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The Guardian Deletes Bin Laden Letter After It Goes Viral on TikTok
  • I mean, its not inconceivable that both of the two options we usually get have been bought by the same people. Check out publicly available public donations. Most companies donate equally to both American parties.

  • Suicide rates in the US are highest among elderly men, and most involve guns, CDC report says
  • So the choice given to a dying old man faced with watching his "retirement" and healthcare costs drain whatever meager remains of the estate he might leave behind is faced with this choice:

    A) Spend six figures on the various hoops needed to legally kill yourself. B) Spend 40 cents on a really good 9mm cartridge.

    Medically assisted suicide doesn't work in places without public healthcare. You can NEVER be certain that the decision isn't driven by financial concerns, and like ALL HEALTHCARE IN THE US, its really only available to at least marginally wealthy people in the first place.

  • [Louis Rossmann] Piracy is COMPLETELY justified: Louis tries NetFlix and remembers why
  • Except its a LOT easier to get people to not go to the gym than it is to stop them watching TV and movies.

    I think this is why Netflix keeps canceling shows. People stay subscribed for new things, but since their catalog is shit they aren't streaming much else.

  • Israel raids Gaza's Al Shifa Hospital, urges Hamas to surrender
  • So what’s the Alternative?

    Not shooting children in the face. Is that REALLY hard for you to understand?

    Hamas made the hospital into a legitimate target in a war by using it like that.

    Oh? Is Hamas a legitimate state authority now? Doesn't that make the IDF actions a war crime then? I thought they were TERRORISTS which means that this is an enforcement response, not an invasion. You don't get it both ways. Either Hamas are the state of Palestine or they aren't, and they can't make anything a "legitimate target".

    Can’t evacuate, can’t bomb, can’t go in on foot

    They can leave...

    Should Hamas be rewarded for using their most vulnerable civilians as a shield like this?

    Weird argument given that the presence of civilians isn't slowing down the IDF at all. In fact they seem to have a ton of practice at killing civilians in Palestine. Not very good shields are they?

    Since we are proposing questions here, I have one for you:

    Where are civilians in Palestine supposed to go? You seem to think that its OK to slaughter them like pigs for going to a hospital. Where should the IDF NOT be allowed to butcher Palestinian children? Seriously, tell me one place that if an IDF bomb blows a bunch of people apart its a bad thing. Is there ONE SQUARE INCH of Gaza in which the IDF is not allowed to shoot a civilian in the face?

  • Israel raids Gaza's Al Shifa Hospital, urges Hamas to surrender
  • Is Hamas not the slightest bit culpable for using a hospital to stage militant operations?

    Sure, but the difference is that that the IDF is actively murdering with weapons that we are giving them.

    Also, if Hamas is subject to the Geneva convention then they are a legitimate state authority. Are you sure you want to take that position? Because it means that literally everything that Israel is doing in Hamas is a war crime.

  • The truth about Israel 🇮🇱
  • Why? Calling someone a Christian White Supremacist isn't implying that they somehow represent Christianity. It implies that they use their Christianity as a basis for their actions as a white supremacist. It is entirely accurate and appropriate in this context.

  • Man Who Attacked Paul Pelosi Says He Was Radicalized by Gamergate
  • It was Steve Bannon himself engaged in a proof of concept that gamers were a ripe plumb of dissatisfied idle white men just ready to be radicalized by the right wing.

    He learned this from his background and how he got rich in the first place: building World of Warcraft gold farms (seriously).

  • TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion
  • Yeah well, one can be anti-oppression and anti-apartheid as well as anti-terror, anti-killing-civilians, anti-bombing-hospitals, anti-using-civilians-as-shields, anti-hostage-taking and anti-warcrimes.

    Sure, and if you are those things its going to be hard to get enthusiastic about voting for Biden.

  • Israeli troops advance toward Gaza City as the Palestinian death toll rises above 9,000
  • You have pivoted your argument from "this government isn't actually representative of the will of the Israeli people" to "its dangerous to ignore how much more fascist this democratically elected leadership is than the past governments, which were literally made up of the same people." No shit, this government is dangerous, no one is arguing against that. It is ALSO the government that the people of Israeli have chosen, over and over and over again. Israel is a fascist right wing nation because they have chosen to be that.

  • Israeli troops advance toward Gaza City as the Palestinian death toll rises above 9,000
  • It doesn't really make sense to characterize a prime minster that is entering his (approximately) 16th year in office as being some kind of aberration. If the US elected Trump for four non-consecutive terms as president, I think would be fair to characterize the US right wing as being the norm rather than an aberration. How many times does Israel have to put a fascist in charge before they get a share of the blame for what he does in office?

  • Dies for your sins
  • Its funny because memes like this actually kind of require you to believe in God to make sense. Jesus was either made up or some crazy person. He didn't die for our sins so I don't think it makes sense to be pissed off at him or a god that doesn't exist. These whole line of reasoning assumes a believe in god and Jesus and its a super weird fit for an athiest perspective.

  • Lewiston, Maine shootings leave at least 16 dead
  • If only there were 194 other countries out there that don't have this problem. Then we could have somewhere to look and see if maybe having a gun store on every corner is contributing to this problem.

  • Lewiston, Maine shootings leave at least 16 dead
  • Do we really need to change our laws because some lone wolf who clearly had no political positions at all totally did not get weaponized by the media and churned through a system that literally hands guns to the mentally ill?

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