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Looks like someone hit a nerve


All this person did was post a basic criticism of Oliver and now everyone is undeservedly dunking on them for it.

Song of the Week - Killdozer - Das Kapital
“Socialism is only oLd WhItE mEn”

Ran across this video, I initially thought it was a quote from Mao or one of the Kim’s, but when she said that the opposite of capitalism wasn’t socialism or communism, that’s when the alarm bells started going off. Are bourgeois feminists STILL pushing the whole “socialism is for old white men” thing?

Song of the Week - Wendy Carlos and Rachel Elkind - Clockworks (Bloody Elevators)

Wendy Carlos on this track >A favorite sound-painting track of ours, Stanley also liked it, so much so that of all our preliminary music, this is the only cue he ever used. That was for the film’s teaser/trailer, which came out exactly one year before we were summoned to London to commence work in earnest. The sounds are Rachel’s versatile vocals with percussive and brassy synthesizer lines, all quite melodramatic.

The music in the trailer for The Shining:

2 questions about the USSR/Stalin and antisemitism

My 2 questions are:

Is the attached picture true?


What was the deal with what happened to the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and the Night of the Murdered Poets?

Verso Books is actually putting this out this summer
  • THE CLIMATE CRISIS has propelled nuclear energy back into fashion. Its proponents argue we already have the technology of the future and that it only needs perfection and deployment. Nuclear Is Not the Solution demonstrates why this sort of thinking is not only naïve but dangerous.

    Even beyond the horrific implications of meltdown and the intractable problem of waste disposal, nuclear is not practicable on such a large scale. Any appraisal of future energy technology depends on two important parameters: cost and time. Nuclear fails on both counts. It is more costly than its renewable competitors wind and solar. And, importantly given the need for rapid transformation, it is slow. A plant takes a decade to come online. If you include permits and fundraising, this adds another decade. And we should not forget the deep roots it has in the defense industry.

    M. V. Ramana’s powerful book destroys any illusion that nuclear is our answer to climage change, untangling technical arguments into simple and sensible language. Importantly, Nuclear Is Not the Solution also unmasks the powerful groups with vested interests in the maintenance of the status quo, currently working hard to greenwash a spectacularly dirty industry.

  • Roderic Day talking about this site
  • I completely agree with him and would go further to say that this "dirtbag left" shit sense of juvenile humour is past its use-by date. It was funny for a while a couple of years ago. All the jokes are old and it's time to move on.

    New site tagline lol

  • Roderic Day talking about this site

    I don’t really think he knows this site’s culture at all. No one is dissuading people from reading theory lol

    ! !

    This person calls themselves a “historian of Cuba” lol
  • thinking this guy was exaggerating his credentials

    I never once thought he exaggerated his credentials, just that he was calling himself that despite hating a significant part of the country’s history and if he hates that, how much has his work been clouded by it even though he was taught in Cuba. As far as I’m concerned, he’s no better than Ayn Rand.

    It's a mistake to think "if only this person read one more book they'd have better takes."

    Passive aggressive statements won’t get you anywhere. It’s weird people are defending this guy.

  • This person calls themselves a “historian of Cuba” lol
  • Sorry, if you call yourself a historian of Cuba, but you post reactionary, anti-communist takes, than I'd argue your title and credentials have a right to be called into question especially if you defend SOSCuba protesters and bash "tankies" and PSL.

  • This person calls themselves a “historian of Cuba” lol
  • That’s quite literally what he wrote on his twitter page lol

    Despite studying Marxist Historiography, he could have fooled me with the questionable statements he’s made on social media in the past. This isn’t me just bashing him out of the blue. Why are you defending him?

  • AOC snaps at NYC protesters at movie theater demanding she call Israel’s military campaign in Gaza genocide: ‘It’s f—ked up’ (CW: New York Post)
  • Ocasio-Cortez did not directly call Israel’s military action a genocide during a “Meet the Press” interview in late January as she sidestepped a question about whether using the term was going overboard.

    “Some of your colleagues have accused the president of supporting genocide, including Rashida Tlaib. Do you agree with that word, genocide, that the president’s been supporting a genocide, or does that go too far?” host Kristen Welker asked her during the interview.

    Ocasio-Cortez replied that the young people throughout the country were “appalled at the violence and the indiscriminate loss of life.” She cited a recent United Nations’ International Court of Justice decision that stated Israel has a responsibility to prevent a genocide.

    “They are still determining whether it’s a genocide. Do you think that term is responsible given it’s still under investigation?” Welker pressed.

    “I believe that they are. They’re still determining it. But in the interim ruling, the fact that they said there’s a responsibility to prevent it, the fact that this word is even in play, the fact that this word is even in our discourse, I think, demonstrates the mass inhumanity that Gazans are facing,” the congresswoman replied.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Walk_On [he/him]
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