then?" You can hear the hope die in his voice after each one.
    • 00:29:17 PG:"Sometimes I catch sight of myself in a still pool over the edge of a blade and think 'What are you like?'"
      He just goes back to stirring his corn.
    • 00:31:16 Harry:"Is there any part of Raidion that has enjoyed this?"
    • 00:36:42 Doug:"Wait a minute! I have a skill called Spooncarving and I've got plus ten on that."
      shows Harry the skill on his sheet
      Harry:"God, they're cheating! I didn't know it was possible."
    • 00:38:24 Harry:"You know when you're a kid and you get given Calpol and you're like 'Nothing's better than this'?"
    • 00:45:05 Raidion:(still attempting the serious parent voice, but relenting completely)"You have one more hour."
    • 00:48:36 Endellion spots someone who will recognize them at the festival and alerts the team.
      Hollie:"I am necking the rest of this wine and it is (serious tone)'We need to go'"
      Dolly:"So sorry everyone, but as you can see, our spoonshaper is done for the day..."
    • 01:01:23 I marvels at the high chair and tray technology
    • 01:05:39 Endellion just sits there sipping wine, looking like every character from Absolutely Fabulous.
      Hollie:"Sweetie. Darling."
    • 01:11:35 Raidion attempts to bury the phantom deck of cards he's been carrying.
    • 01:24:47 With Kelnys guiding them through the woods, the group happen upon a campfire with a group exchanging celebratory remarks about the attack upon Alvelion.
    • 01:26:36 I's foot finds a stray twig, but doesn't appear to reveal his presence.
    • 01:27:20 The mysterious figure in a silver mask.
      "Waiting. We wait until we hear otherwise."
      "I can't wait. Not knowing that there's so many of them not knowing that they're still in there."
      "We have done our part for now. We wrote the message. That was what was required of us then. What is required of us now is to wait."
      Curly:"I will bleed that council. Start with Trusk, real slow."
    • 01:31:12 Dolly rolls a 7 on a stealth check and is revealed
    • 01:34:55 Dolly:"The web is wide."
      "Good for the web."
    • 01:45:25 INITIATIVE
    • 01:47:17 Dolly falls unconscious
    • 01:48:01 Alex:"Like Sean Bean."
    • 01:50:56 Ben:"It's not intimidation, it's just a stupid thing that Raidion would say."
    • 01:57:33 Dolly revived with a healing potion
    • 02:13:16 I's impressive stealth skill allows him to disappear in a puff of popcorn and a whiff of caramel.
    • 02:17:55 Dolly's back! And she's pissed!
    • 02:21:00 Raidion successfully takes out the silver-masked ranger with a chromatic orb.
    • 02:23:31 Kelnys falls unconscious
    • 02:25:04 "Butterkist boi"
    • 02:33:22 "The shadow will flood."
    • 02:36:20 In a tandem effort with Raidion, I subdues the final enemy.
    • 02:36:51 "The old Christopher Lee stabbed in the back story."
    • 02:38:20 I:"Who sends you?"
      "Those who send us all."
    • 02:41:15 A note that reads:
      Write the message on the mural.
      Return to the forest and wait.
      The water will soon rise".
    • 02:45:35 Harry describes the city of Baruun like a three-tiered cake with a single great staircase dividing the round walls. There is a painted and carved mural of the Virtuous on the middle tier near the stairs.
    • 02:47:47 Raidion expresses the desire to pose as the three dead spies and use the opportunity to investigate the plot.
      I:"Oh, I likes this."
      Dolly:"This could be an awful, awful plan. Obviously I'm up for it."
      So, the five of you, under the canopy of the forest, with the fire still burning, sit. And wait.
  • DeviantArt’s Downfall Is Devastating, Depressing, and Dumb
  • have contrib­uted much to the impoverishment of the French artistic genius, which is already so scarce.

  • [Spoilers Episode 4]
  • A Moment of Recognition

    The 30 minutes of pre-stream chat on Twitch and broadcast were placed upon the shoulders of our dear Alex Jordan and I have to give commendation for his efforts. Not only did he keep up with the chat scroll, but he made the sensible tech support decision when it came to difficulties getting the broadcast audio working properly:
    1) Unplug it
    2) plug it back in

    The little mistakes that happen make the experience visceral (to me at least) and I had a blast. The delay was barely 5 minutes, but poor Alex was already sweating as though he had failed in some spectacular way. I hope the stress of the moment has left him and we can all smile back at a memory of a tough job well done.

  • [Spoilers Episode 3] Action Surge!

    Episodes and other media available on YouTube and Twitch

    Action Surge!

    (YouTube VoD)

    Alternate Frontend VoD

    > Well that was eventful. In a story episode that covered everything from fireside chats to deadly blights and even deadlier letters, join Natural Six as they discuss the evolution of everyone's favourite DMPC Morgan, the challenges of improv, and those DM secrets Harry keeps in his back pocket, just in case! Action Surge is Natural Six's fortnightly post-show debrief, where Dungeon Master Harry and the cast break down their favourite moments, their regrets, and any theories from the Dungeons and Dragons session they've just played, as well as adding their thoughts and hopes for future play.

    RP (Rolly-Poley) Points

    | Alex | Aoife | Ben | Doug | Hollie | | :------ | :------ | :------ | :------ | :------ | | 67 | 139 | 66 | 138 | 97 | | Totals | | 250 | 230 | 209 | 317 | 308 |

    ♪Episode Song References♪

    ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ

    [Spoilers Episode 4]

    Episodes and other media available on YouTube and Twitch

    Episode 4: The Newly Dead

    Last time you began in the aftermath of a landslide. After the chaos of the previous day, the mountain peak, the blight, the death of the Virtuous (all of which happened within a single day) you finally had a chance to rest and take stock of all that had occurred. I found a spot to camp. Dolly confessed 'in all her travels what she experienced on Mt Atria was the first time she'd witnessed something that she couldn't understand'.As the only members of the party not affected by the blight, I took Raidion aside to see whether they could offer the others any help. Raidion shrugged off this suggestion, telling I that 'they were out of their depth and he was only staying with them because they were currently useful to him'. Around the fire, Endellion, Kelnys and Dolly spoke of what had brought them to the Web. Endellion revealing that she had wanted to escape a life she led before. Morgan suggested that (rather than escape) the Web merely offered a different kind of cage. After being pressed by Dolly, he (Morgan) disclosed that he had joined the Web to ensure that he was able to (in his words) "hurt the right people". It was Kelnys' turn to confide next that the Web had killed his family, but he also revealed that his family were not dragonborn. As the party began to rest, Raidion took Dolly aside and thanked her for the gift of the daisy chain bracelet. Taking her into his confidence, he revealed that he had been struggling to sleep, due to a whispering deck of cards that he carries in his pack. Dolly told him 'that when things begin to call out, it is a sign that they possess great power and that power is hard to escape'. As the rest of the party settled down, Endellion and Morgan took first watch. Morgan beginning to scratch the symbols of Ignas from his armor. Endellion questioned him on his loss of faith and Morgan told her that 'having lost so much already, the death of his god had hit him hard'. The pair challenged one another on the nature of faith, choice, and loss before they too finally got some sleep. The next morning you descended, made your way down to the foot of the mountain and to the Festival of Benediction. There you met Polyanna, a junior cleric supervising the construction of a stage. As she fussed and attempted to heal those of the party suffering from the blight, Endellion insisted that you be taken to Jasmee (the cleric that Barabask instructed you to seek out). Polyanna led you through the hubbub of the festival with its traders, musicians and worshippers until you found Jasmee offering instruction to a group of young religious students. Raidion immediately blurted out that the Virtuous were dead and Morgan handed her the letter that Barabask had written. Jasmee read that letter, her expression darkening. She asked if you had been sickened by the blight that now infected the mountain. When you confirmed that you had, she gathered guards and escorted you away from the festival. As the sounds of revelry faded into the distance, you entered a forest glade, far from prying eyes. There Jasmee rounded on you and with a whispered 'I'm sorry' cast Guiding Bolt on Endellion. She called to the guards that you had tried to kill the Antiqua and they, too, leapt into combat. As the fight began, Dolly appealed to Jasmee to stop her attacks, insisting the party had nothing to do with the deaths on the mountain. The cleric seemed in turmoil, stepping back and observing as Morgan roared a battle cry. Endellion added her appeals to Dolly's with little effect. Raidion tried to use Hypnotic Gaze, as per, but Jasmee was angered by his attempts to deceive her with magic. At last Dolly's words seemed to land and Jasmee threw her the letter which Barabask had written. After reading it, Dolly made one final plea for reason and the cleric at last commanded that the guards cease fighting. She cured Dolly, Endellion, Kelnys, and Morgan of the blight and told the party that she would report their deaths back to Barabask. With that she departed, leaving you alone in a forest glade.


    Previous Episode: Oathbreaker

    YouTube VoD

    Alternate Frontend VoD

    [Spoilers Episode 14] Everyone Dies in Barovia

    Episode 14: Everyone Dies in Barovia

    This evening, four heroes venture into the mists of Barovia, bent on revenge. Can they triumph over the most legendary of evils? Foolish Mortal.

    I believe it was founding father, Thomas Jefferson who said: "Nothing can stop a person with the right mental attitude from achieving their goals."

    DM, Strahd von Zarovich - Kate Welch Charna Thunderforged (Dwarf Barbarian) - Kelly Holden Bashar Hjulmek Boldgrip (Dwarf Cleric of Kelemvor (Lord of Death)) - David Epley Marnia (Half-Elf Bard) - Kate Micucci Tollen Loch (Dragonborn Paladin of Pelor) - Matthew Lillard

    You have just managed to get to the part of the road, and swarmed by mist and fog, that will lead you into the fabled darkness that is the land of Barovia. Now, you are all avenging a loved one. This dragonborn, freshly-molted, bagpipe teacher, buys dwarves drinks in bars, knows dwarven song, Named Jean Applebottom. You are on your way through Barovia. The mist gets in your nostrils. Usually it is something that is slowly killing you over time, but you knew you were going into the mists of Barovia. You have prepared a spell and had it cast upon you by a local wizard who has given you resistance to Barovia's evil magic. It has a short duration, so you need to figure out what happened to Jean Applebottom quickly. You are making your way toward the town of Vallaki, or at least where you think this town of Vallaki is. Wandering through these mists, you see shapes. You see what looks like a ghostly wolf run past you, but then it's gone. Spooky as shit, and it's mist everywhere. You feel lost, but then this strain of music starts to float towards you, the sound of rather eerie mandolin coming through the mist. You follow the music and you start to see the outline of caravans, and tents, and a warm fire. You realize that you have come upon a Vistani camp in Barovia.


    • 03:59 The Dwarven Love Song
    • 08:43 The Wheel of Quirks
    • 19:41 Fortune Teller Cards: Beast, Mists, Ghost, and Dark Lord
    • 32:05 Matthew hits everyone else on his team when the DM catches him in a mistake.
    [Spoilers Episode 13] Everyone Dies at the Circus

    Episode 13: Everyone Dies at the Circus

    Our heroes must infiltrate a sinister circus. Will their performances allow them to escape the big top alive? No.

    I believe it was Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoyevsky who said, "To live without hope is to cease to live."

    DM, Leopold the Chihuahua, Hemlock Harper (Dracolich) - Kailey Bray Ferret Farreach (Goliath Warlock) - Charlie Rehor Emra Emerald (Rock Gnome Ranger) - Allison Haislip Theodoric Claarwine (Half-Elf Bard) - Ross Bryant Garnoll Mountainheart (Dwarf Cleric) - Paul Shapiro

    It's an idyllic day here in the lush Umbral Valley. You all have been summoned by Lord McGuffin. He is an odd duck and very worries as his guards usher you into his keep. Looking upon all of you with some stress and a little bit of hesitation. He has summoned you here out of concern for his twin children, who are noticeably absent. Normally they would be here in the halls. "...but the twins, they've appeared to have run away to join the circus. I don't trust the circus people. Not one bit. Actually, it is some sort of macabre something going on and I need a team of charming and brave adventurers to go rescue my children. One small caveat. Sorry to sneak this in there, but the only way really to obtain access without gaining any suspicion would be to infiltrate the circus, and they are holding auditions rather shortly."


    • 03:43 The Ladder of Entertainment:
      • Theater
      • Choir
      • Ventriloquism
      • Improv
      • Mime
      • Circus
    • 07:45 Meta moment about posing as inferior performers.
    • 10:02 "This group of bizarre and twisted harlequins, this insane clown posse, if you will?"
    • 11:31 "I may not understand it, but my kids are gonna love it." (BttF ref)
    • 14:00 "The circus?! I was trained at Julliard." - Leopold
    • 30:28 Scott's Epic Circus Music
    • 37:40 The Bard falls with great dramatic effect.
    [Spoilers Episode 12] Everyone Dies...Again

    Episode 12: Everyone Dies...Again.

    Next! Four heroes are all that stand between the dragon queen's hordes and their beloved city. Can they hold off wave after wave of draconic destruction? No.

    I believe it was the American poet Emily Dickinson who said, "Dying is a wild night and a new road."

    DM - John Ciccolini Tower Armorer - Bill Rehor Amalla (Autumn Eladrin Paladin) - Mica Burton Norty (Goliath Artificer) - Amy Vorpahl Tsogomo Scruggs (Bugbear Cleric of Bahamut) - Kyle Newman William Smallwood (Human Ranger) - Matthew Lillard

    You stand at the top of the Keep of Greenest. Greenest is a provincial town on the Uldoon Trail. All around, billows of smoke fill the sky, as you look down on the town that as been destroyed beneath you. The forces of the Army of the Dragon have surged forward to take the city, and you all have been charged with defending the roof of this tower keep. This 50' diameter, crenelated tower. Below in the keep, is where all the townsfolk have congregated. Those who have survived, and they're depending on you. Okay, so your captain, Captain Homer Lockjaw, comes running up the steps onto the roof. He barks at you, "You best be prepared for a very, very long night of battle. The longer you can stay alive, the better off we'll all be. I suspect forces are coming to aid us. But they may not be here until morning." There are forces all throughout the town. The problem is that there's smoke everywhere. So your visibility is limited, but you can hear them moving about. Captain Lockjaw goes down into that trapdoor. As you're all casting and huddling up, out of the smoke, riders come swooping in to attack. They're riding these dragon-like creatures. You don't think they're dragons, but they have masks that look like dragons on them. They swoop down and attack with spears, and they appear to have military training because they're attacking in coordinated ways that seem to be giving them advantage.


    • 10:20 World Record for fastest TPK
    • 10:45 Bahamut saves the day! But... Each of you have now been resurrected. You're back on the roof, and there's only one change. As each of you were resurrected, there is some little tweak... Norty goes through a "second puberty". William Smallwood becomes Willhelmina and readies an arrow in her bow. Tsogomo's traits (stinky, hairy, contrarian) are slightly amplified Amala gives herself bangs for breaking up with her previous diety, Oberon.
    • 20:10 World Record for fastest Double TPK
    • 21:50 Another rez...
    • 31:52 World Record for fastest Triple TPK
    • 32:50 Level boost to 10!
    • 33:20 Tsogomo is a believer now.
    • 34:08 Willhelmina becomes non-binary.
    • 35:00 Muthafuggin' TIAMAT
    • 36:12 24 to hit...JUST misses
    • 42:50 Last Resort: Summoning Bahamut like a cat in the Ethereal Plane
    [Spoilers Episode 11] Everyone Dies Getting Their Wish

    Episode 11: Everyone Dies Getting Their Wish

    Tonight, wishes do come true, but not always in the way we expect. Will our adventurers realize their hearts' desires? No.

    I believe it was the great poet, Walt Whitman, who said, "Nothing can happen more beautiful than death."

    DM - Justice Ramin Arman A.K. Rowdy (Human Druid) - River Butcher Bard (Gnome Barbarian) - Khary Payton Dr. Gene "Gene 17" Splicer (Harengon Artificer) - Gabriel Hicks Nachasha (Yuan-Ti Monk) - Elisa Teague The Portal - Matthew Lillard

    A host of strange phenomena have begun plaguing a city in Calimshan (which is located in west Faerun). Citizens' wildest dreams have become true overnight. Paupers turned to princes gaining fortunes in an instant. Unlikely pairs falling head over heels in love. Elderly locals made young again and children walking around with unimaginable beasts as their pets. You all have been summoned to the court of Bacrom (a dignitary in Calimshan) to address this threat. You arrive in a palatial court that is aptly named as a congress of birds. You pass hawk-like guards, their beaks as pointed as daggers. It has vaulted ceilings supported by mosaiced columns. Seated on a throne amid them is a blue-feathered aarakocra (a bird folk that looks somewhat like a peacock). His plumage is draped over his own shoulders, creating a royal coat, and his eyelashes are beautiful and outlined with green feathers themselves. A female warrior with russet brown skin, bronze armor, and a tall spear, as well as a scar over her left eye, stands beside him. On the other side stands a genasi, a mage with white hair that seems to blow in the wind at every moment. When you arrive, the warrior stamps their spear, prompting you to introduce yourself. The dignitary looks over each of you and says, "Ah, this will be a great group of adventurers to take care of this threat. Have they told you what's going on? Bring in the baby!" says this peacock and claps his hands and in marches a palanquin carrying a small baby bird. You just see the top of it coming out of the palanquin. "That was my uncle yesterday. He was 103 years old. Does this seem acceptable to you? We just tucked him in last night. Things are getting out of control. I believe there's an evil mage to blame, a saucy sorceror that lurks in these lands named Bill the Bold. Our economy runs rampantly uncontrolled. I have reason to believe there are certain legends in these lands of powerful genies that have the power to grant wishes in an instant. I believe that this mage has bound one of these creatures and I need you to rescue it, to take out this mage, and to stop these phenomena from plaguing our land. Free this noble genie. Would you do this thing for me?"


    • 10:28 The Cauldron of Wishes
    • 36:00 Flashdance
    • 37:45 "Yuan-Ti Sha-sha"
    Ultragramps Ultragramps

    Consider me a consultant and confidant conveying coherent communications.

    "But that won't happen to us, cause it's always been a matter of trust." - William Joel

    The Perfect Spotify (A Tribute)

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