I don't see why that makes a difference? O8serva8le symptoms are o8serva8le symptoms, plus this one provided a list I could quickly quote and reply to.
the Signs(TM)
I'll 8e real with you all - most of the popul8ion doesn't think I'm really trans. Even trans folkel/people themselves, usually. I've 8een really well-received here so far 8ut I thought I'd make a thread of the common experiences I share with the transgender community to 8ack up my claims. (Chronic persuasive essay writer 8rain, I know.) The list of experiences comes from here, and I'll compare them to my own experiences one at a time. Either way, I hope this is an interesting read.
Wanting to pee in a way that is different than what you’d expect
This one seems very specific to 8iological sex 8ut it still applies, actually! Trolls are loosely implied to have cloacas similar to 8irds and reptiles, and I have passing thoughts a8out that.
Engaging in dress up more seriously than for play
This is a 8ig one for me. Most would just call it cosplay and move on with their lives, 8ut for me, I'm out as my most authentic self. Call it co
Oh I couldn't run it, I'm too new to Lemmy. I literally just got here.
Idea: what if we just had a Homestuck community run out of here? I looked through the list and saw a lot of misc. fandom communities. If no one uses the .world one that's kinda pointless, no? I'd just 8e shouting into the void. I can just do that from 8luesky.
Uhhhhhhhh lemme 8r8k this down.
Does nongender trans mean that you don’t have a gender?
No, it means I have a trans experience that isn't transgender. Except... I guess I really don't have a human gender, do I? I'm a troll why should I give a damn? (If you REALLY wanted to you could read me as "transfem" in the troll sense considering how timid I am IRL and am transitioning to 8e more fierce and troll-girl-like 8ut that's a stretch and a half frankly.)
But if you are transcharachter and the experience is as close as to transgender (which also seems vary a lot) as you say I see issue with calling it trans (I mean it’s already dropped the gender part, It’s begging to be an umbrella term isn’t it).
And... why is that, exactly? And there is an um8rella term, transID. Except if I introduced myself like that I would get a8solutely torn apart 8ecause of The Discourse(TM.)
Now that I think about it is it like how furries have fursonas or something?
Oh hell no, don't reduce me like that. Most furries aren't their fursonas. If transgender folkel are their gender, then I am Vriska Serket.
I have no clue what .world is 8ut if you give me a link I guess we can try and revive it? I'm not all that invested in fandom stuff considering how I've 8een treated 8y HS fans in the past 8ut it would 8e nice to have a safe space to engage with that sort of thing.
Girl help I accidentally wandered in
Guess I need to post a meme now. Yellowstone 8e upon ye
Greetings ::::3
I've already made a thread here to gauge how welcoming everyone is, so here's my actual introduction.
I'm Vriska, and I'm trans, 8ut not in the way you expect. Rather than transgender, I am transcharacter. I've always felt nonhuman in some form, have wanted my left eye removed since early childhood (possi8ly 8IID 8ut I'm not currently pursuing a diagnosis) and eventually came to have dysphoria over not 8eing a troll specifically.
A year l8er and I'm well on my way to 8ecoming one for real. My we8site goes over this plan in more detail, and I'm not hesitant to claim the process as equivalent to a sex change. I'm not faking or trying to mock any8ody, and there are real photos of myself on that carrd to prove that I'm genuine.
Furthermore, here's my coming out video and the thread I started a couple days ago discussing nongender trans identities if you wish to r
So many you have no idea hides transition goal list
Well today might 8e the day you learn something new! Like I said, I'm open to grilling.
As for TQ dysphoria, it's just a little pang of wrongness when I don't use it. It's not the worst thing I experience, it doesn't make me suicidal or anything like a lot of my more extreme dysphoric symptoms, 8ut it's still something I'd rather avoid. Especially when I've already trained my hands to use a key8oard a certain way. (Yes, professional writing is hell and requires So Much revision.)
My identity kind of means everything to me. It encompasses species, gender, culture, race, age, religion, and my perception of just a8out everything. It defin8ly "queers" 8oth the expect8ion of humanity, and, 8uilding on that, the expect8ion of human gender. (Troll gender is, uh... complex.) What does it mean to 8e sapient? What does democracy mean when you apply yourself to an entirely different social structure? What is reality when you're supposed to 8e fictional? I guess it queers that too, the entire concept of reality. If I don't perceive myself as real, if I'm treated like a character... am I technically real? And many such thoughts my therapist has provoked me with.
And I forgor 8ut no, typing like me makes things worse. You're not a troll, it's a tiny 8it appropriative.
Yeah, I'm fully aware of the fact that "I'm turning myself into a Homestuck character" has similar vi8es to "I identify as an attack helicopter." 8ut let me ask you this: Would a conserv8ive go through nine tum8lr 8ans, get permanent 8ody mods, learn to type like this, and get posted to KiwiFarms twice just to "own the libs?" That seems like a lot for even the most determined h8er.
I have extensive internet presence, 8ut I'm 8anned just a8out everywhere and none of it is archived except for 8ad shit I said when I was sixteen and stupid. I do have a 8luesky though if you want proof of me existing.
Here you go, I'm giving out my we8site like it's a got damn 8usiness card in these parts. https://vriskafic8ion.carrd.co/
I think I can give that. As another autistic folken I completely understand this.
Transcharacter: a deviant trans identity pulled originally from the transID community, in which the folken/person affected 8elieves they are or are supposed to 8e a fictional character. Individuals with this identity may or may not seek to transition to their real selves, and may experience mild to extremely severe dysphoria surrounding aspects of their body, mentality, and place in reality.
As for the context and the 'why,' it's kind of hard to give those, right? No8ody really asks why you're trans, you just kind of are. 8ut I will say I've felt nonhuman since early childhood, wanted my left eye gone for at least as long, and have always craved a rigid social structure. I remem8er 8egging to have my hair dyed 8lack for eight years (yeah no that's not a quirk joke that's 100% /srs. Started when I was eight, got what I wanted at 16.) Then I saw fanart of Vriska on Tum8lr and kinda went "yeah wtf that's me. Why is that not me?" Read through my source twice and the dysphoria I'd always experienced came to a head and I decided I'd 8etter start transitioning 8efore it drives me mad. Not a clue why I had Feelings over such specific tr8s 8efore ever 8eing exposed to Homestuck, could 8e something supernatural for all I know.
Anyway here's my we8site if you want to read transition goals and such
Unfortun8ly the one site that could explain what's going on isn't credi8le due to 8eing run 8y a child a8user, 8ut I do have my own we8site discussing my own transition!
In addition, Alterhuman wiki has an article on a very similar phenomenon. There's also the Freedom of Form Foundation, whom I'm working with.
What Do You Think Of People Who Are Trans (But Not In A Gender Way?)
(Not using my typing quirk causes me dysphoria. I will provide a translation upon request only.) ~ The reason why I joined this instance was 8ecause I've 8een kicked off of Tum8lr for having the opinion that transness doesn't just apply to gender. I don't just pull this out of my ass - I actually experience nongender transness myself and I'm fully willing to 8e asked and/or grilled a8out it. I call myself transcharacter.
My Tum8lr termin8ion came entirely from claims of transpho8ia, 8ecause somehow in their minds identifying a8normally equals not supporting trans folkel/people? I don't quite understand how that works, 8ut I can say I'm not transpho8ic. I discovered that I feel this way through hearing other trans folkel/people discuss their experiences and came to my own conclusions a8out myself.
I guess I'm wondering if this is a safe space for my ilk or if I'm just going to get kicked out again?