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Just switched back to Linux
  • Aah okay that makes sense. I wouldn't mind the extra space.

    If that's turned off, do you know if the game generates and caches shaders as you play? If so, does that also apply to games run outside of Steam?

    Currently I'm just playing games like Hunt Showdown and Helldivers.

  • Just switched back to Linux
  • Yeah I saw that when I was previously running into this, but wasn't sure if it would leave performance on the table. Also, I'm curious if you could run it once, turn it off so you don't process them again, and if that would be beneficial for subsequent runs of the game even after updates (assuming not since they'd probably be invalidated).

  • Just switched back to Linux

    So after one of my recent comments about if Linux is ready for gaming, I decided to pick-up a new Intel based wifi adapter (old one was broadcom and the drivers on fedora sucked and would drop connection every few minutes).

    So far everything is great! Performance wise I can usually run every game about one tier higher graphically (med -> high) with the same or better performance than on Windows. This is on an rx 5700 and an ultrawide.

    Bazzite is running great as always. Still getting used to the immutability of the system as I usually use Arch btw, but there are obviously workarounds to that.

    Overall I'm still getting used to the Steam "processing vulkan shaders" pretty much every time a game updates, but it's worth it for the extra performance. Now I'm 100% Linux for my gaming between my Steamdeck and PC.

    It looks like we'll soon be welcoming a lot of new Linux users here
  • Performance wise it was better for almost every game I played! I'm more used to Linux because that's what I use at work, but I don't have the greatest Internet connection, so that's why the shader caches suck.

  • It looks like we'll soon be welcoming a lot of new Linux users here
  • I've tried Linux gaming for a good bit but it doesn't seem like it's quite there yet. For the games that worked it was amazing! The only other thing that was annoying was the constant downloading for the shader caches basically every day with steam (yes I know they can be disabled). I was using Bazzite for those wondering.

  • Linux hits 4% on the desktop 🐧📈
  • I was running Bazzite for several months before I switched back to Windows. Unfortunately for me I have a broadcom wifi adapter, it kept disconnecting every 10-15 minutes, and that doesn't bode well for gaming. Outside of that I really enjoyed using it! At least my steamdeck counts towards usage of Linux...

    Edit: also steam having to download pre-cached shaders almost every time I started up my computer was kind of annoying. I know you can disable that, but then you're leaving performance on the table iirc.

  • RTO doesn’t improve company value, but does make employees miserable: Study
  • RTO for the company I work for is under the guise of "culture, vibrance, and collaborative work", but really it's that they own a ton of office space/buildings and invest in said retail office space.

    It also works as a "lay off" without actually firing people because they know people will leave for other jobs that don't have forced RTO.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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